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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52734221 No.52734221 [Reply] [Original]

They're practically being named now, it's getting interesting.

>> No.52734252

stop being antisemitic goy

>> No.52734253

piss off to /pol/ jidf. the jq and how and why it is being taboo was fun when it was taboo. now its mainstream. Keep wearing the gay fawks mask, israel is real, deal with it.

>> No.52734277

This, leave the poor kid alone. He was in over his head and he messed up, big whoop. I have never seen a major CEO like Sam come out and admit he fucked up, takes real balls to do that. I believe the kid.

>> No.52734293
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>> No.52734299

The people spamming DA JOOS are useful idiots. The “I’m not a winner because of the international Jewish conspiracy” meme became reality

>> No.52734311


>> No.52734315

Oh Lex Luthor, didn't you hear? He's sorry.

>> No.52734334

>jews running the world is now mainstream information
>therefore le edgy 4channers are no longer to believe it bc we might be "normie"
I hope you step on an IED you fucking curly haired nigger

>> No.52734375 [DELETED] 
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cope with your predicament kike, you always overplay your hand because of your arrogance.

>> No.52734381

Caroline unironically chose him, seduced him and used him as the jewest jew to be the fall man of a multibillion dollar fraud just to meme and rub it in the goyim's face.

She's literally one of us.

>> No.52734383

Neither OP or the CEO of Coinbase said anything like that. Kind of interesting that's where your mind instantly went. Almost like we are all kind of thinking it, weird.

>> No.52734392

>The people spamming DA JOOS are useful idiots.
good - we need more useful idiots.

>> No.52734393

Its not bizarre when you know the answer to the jq>>52734252

>> No.52734410
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gen memory is strong in this one ->
>it's funny cuz it's a german shepherd

>> No.52734412


Point in case, anyone who disagrees with the same old regurgitated dribble is either a traitor or a coconspirator in the Protocols. Come up with an actionable plan for improving your life instead of waiting on the Fourth Reich to give you a waifu and lift you out of your misery

>> No.52734431

Oy vey

>> No.52734434

>anyone who disagrees with the same old regurgitated dribble
Surely you mean several decades of state sanctioned support for Israel paid for by tax payers who don't know any better
>Come up with an actionable plan for improving your life
My life is great, yours is cursed because you are a kike. Enjoy hell

>> No.52734437

fuck off libfag, the guy literally committed fraud, kys

>> No.52734456
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>Come up with an actionable plan
Just did, you don't have to do anything but name them in public. Their position is that precarious.

>> No.52734463

>all cexchanges self attest solvency
>b-but muh joos
the jews yes but this seems like a distraction to make us goyim forget about the fact that no cex is solvent

>> No.52734467


Neocon Evangelists supporting the homeland of the people who killed their brown guy in a stick isn’t really that surprising. Neither is the USS Liberty. You think you’re intelligent but you’re not. I’d suggest reading a book or even Googling “nepotism” to garner a greater understanding of what’s actually going on
>t. Whiter than you

>> No.52734493

Publicly point out how much influence they have and see how long you have a bank account.

They really do move like that.
It’s a group effort but they don’t all know each other.
It’s just how they collectively respond
It’s cultural

>> No.52734512

Crypto is unregulated. Nothing SBF did is against the law.

>> No.52734535

Scam people of a couple thousand and you can get killed and you can end up hounded by glowniggers and police. Even attacking your family and relatives.

Scam goyim out of billions and kikes will applaud you and parade you around to show off your status as a free man.

>> No.52734580

What will convince you of solvency of any given cex?

>> No.52734674

I moved all my funds from Coinbase to my ledger last night, so now I no longer feel I will jinx myself when I say that I really do think Coinbase is solid and solvent. Brian is way too smart to scam himself out of the golden, legal goose he has, same as CZ. Both these gentlemen seem to have understood that if the DON’T scam as much as they can all the time, then ten years down the road they will be richer than all the scammers AND they will not be on the run from the law.

>> No.52734769

Is there anything about the jq you dont know already or have read and thought about for years? Of you are still concerned with the jewish question, maybe its time to start a social media personality and talk about it grifting off the hype

>> No.52734804
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i'm in this thread right now to tell you that the real organization parsing all this data is called Shin Bet and saying JIDF and MOSSAD is a false-term. It stops the scrutiny at mere surface level. The real officers are Shin Bet and beyond.

>> No.52734806

yes it is crypto doesn't need regulations for fraud to become illegal its just plain illegal in every industry

>> No.52734840

there's a special place in hell for every faggot who argues truth is a function of novelty

>> No.52734858

> Crypto is unregulated. Nothing SBF did is against the law
Absolutely not true. Fraud is fraud and it doesn’t matter if it involves pigs, cryptos or stocks. If we agree you keep my pigs in your sty, but you turn around and sell them in violation of our agreement and then lie to me and tell me you haven’t sold my pigs, that’s fraud and the same applies if it’s Bitcoin or Tesla shares. Now, if it’s shares, then /additional/ regulation applies that probably does not apply to crypto, but not having that regulation for crypto doesn’t absolve anyone of fraud.

>> No.52734895
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>> No.52734920

>Crypto is unregulated
political donations aren't

>> No.52734932

It's not fraud. Crypto is not regulated as a security. The laws governing security exchanges don't apply.

>If we agree you keep my pigs in your sty.
That's not what happened. You let SBF hold your crypto. There are no laws regarding what he can or can't do with that crypto once he is in possession of it. No law says he can't use it as collateral, or lend it out. Not your keys, not your crypto.

>> No.52734972

We can't arrest a fellow tribesman. That would be like a second Holocaust

>> No.52735095

noooo youre meant to want more government involvement youll never be safe until the government is looking after you noooooooo

>> No.52735107
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>calling others jidf
i have bitten the bait

>> No.52735116

id like to see the specific law that says i cant resell your pigs either

>> No.52735136
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top tier

>> No.52735165

>can't refute anything I said
>resorts to insulting my intelligence and claiming to be white
Seethe kike

>> No.52735181

I’m very concerned indeed with the jq, but from the opposite direction. Believe it or not but I do empathize, but even if you don’t believe it, from a purely selfish perspective I think living through a genocide is about the least comfy experience I can imagine, even if I’m on the exterminating side.
Please, I beg of you. Enough with the “chutzpa”! Don’t provoke my fellow whites (this time joined by africans, asians, south americans, you name it) into anudda shoa, it’s not worth it, most of you won’t end up on top! You’ve got a good thing going, and you’re at the brink of being accepted beyond the point of return if you don’t fuck it up. Just relent. Yield a little. I know historically that has been a terrible idea, but it’s unironically different this time. You have a chance.

>> No.52735242


>> No.52735265
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>> No.52735274

jesus you guys are on overdrive.

>> No.52735292

>the right to possess a thing is separate and distinct from owning the thing.
basically, it wasn't sams crypto, even if he had the keys
are you going to suggest that you cant legally own crypto now?

>> No.52735372

>israel is real
A country SO REAL in fact that its own name must assert this fact as to cast all doubt for whatever reason.

>> No.52735429

>It’s cultural
if they're black it's a gang, if they're Italian it's a mafia but if they're Jewish it's a coincidence and you should never speak about it.

>> No.52735443

Are you retarded? Crypto exchanges are not regulated as bailments. That's the fucking point.

>> No.52735444

>It's amazing
It's literally not. The governments core competency is propagating injustice, not solving it.

>> No.52735565

are you retarded? its still theft, thats the fucking point

>> No.52735679

No, it isn't. Not your keys, not your crypto. Simple as. Maybe someday they will be regulated as securities, but not today.

>> No.52735737
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trying to save the world here goy, do you mind?

>> No.52735770

>t. Bankman-Fried

>> No.52735862

This. I'm tired of losers blaming random Jews for their own lack of self-action. I make far more money than the average Jewish person does, am I supposed to have some sort of victim complex too? It's no different from blacks blaming whites for everything wrong with their communities.

>> No.52735934

If I hand you the key to my bank safe deposit box, for safekeeping in yet another safe deposit box in your bank, you are not allowed to run over to my first bank, take out all my gold and jewelry and pawn it, and then pretend like you didn’t just do that. This has nothing to do with securities.

>> No.52735950

cool it, bigots

>> No.52735961

There are laws governing safe deposit boxes, numbnuts. Crypto is unregulated. Nothing says what an exchange can or can't do with the crypto in its possession.

>> No.52735979

Do people really fall for ironic bait lol. You are the newfag.

>> No.52736144

Nothing. Fuck counterparty risk.

>> No.52736189

Laws govern crypto too. Unregulated doesnt mean beyond the law.

>> No.52736256

>be kerpeles, a jew (mt gox)
>no prison
>be mishinsky, a jew (celsius)
>no prison
>be sbf, a jew (ftx)
>no prison
>be kwon do, korean (luna)
>be kumbhani, an indian (bitconnect)
>be russian guy who developed tornado cash
>in jail
>be maker dao founder, body washed on a beach a day after he said they were out to get him
>the media says there was no foul play in his death
But hey it's a coincidence, an AI can drive a car from new york to los angeles with a smaller dataset

>> No.52736322

you forgot vinnik. he did nothing wrong and got the assange treatment

>> No.52736331

It means there is no US law dictating how an exchange must treat client 'deposits'. Securities brokers are subject to a whole raft of regulations that protect the client from having their funds appropriated. There is nothing protecting 'your' funds on Kucoin, etc. Use at your own risk.

>> No.52736338

your days are over
better start praying (to astarte-moloch)

>> No.52736398

If I were to list all the (((coincidences))) we'll still be here tomorrow, but hey it's antisemitic to say these things

>> No.52736427

eitherway, it doesnt matter. crypto had three mtgox tier events in 7 months and its still working. the magic of distributed ledgers

>> No.52736483

That is why coinbase is interesting by the way. It is regulated by the sec since its a stawk. It is also a regulated entity in the UK, each of the US states, Japan, Germany etc. Coinbase has to provide and file audited accounts in multiple jurisdictions. Just the years needed by any competitor to catch up with coinbase in this is massive and coinbase is not primarily a retail business any more. It is aiming to be the global clearing house for DLT issued securities and tokens like BMNY is for the NYSE. Yet you are all investing in ICP and animal coins.

>> No.52736487

I've noticed a distinct lack of people actually laying out *what* actual laws he'd be guilty of breaking--any anons here have a take on this?

>> No.52736521

So, are the feds really going to ignore all his obvious crimes and never arrest him? I thought that, since he's a dem donor and jew, they'd get him off some way, but I didn't expect them to be this brazen with their corruption. They're not even bothering with pretending to be ethical.

>> No.52736536

After Floyd and covid they know people are just retarded so why bother? the few who say anything are censored

>> No.52736537

Well depends on which jurisdiction US where they did have a legal entity as a satellite of teh Bahamas or the Bahamas. Fraud has a fairly broad definition and is of course illegal in both juristictions "In law, fraud is intentional deception to secure unfair or unlawful gain, or to deprive a victim of a legal right. ". He has definitely " fraud is intentional deception to secure unfair or unlawful gain" because he was selling and orchestrating the trade of a token while deceitfully manipulating its price. On that he is a crook. That simple. If he had disclosed what he was doing to people buying FTX tokens or his staff for example then they would not have seen it as having the value. By not doing so he committed fraud. Does not matter if they were for example beans and he lied and said these are magic beans and will grow a beanstalk but they were not. In the same manner he withheld vital information with the intent of gain. Fraud. Crime.

>> No.52736554
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>country is called Israel
>it isn't even real

>> No.52736556

Keep crying, Moshe.
We are coming for you.

>> No.52736557

/biz/ is also run as a fraudulent scam as well though see the facilitating of gme and animal coins, icp etc etc.

>> No.52736558

No US law says you cannot manipulate the price of a crypto token. Such laws only apply to securities and other regulated financial instruments.

>> No.52736586

An antisemitic frog poster, how original

>> No.52736589

Nothing to do which the 'thing' that acts as an instriument of fraud. I like to explain it as being a bean. If the seller says it is a magic bean and it is not that is fraud. If the seller knows it is a rotten bean and sells it as a good bean it is frauid. As he was manipulating the price and not disclosing FTX was a rotten bean and he was " intentional deception to secure unfair or unlawful gain" and he goes to jail proportion al to the scale and number of people effected ,see Bernie Madhoff so the rest of his life really. There are also specific laws against ponzi which could be applied to him aside from simple fraud.

>> No.52736590


You guys are retarded if you think he goes to jail. This guy has ((connections)) at the very top of the WEF who are telling FBI to back off and leave him alone.

Why do you think our justice systems or politicians would do anything about this? They're partners with SBF. They have nothing to gain, and if they back SBF into a corner he could just leak shit that makes them look awful.

>> No.52736597


>> No.52736608

The stock will go lower though. They have spent a lot of work to appease regulators but it would be labor theory of value fallacy to assume that they'll have a massively profitable business.
Unless they become a bank or similar.

>> No.52736614

>also specific laws against ponzi

>> No.52736620

"INTENTIONAL deception"--could he not lean into the "hopelessly incompetent" + terrible trader narrative to counter this?

>> No.52736629

>The stock will go lower though. They have spent a lot of work to appease regulators but it would be labor theory of value fallacy to assume that they'll have a massively profitable business.
>Unless they become a bank or similar.
\The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation, commonly known as BNY Mellon, is an American investment banking services holding company headquartered in New York City. BNY Mellon was formed from the merger of The Bank of New York and the Mellon Financial Corporation in 2007. It is the world's largest custodian bank and securities services company, with $2.4 trillion in assets under management and $46.7 trillion in assets under custody as of the second quarter of 2021. It is considered a systemically important bank by the Financial Stability Board. BNY Mellon is incorporated in Delaware.

>> No.52736634

I'm not saying they can't nail him on some technicality, but there is no obvious law that he broke. He never promised magic beans. He promised leverage trading, which means the assets are on the balance sheet. The Feds will have to go through the fine print and find a significant discrepancy.

>> No.52736645

What does this ChatGPT response contribute? Coinbase is not BNY Mellon and will not be.

>> No.52736649

He looks like SBF with no hair lol

>> No.52736651

No. Being stupid is not a criminal defense and his known only to him fund transfer mechanism he hid even from his own staff blows him up anyway.

>> No.52736653


what a skinhead nazi

>> No.52736654

how funny is it that this is happening concurrently with with Kanye. God is hilarious 4 this one.

>> No.52736662

STFU Sam you simp. Carol is ass ugly bro how could you?

>> No.52736668

>Coinbase is not BNY Mellon and will not be.
O it will. You thought they cared about retail? Good luck (you)

>> No.52736674

How? BNY Mellon itself has branched into Bitcoin and so has Fidelity.

>> No.52736678

goyim waking up

>> No.52736681

kek wills it

>> No.52736684
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Get away Rabbi.

>> No.52736687

>How? BNY Mellon itself has branched into Bitcoin and so has Fidelity.
Yeah, coinbase holds the wallets for them. People like you are too stupid for me to waste my time with.

>> No.52736718

You are way out of your depth here. Both have their own custody and neither use Coinbase.

>> No.52736823

Wrong. I wish this board had anyone left who has fucking clue on it.

>> No.52736889

O and Grayscale discussing its balance sheet, as the fund manager noted that “all digital assets that underlie Grayscale’s digital asset products are stored under the custody of Coinbase Custody Trust Company.

>> No.52736995


>> No.52737160

>there is no obvious law that he broke. He never promised magic beans.
There may not be a law that he broke, but he broke his own terms and conditions, which explicitly said user funds would not be loaned out. No? Surely that counts as offering a fraudulent service.

>> No.52737162

>israel is real
fuck off, kike

>> No.52737198

On the surface, sure. But there are all sorts of loopholes in the legalese. Then there is the issue of intention. White collar crime is notoriously difficult to prosecute, mainly because white collar criminals write most of the laws.

>> No.52737386

They'll try to reshape the story so that he didn't loan users funds out what he actually did was transpose existing capital through a process known as blah blah blah.

>> No.52737387


>> No.52737497

>Crypto is not regulated as a security.
it is in some countries FTX was involved with

>> No.52737522

Let them fight.

>> No.52737575
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fucking kek gr8 b8

>> No.52737579
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>> No.52738418
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WOW I wonder why he isn't being arrested? (sarcasm). Anyone here still not know (((why)))?? Take a good long look normie.

>> No.52739200

>Murder is unregulated, therefore John Wayne Gacy did nothing wrong
What kind of small hatted logic is this.

>> No.52739209

>the CEO os the biggest or second biggest crypto exchange
>not a winner

>> No.52739268

Why would you defend a guy who fucked over so many people unless you're him or evil and gay yourself.

>> No.52739411
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In fact he was altruistic, his goal was to use all that fraudulent money for the greater good. You better believe it goyim.

>> No.52739431
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hey the faggot o'leary posts here lmao neat

>> No.52739624

>ccrypto is unregulated so you can steal it from people
fucking brainlet

>> No.52739657

Good. I won’t stop until Goblin Weasel and her fat troll bf are turned into lampshades

>> No.52739715

Wtf is Brian feeling suicidal? Surely he knows right?

>> No.52740026

I think at this point almost everyone who isn't a boomer (under 50 more or less) is redpilled about the JQ but not overtly saying it.
Times will be very interesting when boomers slowly die/become too senile to exercise.

>> No.52740040

Stop thinking, experts agree thinking is a bad idea - MSM

Are you some kind of idiot who thinks? Science says not to and listen to media

>> No.52740126

He was so close to saving the world but made one little mistake. Let's forgive him but again if you make a 500 dollar mistake in your favor your life is over.

>> No.52740181
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>> No.52740205

SBF already apologized. Its time to forgive and move on

>> No.52740276

a faggot complaining about frog posters, how original

>> No.52740370

>hurr muh joooooos

>> No.52741459
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Ye already named you, these tricks won't work anymore

>> No.52741555

>truth is a function of novelty
so you failed programming and philosophy?

>> No.52741614

Patagonia is their post-collapse hideout.

>> No.52741773

>It's not fraud. Crypto is not regulated as a security
doesn't need to be a security to be fraud. in the ftx term of services it explicitly said customer funds would not be lent out

"Fraud is the kind of criminal charge that can put you behind bars for life. With Bankman-Fried, the question is whether he misled FTX customers to believe their money was available, and not being used as collateral for loans or for other purposes, according to Renato Mariotti, a former federal prosecutor and trial attorney who has represented clients in derivative-related claims and securities class actions.

“It sure looks like there’s a chargeable fraud case here,” said Mariotti. “If I represented Mr. Bankman-Fried, I would tell him he should be very concerned about prison time. That it should be an overriding concern for him.”"

>> No.52741798

FTX terms of service:
"You control the Digital Assets held in your Account," says Section 8.2 of the terms. "Title to your Digital Assets shall at all times remain with you and shall not transfer to FTX Trading."
The terms continue: "None of the Digital Assets in your Account are the property of, or shall or may be loaned to, FTX Trading; FTX Trading does not represent or treat Digital Assets in User’s Accounts as belonging to FTX Trading."


>> No.52743397

>the kid
and kek'd

>> No.52743432

You can't convince me this isn't a bot post