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52740224 No.52740224 [Reply] [Original]

if you hold ICP say something nice about AVAX

if you hold AVAX say something nice about ICP

we are all friends here. i'm tired of all the fighting.

>> No.52740238

AVAX and ICP are both scams. ICP is a centralised shitcoin with instant death tokenomics, and AVAX is a roach vapourware scam. Both claim to have solved the trilemma despite obviously failing to do so in just about every way.

>> No.52740243

Cope cope cope
AVAX is the future of defi

>> No.52740247

What if I hold SOL

>> No.52740272

Also a very obvious scam. Never change /biz/

>> No.52740288
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what is icp? avax has no competitors

>> No.52740351

You're an AVAX baggie trying to cling to ICP, same as >>52734511

>> No.52740366

Both are scam, I own both
Disgusting low effort and not funny meme

>> No.52740422

it is low effort and not meant to be funny yes but it is up to the point :)

>> No.52740431

I hold both.

>> No.52740461

Well, I only hold AVAX, don't even know what ICP is, or as I'm seeing, was

>> No.52740475

Fuck that scam roach chain

>> No.52740479

>Mom I posted it again

>> No.52740499

>12 replies and not a single friendly post
I worked really hard putting this thread together and you fuckers are ruining it

>> No.52740515
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I hold AVAX. The only thing I have nice to say to ICP is nice try throwing out that pathetic CryptoLeaks hit piece. I admire the commitment it takes to be willing to sacrifice the last shred of dignity by co-conspiring with the BSV crowd to try and take down your largest competitor.

We will survive anything you throw at us, its in our nature.

>> No.52740541
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AVAXXeds are obsessed and afraid of ICP. They won't say anything good about it. Why do you think the board has been filled with their shilling and fudding all month long?

>> No.52740551
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>AVAXXeds are obsessed and afraid of ICP. They won't say anything good about it. Why do you think the board has been filled with their shilling and fudding all month long?

>> No.52740564

See? They just can't help it. They are obsessed. If their ghostchain was worth anything they would talk about it instead of trying to fud competitions.
You won't see them discuss their own project because they spend their time flinging shit at ICP to convince themselves that they are good.

>> No.52740597

And Avax doesn't do this to Ethereum? Hypocrites.

>> No.52740618

If you think AVAX's existence threatens Ethereum in any way shape or form you are even more deluded that I initially anticipated.

>> No.52740662

It doesn't and I didn't say it does. I'm saying Avax shills like to FUD Ethereum instead of focusing on their own chain, just like every Ethereum killer.
>initially anticipated
It's my first post? What did you "initially anticipate"?

>> No.52740724

>I'm saying Avax shills like to FUD Ethereum instead of focusing on their own chain
So why are you replying to me when that's exactly what I'm saying in my own post? You even worded it in such a way that makes it sound like is ETH fudding AVAX and not the other way around.
>It's my first post? What did you "initially anticipate"?
AVAXoids delusions about their chain. Did you even bother reading the posts you are replying to?

>> No.52740790

AVAX ICO buyer here, ICP was an amazingly orchestrated scam.
Also takes skill to be as shameless as they were.

>> No.52740798

I might have replied before reading deep enough but ICP does the Eth fudding too so my point stands.

>> No.52740849

>ICP does the Eth fudding
That's simply not true. In fact, ICPtards keep babbling about how ICP is a parallel chain to ETH because that's what Vitalik himself said.
If you are actually trying to equate the random 'ICP makes ETH obsolete' from the desperate stream of roach fud you are, indeed, more deluded that I initially anticipated.

>> No.52741093
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why do icpeople get so upset when i post this guy in their threads? kek

>> No.52741191

Cringe. It’s also in your nature to shit in the street and be poor

>> No.52741208

Don't pretend that you're not a disgusting pajeet

>> No.52742139

Nobody gets upset it's just old and not funny.

Wow you stuck the Dfinity logo over a guy covered in poo, well done, please provide us with some more content that a 6 year old would find funny.

Fucking unfunny retard.

>> No.52742165

I hold both, so I will not say anything friendly.
fuck you

>> No.52742170

>t. seething tranny with a 3 figure buy in price

>> No.52742255
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>xtz id

i hold all 3 lol

>> No.52742278

Avax is a scam and emin is a scammer

>> No.52742280
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Fuck both these networks. Polygon shits on both of them.

>verification not required


>> No.52742567
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>> No.52742717

ICP can't stand the fact that nobody wants to build on that scam chain and everybody realized that by this point. They can't do anything about it rather than making up stuff all over the internet

>> No.52742969
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Cry more baggie!

>> No.52743270

>ICP is a centralized shitcoin with instant death tokenomics
>AVAX is a roach vapourware scam
when the fudder says "scam", you know which one is better

>> No.52743324

icp has an actual use case avax is just a meme

>> No.52743349

>icp has a use
>avax doesnt
lol how is not allowing the entirety of the crypto-sphere; every coin, every chain to scale infinitely NOT useful? Eth? Fixed. Polgyon? Fixed and secured. BTC? Its now capable of being used as a currency as intended if subnetted. And so on and so on. What does ICP do? "I can MAKe a WebSitE MaOM"

>> No.52743362

I only hold AVAX of those two.

Good for you that you seek peace and union in the world, and all that, but for me it is unthinkable to bet on ICP.

Wholesome bait.

>> No.52743388

Theres nothing wrong holding either AVAX or ICP as long as you understand what you have. Looking at the threads of bickering it's clear that a lot of avax holders don't know what ICP does and vice versa.

Actually it's pretty clear nobody knows shit about fuck, even about their own coins, and instead of learning more about both people just decide to make shit up and try and shout the loudest until they think they've proven themselves correct.

>> No.52743470

AVAX shills go crazy over a validator with a centralized CCP asset, thinks anyone would want to give over everything to another layer of centralized actors that can shut the entire network down if they have downtime or wanted to fuck with cryptards.

>> No.52743570

>allowing the entirety of the crypto-sphere; every coin, every chain to scale infinitely NOT useful? Eth? Fixed. Polgyon? Fixed and secured. BTC? Its now capable of being used as a currency as intended if subnetted. And so on and so on

i just dont understand the real world use cases for those either that's why. Maybe NFTs will take off again that's why i own a small stack. I've yet to been redpilled on why we need 5 zillion different L1s

>> No.52743619


>> No.52743896

Alibaba CEO is a fucking idiot in all the sense of the word. Watch his interview with Elon Musk

>> No.52743913

I hold AVAX, idgaf about ICP but AVAX's partners ALBT are a good one, kek.

>> No.52744129

I only hold IcyPee and Plebbit. How fucked am I?

>> No.52744330

Think of it more as there are different VMs/execution environments needed for different things. A lot of the duplicated EVM's avalanche makes obsolete, including ETH itself IMO. But really what avalanche does is it abstracts consensus away from developers. So instead of Solana worry about their shitty broken proof of history crap they could instead run the Solana VM as an avalanche subnet and solve a lot of their downtime and consensus vulnerabilities and just focus on making a really fast parallelized VM. There's bags involved though so this probably won't happen. Therefore you see all these L1s with their own token and a million copies of classical consensus and EVM and they're all bottlenecked by consensus still.

>> No.52744803

stfu fucking jeet

>> No.52744831

I have a good experience with both coins, even though ICP scared me with its Internet Identity Anchor shit.

>> No.52744870

I kind of thought AVAX was cool until they started their shitty subnet nonsense. It's just another side chain bullshit scaling solution which is FAKE AND GAY AND DOESN'T WORK

>> No.52744980

Horizontal scaling is pretty much required with blockchain tech. AVAX, ICP, and Cosmos all got this pretty much right.

>> No.52744995

horizontal scaling is required when you havn't actually solved the trilemma and are a fucking lying scammer

>> No.52745123

You can't solve the trilemma, it's a corollary of the CAP theorem.

>> No.52745261

Avax is the most anti-fragile project, since it’s the only one with devs that will survive a nuclear holocaust.

>> No.52745466

One chain with infinite TPS doesn't make sense. Even in traditional IT everything isn't run off some omni-server kek. Separation of concerns is just good engineering.
The trilemma doesn't have any sort of analytical or mathematical basis unlike the CAP theorem, it's sort of just an intellectual meme in crypto. Snow consensus actually does "solve" this.

>> No.52745505

>The trilemma doesn't have any sort of analytical or mathematical basis unlike the CAP theorem, it's sort of just an intellectual meme in crypto.
The CAP theorem just means that, when links break in a distributed system, you either have to decide to keep it running and accept inconsistent data, or shut it down. Bitcoin accepts inconsistent data, but designates disconnected parts of the network with less hashpower as the losing one. The basic problem still exists in crypto.
>Snow consensus actually does "solve" this.
Do you have any good intro on it or a QRD?

>> No.52745596

I heard about AVAX, but ICP? it's the first time I hear about that coin lmao

>> No.52745852

>retard doesnt understand how the Avalanche Consensus works
Top kek what a Laggard

>> No.52745893

I intend to buy some avax after I buy all the other stuff I want to buy

>> No.52745984

I think ICP will be huge, top 3 market cap, it will look so obvious looking back. Screencap this.

>> No.52745988

I hold ICP and must say that AVAX anons are very energetic and charismatic despite the fact that they are shilling a double spend eth fork created by a subhuman roach

>> No.52746159


Every AVAX shill is retarded and so apparently none of you understand how your chain (or anything else) works either.

disgusting and retarded. your chain has no traffic on it. your shills invade every other coin thread to screech about your shitty ghostchain. You're nearly as a bad as polygon (another infinite side chain scam).

>> No.52746623

Sure but Im just saying those are physical realities whereas the blockchain trilemma is more an observation of the existing systems whenever that phrase was coined. Avalanche doesn't solve the CAP theorem itself obviously.

Essentially it uses subsampling of the network to vote in successive rounds to avoid all to all communication in consensus. It offers a probabilistic guarantee of finality on the current block sort of like bitcoin, however the math works out such that the guarantee probability is 1-e where e is an arbitrary very small number, contrasting to classical consensus which guarantees strictly with a probability of 1 and nakamoto which is a limit function. Once a block is finalized though it's 100% final and irreversible. Essentially what this means is that messaging complexity is only Olog(N) and therefore the number of nodes in the network is decoupled from the performance of the network. Also the way the math works out means that liveness and safety thresholds are decoupled. Currently I believe safety is parametrized to be 80% byzantine. Here's the whitepaper though if you want more details, it's not very long and has all the math: https://assets.website-files.com/5d80307810123f5ffbb34d6e/6009805681b416f34dcae012_Avalanche%20Consensus%20Whitepaper.pdf

>> No.52747034

I don't understand why they want harmony between AVAX and ICP after all the crap ICP has done. Leave the niggers who want to support that shit away from AVAX.

>> No.52747369

>hey just download this uploaded random pdf

i wouldn't download that especially from random upload sites as pdf can contain a virus.

>> No.52748193
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>Afraid of ICP


>> No.52748305

I enjoy it and keep buying. The tech is what we need, internal dns and we hosting all on the icp with a unique identity that I use to authenticate with all the websites and dapps. And this is only a fraction but it's what I care about. Not shilling for it though because I'm still buying and don't need to shill to artificially pump my "bags". Do you have any new ones though? I think I've seen every iteration with this guy and it is getting pretty old now that I think about it.

>> No.52748521
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