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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52738061 No.52738061 [Reply] [Original]

I need a business first desktop setup: programming, sending emails, having lots of tabs open, spreadsheets, note taking, video editing, editing images, making graphics for my website/business.

Should I get a Mac or build a PC? I like MacOS but don’t wanna cuck myself, I might get a $2,000 Mac Studio, got about $150,000 in cash but don’t want to spend more than ~$2,200 on a computer right now.

What do other business owners on here use? Mac is certainly higher status than windows.

>> No.52738071

Mac Studio with Windows boot

>> No.52738078

Well I liked PC used it for years obviously

But I started MAC’in on your fuckin momma. And now she’s basically a computer. I turn her on. Plug shit in her. Hell I even buy that slut some accessories. You ever wonder why your momma gets happy when she goes out?

>> No.52738093

I did the hackintosh PC setup and I like it
All the pros of your own PC and all the pros of macOS too
I wouldn't recommend buying a prebuilt mac no

>> No.52738119

Forget social status because it doesn't correlate to hardware capabilities.

Mac offers an easy workflow, allowing you to navigate some of the more tedious effects of technology without installing a bunch of addons and extentions.

Mac looks to provide this experience rather than offering a large base of options.

For that reason a lot of development-esque fields will use the Mac. Which also means the software is getting constant feedback from users that are familiar with their field of study.

Bugs are prevelant in all tech but you watch apple stuff and it gets fixed much quicker.

BUT apple does lean heavier towards planned-obsolecence. No matter how new your device is it will slow down after 2 years. There may be a fair explanation for this but it doesn't matter if it is the reality.

>> No.52738135

Hackintosh will not be able to run as well as a mac due to the backround threading of the operating system but likely the best option when all the pros and cons are laid out.

>> No.52738144

The pro of a mac is that (theoretically) if you can afford it you get a PC that "just works" and can run normal software and a lot of good creative tools.
Cons are that when shit starts breaking someday you're in for a big repair bill because everything is on one board and encrypted to hell. Not user serviceable or upgradable. PC's right now are dirt cheap compared to Macs of similar spec, whereas a couple years ago that wasn't quite the case.
Overall, you are describing basic computing, except for the editing and graphic design parts. Figure out what programming or editing software you want to use and then figure out what platforms are best supported. That is where you'll notice a difference if there will be one.

>> No.52738153

hey OP got boot up your momma, im 20 out from picking her up for her evening disk defragmentation

disk defragment

More like dis dik

>> No.52738159

Mac is shit and nothing works on it. Just for retards who think it gives them status
>t. IT

>> No.52738162


Desktop is dumb unless you really need the compute power. A MacBook Pro with a few 4K or 1440p monitors is a great setup even for programming. Unless you’re regularly compiling some huge project locally you don’t need a powerful computer to program

>> No.52738176

>all the pros of macOS
there is no such thing

>> No.52738180

i don't give a shit go buy your shitty overpriced malware desktop and fuck off

>> No.52738188

Do you run a business or are you just a wagecuck?

>> No.52738192

there is literally no pro to macOS if you are above room temperature IQ

>> No.52738197

>run a business on facebook
apple truly is for wakandans

>> No.52738210

Look I just want to know what successful entrepreneurs find better, I’m not interested in /g/-tier Asperger shitflinging

>> No.52738222

The fact you use the mac or pc dichotomy indicates you should stay with mac.

>> No.52738224

just shut the fuck up and buy your shitty overpriced hardware nobody here gives a fuck ok? go fuck off back to where you belong

>> No.52738228

are you a nigger? buy a mac. it's that simple
>Verification not required.

>> No.52738236

fucking retard

>> No.52738254

Show me on the SBF doll where the bad man touched you

>> No.52738264
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I have never left my crypto on an exchange, but for this gremlin I'll make an exception

>> No.52738280


>amazing hardware software integration
>unix based OS which is great for a software dev
>computer looks sexy and roasties will like you more

>> No.52738324

>No matter how new your device is it will slow down after 2 years.
You’re thinking of their phones. Their desktop computers can last you 10 years before you need to upgrade. Just refuse the yearly OS “upgrade” because that is 100% of what will slow you down, and 99.9% of the upgrade is just made up of worthless features you’ll never use.

>> No.52738340

I’m still on Mojave by the way. There was zero reason to upgrade to Catalina, and despite all the new versions of macOS since then, there has still been zero reason to upgrade.

>> No.52738729


>> No.52738774

Why retards "MAC"?
Macintosh Apple compuda???
If it's short for Macintosh, it's Mac
If the product is "Mac", you can just type "Mac"
Fkn kek

>> No.52739101

that's what I've heard also - a dj guy buying 4 year old macbook pros, running perfectly fine

>> No.52739107

Install gentoo.

>> No.52739403

SWE here. Have like 6 Apple ShitBooks because my company buys them for me to do Swift development (which sucks by the way) and I still prefer my gaming PC. I've got a dedicated set-up the ShitBooks -- trackpad, keyboard, dock, etc.

>> No.52739429

its just a tool. If your business can be done with certain software then choose the one thats best to run it. If you don't need specialized software then choose what ever your most productive using. Are you more productive in windows or OS X?

>> No.52739441

Except that to keep getting enterprise support, usually you'll have to upgrade. I don't think OP was talking about personal use.
Developper time is always allotted to the latest releases, or at least the LTS ones.

>> No.52739466

Depends whether you need specific software that isn't available on macOS or not. If its just spreadsheet and design workflow, probably go with the mac. Less time messing around with programs not working, stupid updates etc. Time is money after all and you can just write the apple tax off as a business expensive anyway.

>> No.52739473

how'd you learn to do all of that all i can do is post on this shit board ive never even seen a dollar

>> No.52739572

I run 2 businesses on a $60 walmart burner phone. I bought myself a high end PC to "be more productive", but my kids uses it to play gta online 100x more than I ever sit down at it. Whatever tools you need to get the job done.

Good luck bro!

>> No.52739591
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/g is around the corner nerds

>> No.52740326

i've been using a hackintosh for 10+ years now, since the first intel/dev release.

Any time I need to use windows for something quick, I just use Parallels to open it within macOS.

If I need to use it for something more intense, or I want to play vidja games, I just reboot into Windows.

been a decade now, works great.

>> No.52740487

> what is RAM
>what is TENSOR

>> No.52740520


> Mac for work and productivity
> PC for gaming

Sounds like an easy call, you need a Mac

>> No.52740621
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smooth as butter, 4 screen setup, lots of 8k porn

>> No.52741199

Windows to save time for IT.

Their always competent with PC's and not Mac's.

>> No.52741567

Ro ned på runkinga anonsen

>> No.52742017

If you go the PC route get a business class Dell. They are well built and reliable. There are probably billions of them in use today which says a lot about their quality. Repairs and parts are very affordable, not that you'll need them. Dell business PCs just work as they are built to higher specs than consumer grade models. There are two routes to go on the purchase, new or used. Going used can be a great deal as millions of business class Dells are in the used market from constant turnover of PCs in the business world. Great deals can be had for $200 and up on used Dells.
You could also go new. You'll pay a lot more obviously and get less power than used but it will be the latest and greatest, have a longer warranty, will be possibly more future proof depending on your needs. The warranty aspect may be a wash on new vs used as there are major retailers of used Dells that offer warranties too.
Whatever you buy don't buy some low end secretary model. Get an executive model. Be sure to factor in hard drive space, ram, accessories, ect. into the purchase. You want top of the line regardless of manufacture date. A solid executive class Dell tower can easily last a decade or more depending on use case and still be usable and up to date with modern standards

If you choose apple nothing really matters since clearly your choice is more based in trends, past user experience likely as a child and general consumer faggotry. ie. Apples have zero edge over PCs in the business world and cost more than they should as trendiness is part of the purchase. They do work though, albeit with a short life span as they are designed die. They look cool too which is really important when conducting business. Seriously though, if you go with Apple plan to replace the computer no less than every two years. You will stay ahead of the planned obsolescence and keep ahead of the inevitable repairs. If possible just lease one to keep costs fixed while planning for constant upgrades.

>> No.52742058

buy a used intel imac. i bought one for like $900 which is literally cheaper than a 5k monitor.

windows is garbage fucking software, that literally logs keystrokes in spies on you. has ads on the start menu.

>> No.52742118

if you play video games it seems like mac is the better choice so you can’t be tempted by bullshit

>> No.52742236

Used $500 business class Dell with docking station and two giant 4k monitors. Computers are commodities, and even basic ones can do everything you need. spend the money on very nice monitors and high quality peripherals.

>> No.52742380

Nigger you need to run microsoft suite and that’s basically it. You can use a laptop if you want it doesn’t matter. You’re not programming and you’re not gaming and unless you need specific software that only runs on one or the other it literally doesn’t matter

>> No.52742392

Mac of course, only racists use Windows.
Or you are incel than maybe linux or wahtever its called

>> No.52742584

People still treating selling pot to your fellow wagecucks as a real business lmfaoooo

>> No.52742614

Literally go onto eBay and buy any Thinkpad that was made in the last 5 years.
Buy Microsoft 365 for email and all's and a custom domain for like $10 a year.
Easy and cheap. It will cost you less than $700, probably under $50).

>> No.52742628

Pc. Then do a hardware passthrough vm and install osx. Works better than a hackintosh.

>> No.52743405
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>work 2 wfh jobs
>tech sales job on mac
>engineer job on pc

>> No.52743430


>> No.52743637

You're a fucking retard for even considering a mac for anything business related.

>> No.52743651

which person in your family gave you $150k in cash if you can't figure this out eh

>> No.52743678

this guy is probably a low level support desk guy btw, these views are pretty much out of date since the mac vs pc youtube videos.
unless you work in a completely .NET area.

>> No.52743780

Mac if you're running some sort of server for your actual business data, PC otherwise.