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File: 498 KB, 1942x1092, Screen Shot 2022-12-04 at 9.03.14 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52736436 No.52736436 [Reply] [Original]

Wait, I thought the white collar bubble was really starting to kickoff so I googled american college enrollment and it acutally looks like it declined since 2010. What the actual fuck is going on?
I'm a graduate student and noticed so many roasties, staceys, etc in college thinking were at the top for white collar jobs but statistics state otherwise. College enrollment has been on the decline...
So I guess the opposite of a college bubble is a decline in educated americans making us weak against other countries. Instead of a educated bubble, am I someone correct in saying America is having the opposite problem based on this metric?
anons give some thoughts

>> No.52736457

tinder came out. you aint going to college to get pussy no more. only you get is MeToo'd

>> No.52736465

you go to college to get educated you nigger monkey

>> No.52736475

declinging demographics. less people to enroll. simple as.

>> No.52736528
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>> No.52736540

credentialed* ftfy

>> No.52736543

wtf kind of time scale is this

>> No.52736544

>People are wise to the student loan scam
>Zoomers saw their older siblings get worthless degrees and make no money
>Universities get increasingly pozzed and teach gender's a spectrum and White people should apologize for existing
>Colleges jacking up tuition for learning shit you can learn for free online
>Graduate students get paid poverty wages because cucks like you enable them

I'm shocked college enrollment didn't drop much more than that.

>> No.52736546

The graph ends at 2020, covid happened. The "Unconfirmed projection" for 2021 and 2022 the numbers have went up. Get something more current and not around covid time.

>> No.52736555

For a real answer: all the people that enrolled in 2010 and graduated in 2014 went into a job market that had far too high standards for what the pay was. Pay barely got you anything and job descriptions all wanted 5+ years experience or a masters for an entry level job. The jig is up and no one wants to go into mountains of debt to get a miserable job that won't even pay them enough to trhive.

>> No.52736561
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>make college needlessly expensive for four decades so kids have to borrow money from banks and the government
>be told higher education leads to a job except in the instance of facing one recession after the next
>millennials hold the least amount of wealth despite being the most educated generation
>zoomers move onto freelance and Internet work because it pays better and requires less skills than traditional jobs

Gee, wonder why it be dipping?

>> No.52736575
File: 250 KB, 1432x1520, Screen Shot 2022-12-04 at 9.21.01 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its still not going parabolic indicating no bubble yet and still less than 2010. See pic related

>> No.52736577

HA, look at all those people that thought they'd get that debt forgiveness! It's gonna be bad for them when they get out in a few years.

>> No.52736588

youre basically saying going to college is siding with the jews at the current moment. Thats good for those in college


>> No.52736793


>2014: Can't forgive your loans yet, Republicans have Congress.
>2017: Can't forgive your loans yet, it's Orange Man's fault.
>2022: Oh, you were so close. We really wanted to forgive your loans this time, but got shut down right after midterms. I guess you didn't vote Democrat hard enough. Better luck next time!

Imagine considering yourself smart and falling for this so many times.

>> No.52736916
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>prices higher than ever
>people going are actually going down
>colleges try to jew people charging full price for online courses
>interest rates going up
>zoomer pussy not so great
>jobs available after college not pay good
The entire system is collapsing on itself.

>> No.52736938
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You don't do either of these, most places don't give a fuck if you have a degree. TS/SCI is more important. It's all a scam. The worst scam of all is telling people to focus on their studies instead of getting laid as much as possible.

>> No.52736951

I think my art school made me dumber.

>> No.52737043

Wow, I cant wait to learn about how whitey racist while my English teacher cries about poor hecking beanerinos being deported. I'm gonna be so smart when I get my degree and know so many intelligent things.

>> No.52737062

this pic kinda makes me want to get my masters f

>> No.52738692

you will die poor

>> No.52738761

College has been a fucking scam ever since boomers started pushing to "go 2 college" meme. The course loads have gotten needlessly heavier, the quality of education has gotten WORSE . As a man, literally the ONLY reason to be there is to fuck young girls and you can't even do that without rolling the dice on some THEY/THEM arthoe ruining your entire life.

Even if you bust your ass get a degree there's a good chance a diversity hire w*man , who only partied and sucked cock that entire time, takes your coushy STEM job. Uni is a fucking joke.

>> No.52738775

>spend enough money to buy a home on shitty classes where some longnose tells you to hate your own race


>> No.52738821

Turns out small private colleges charging $50k/semester for liberal art degrees with 0 return on investment wasn't sustainable

>> No.52739716
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>> No.52739861
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When you get educated you'll realize what the purpose of college is. College is for signaling, for credentials, for networking.

Colleges give the education away for free - you can walk into a class and listen in. Students want to get as little of it as possible - they don't walk into class if they can help it. That's because education isn't what's being sold at college. The part you pay for and the part everyone cares about is the credential.

It's all a giant status race, which is why it's so bad that it's state-sponsored. Employers need a way to identify that you're in the upper 50% in conscientiousness, that you'll stick to a task for three years, so they ask if you have a degree. So everyone rushes to university, and university makes the degrees more expensive to pay for therapists and gold plated sports teams. Which makes the product worse, since the whole point is to prove that you can stick to it for three years without a therapist. So now you have to stay for 5 years instead of 3 because paying $100k has ensured that too many lazy retards are have the 3y credential. And so on until everyone is spending their entire youth signaling that they're more dedicated than their peers before they can get a job. Thanks obama

>> No.52741250 [DELETED] 

I already have a degree, seething collegecuck incel.

>> No.52741362
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>The worst scam of all is telling people to focus on their studies instead of getting laid as much as possible.

This. I fell for the ""sigma grind"" meme and passed at a chance to bang a QT prime nerdy asian girl in uni.

I'll never get another opportunity. That was like stumbling across a million dollars and just walking away from it.. Now im going to die an incel.