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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5273648 No.5273648 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/,

For those that are unaware of this gem, I just wanted to introduce it, as well as talk with other anons about it that are already informed, flesh out what we know, and I'd especially like to hear any good, actual fud that we could work with and dispel, because otherwise this is looking like the easiest semi short-term x5 in the whole crypto space. It's got a market cap of only 12 million, it's currently in an accumulation phase and has found a solid floor of around 3000 sats, on an unknown exchange, they now have an official partnership with the fucking United Nations, working with one state in the US, and as per the recent AMA with Ian Bolina, they also have a working relationship with SAP and are networking with them.

So for those that don't know, this is a decentralized voting platform that is targeting government, both national and local, global institutions, and big business. They aim to revolutionize the voting process into a completely secure, unforgeable manner - bypassing voter fraud and bringing democratic voting to the 21st century. Already have a working platform, and token dynamics are one of the most solid and fair I've come across in crypto.

So what we know so far:

>partnered already with the UN
>working with SAP
>working with a state in America
>in talks with many institutions, announcements soon
>hiring a seasoned CEO (name unannounced) to run the company
>small MC
>stuck on a backwards exchange
>new exchanges in Jan

Sounds to me like easy money! This is the safest bet I know of!

>> No.5273662

Op here, cont.

Recent AMA - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvytGUls_bw [Embed]

Token dynamics - https://medium.com/horizonstate/horizon-state-token-mechanics-104af1dd26bd

UN partnership - https://www.smartcompany.com.au/startupsmart/news-analysis/voting-blockchain-startup-horizon-state-locks-partnership-united-nations-gears-partnerships/



They are currently giving away 20,000 HST as a gift to their fanbase. That's $10k today, and potentially $100k in a year or two.

>> No.5273733
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The token will also be used on the existing mivote infrastructure.

Politically, democracy is quite popular; Every side seems to think the other side cheated, but they can both agree on the necessity for transparent elections with no room for tampering.

>> No.5273851

once they win the binance vote, its game over. I'm not done filling my bags up yet ah

>> No.5273906

One of my favorite coins in crypto, and I can't believe it doesn't get more attention here on /biz/. Easy gains come a bigger exchange listing from this current low price.

>> No.5273925

they won't win tho. other coins are more popular.
and the team doesn't want to pay for the listing.

>> No.5273938

>tfw when you have no more money to diversify with

Fuck, HST has such legitimate opportunity. Hopefully, I pick it up for cheap after POT pumps.

>> No.5273950
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I’m definitely interested in this coin, how does one go about buying it what is the best way?

>> No.5273964

I like them because they don’t hype anything, they let their results speak. Tech, team, and partnerships are all there now we fill bagz and wait

>> No.5273977

Fighting the good fight OP. This is my #2 holding right now with 20k of em, might be the comfiest I've ever been. There's little to no volume on our current exchanges, 10 grand could double the price so get in before a whale or getting added to a proper exchange gets this shit going

>> No.5274034


Kucoin.com - uh, you can use my referral code too, anon =^) - E3lEd3


Team says they will start getting enough revenue to support themselves, so I expect they'll pay for the exchange listings anyways. They know liquidity is important and the Telegram is always yacking on about it.

>> No.5274038

Bought in a while ago but i'm not done accumulating, please refrain from shilling this coin.

>> No.5274052

woah woah woah dont touch my coin boy. still under the radar enough for me to accumulate. still another 3 months before anything significant happens

>> No.5274054

So, I like the idea of an voting coin and do see it potential. But why would this increase alot in value? Don't you want voting to be cheap?

>> No.5274143


Biggest pet peeve is when people say this. In what reality do you live in where products are sold for less than their worth on any sustainable timeline? The coin will trade for as low as it possibly can, that's literally how the free market works.

>> No.5274172

I also wouldn't be surprised with a binance listing in the next month or so. The problem with biz is they will take a gamble on a 2x coin today, end up losing 30% to a whale, then start looking for the next one instead of sitting tight for a month and easily 3-5x their money with no risk.

We all wanna get rich and retire, but stretch your timelines. 2018 will be a big year for comfy holders!

>> No.5274177

also, how much should i hodl in order to make it

>> No.5274207
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>tfw you actually got in on a coin early

>> No.5274231

one HST != 1 vote.

>> No.5274284

What's "making it" to you anon? A lot of people shill coins here that could one day 3-5x, but unless you dumped like $100k into it you'll struggle to retire on one coin. Think of it as a very good investment in an actual PRODUCT, as opposed to a cryptokitty.

>> No.5274308


So the HST team will have a set price for corporations, governments, and NGOs that want to use the platform, and they will then have to buy the tokens on the OPEN MARKETS, thus an increase in price every time they do that.

>> No.5274425
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I hate etherdelta and I would have hundreds of thousands of these, but I am so afraid of ED. It looks horrible, im always out of Gas and afraid that I lose everything by deleting my browser history or something.
Been in crypto since 2016 and dont know what is metamask

>> No.5274431

lambo for democracy

>> No.5274477

Lol what. Are you seriously coming on /biz/ to shill a legit coin? This place only seems to want to eat shitcoins all day, not actually valuable implementations of the blockchain technology.
Biz certainly wouldn't want something that could have use cases in countries worldwide if blockchain really transforms the world in the next 5 years. Imagine the political landscape being moulded using tokens of such value.

No, forget that. Even if we assume that countries somehow all simultaneously don't want to adapt to the Internet 3.0, the private sector is all theirs for the taking. I'd imagine that that would throw the marketcap somewhere in the early billions.

But just imagine the best case scenario. People not only get to choose their elected representatives in a fraud-free manner, but also get to determine the most appropriate course of action for the fate of a public utility in their midst. A separate coin for having a stake in public utilities makes them valuable to the individuals who collectively possess such an entity, and they'd need a voting token to choose the best action for something they'd have a stake in.

Imagine the BILLIONS that will be poured into it from the public, governments, private sector, and speculative investments. This is a long hold. I don't know how long. But I would certainly love to go at least 1000x at some point.

So fuck you for shilling something so earth shattering when I'm not done accumulating yet.

>> No.5274608

I'm trying to buy it but ED is down for maintenance! Where else can I get the coin?!

Is it on binance?

>> No.5274637

kucoin breh

>> No.5274753

well fuck me, if I had read the thread I would have seen this said like 10 times already.

Either way, I'm fucking in on this coin. It looks way too promising. This will definitely be a mid-long hold for me. 2018 looks like it will be interesting and this will really start to take off!

>> No.5274770

>tfw there are people that don't know how much shilling already went into this coin in past
>tfw there are people that didn't hold this coin through token mechanics being dine, UN announcement 4chan shilling, AMA with black crypto nigger

All this just to buy the rumurs and sell the news

>> No.5274883

I've got 50% of my total portfolio in it, and through thick and thin i never once thought about selling. I can gamble in a casino, but I invest in people.

>> No.5274904

>Token Sale ended
>$61,200,000 (1%)

*breathes in*



>> No.5274908


I bloody fucking want to move my 0.3 eth into etherdeltas wallet

I fucking do enter 0.3 and it says me transaction in progress click link to follow it. I fucking click it and it says:
Sorry, we are unable to locate that Transaction Hash

And when I check my Adress it shows some fucking transaction pending from 30 minutes ago which I didnt even do.


>> No.5275053

Hey anon,


I used this guide originally when I bought my HST. You can skip the first few steps as you seem to already have some ETH on there.

Hope this helps!

>> No.5275177

Etherdelta compromized. used Kucoin

>> No.5275221

Holding here. Get on before it blows up guys, once such a low mcap coin starts rolling its not stopping for a while

>> No.5275293



>> No.5275307

My bags are full on HST. I love this opportunity; working product with easy upside coins <30¢ and average fed election costs up to $20 per voter? This is a no-brainer!

>> No.5275349

I remember being this deluded one month ago. It still has zero volume, do you even realize how shilled this was on 4chan during UN announcement? And all it did was fart and then dip to 30c again.

>> No.5275359

youll be sorry :)

>> No.5275473

OK then. Move along if you don't want it. =]

Looking at what they offer, I'm in. If only my buy order will go through. no one wants to sell the coin! haha

>> No.5275636

I looked it up and capslockfag is right

That's not an argument? Can you explain why you are investing in a team that does incredibly poorly at fundraising?

>> No.5275735

so it hasn't been marketed much yet, what's your point? people don't see this as a quick flip and it's not hyped and overvalued instantly.

when all these bullshit high marketcap coins die with no utility things like HST will be left standing with organic growth

>> No.5275852

I'm investing in the tech and the niche market it will fill that no one else is trying right now. It hasn't been marketed, OK. Wow. WHat happens when it is marketed by them? and they're more active in getting their brand out rather than working on their product?

I'd rather see a team more focused on making their tech work properly than how they look.

>> No.5275989

It has been marketed, hence the ICO. They just failed hard at reaching their projected goal.

Ok, I'm opening up a niche market where people can buy blockchain tokens for my shit. No one invested in my ICO because it's a bad project. But it's niche which is more important to you so you'll invest right?

>> No.5276243

You don't have to. If you think I will be holding bags by the end of 2018 then that is your opinion, but definitely not mine.

You can speak in hypothetical and use that to parallel but that still doesn't mean anything. I see this coin being used for a lot of things in the future and it's only going to go up from here. If you don't agree with that, that's OK. You don't have to buy it. I did. I'll unload my bags on you in 2019 when you are still reeling from the 2018 FOMO.

>> No.5276392

Right now this is the only coin keeping me green and happy. I know with everything else going on, the tech this token introduces already has so much value.
I just saw a confirmation Mivote is already running with HST, with 10 candidates, this will go viral and get huge exposure very soon. Get in now.