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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52733650 No.52733650 [Reply] [Original]

why isn't there a wanted warrent after him?
No hitman calls?

what the fuck is this shit, Dokwon is on interpol's list while this jew roams the streets

>> No.52733662

The only real reason would be the donations to political parties, I guess

>> No.52733665

he's just a kid that made a mistake, cut him some slack

>> No.52733671


>> No.52733766

No one cares about this kike.

Literally a tale as old as time. Jew doing jewing.

If you got jewed by this Jew. Tough he is going to get away with it, as he is a Jew. You learn you don't trust the Jews.

>> No.52733800

Criminals not fearing for their lives is just proof we live in unjust times.

>> No.52733801

>The only real reason would be the donations to political parties, I guess
Beside of that, I don't know.

Also I'm amazed that nobody is hunting for him in Minecraft.

>> No.52733813

Because he stole all the money you would pay the minecrafters with

>> No.52733847

Dokwon left with the bags while saying everything is okay
SBF apologized and stayed there
There is not even a speck of comparison

>> No.52733855
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>> No.52733866

Because all you faggots are asking why instead of doing it that’s why crypto bros are getting robbed and killed stop being pussies and do it

>> No.52733898

>be me
>go all in on ftt (post collapse obviously)
>post about it to my bros
>jan jan ban ban
>realize im in a cult
>sell and buy a real shittoken

>> No.52733937

Elizabeth Holmes is still free 7 years after being exposed as a fraud, and she actually killed people. The criminal justice system moves very slowly.

>> No.52733949

Well, Takewondo isn't a very jewish name, is it?

>> No.52733982

>say everything is fine and lie about liquidity while embezzling and gambling with billions in user funds
>but he said sorry so it's cool
neck yourself kike

>> No.52734173
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>Good Evening 47, your Destination is the FTX Office in the Bahamas. Your targets are Sam Bankman Fried, disgraced Cryptocurrency Exchange owner laundering Funds for the Deep State and his Partner Caroline Ellison, former Quant at Alameda.
>An Iconic power couple in the global Crypto scene and two of the most greedy scammers in the world. Bankman-Fried and Ellison are in fact the biggest Donors of the Democratic Party and the Joe Biden Regime. They were laundering money for the cartels, for the Ukrainian Regime and many others wrecking havoc all over the Globe while enriching themselves with User funds, their Rugpull caused Bitcoin and other Cryptos to plummet and many seek Justice because those still havent recovered.
>Right now Sam is the focus of everyones attention, but despite his posturing, hes merely the Moneyman. The real Target is Caroline Ellison, she is a master manipulator and the true Brains behind the Alameda and FTX collapse. Our Client also known as /biz/ wishes that these Scammers are brought to Justice and to make it gruesome and messy, they pay extra if they suffer, I leave you to prepare 47

>> No.52734189
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He belongs in jail

>> No.52734355

Why would you do that?

>> No.52734397

He made me a small fortune with Solana though. I just knew not to stick around

>> No.52734404
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>> No.52734416

im desparate for a 10x before eoy. but have since let go of the idea.

>> No.52735028

Cut him from ear to ear

>> No.52735519

didnt know feds hire before hitting puberty. Control your emotions its a little too edgy try hard

>> No.52735554
File: 2.84 MB, 256x138, FB380E93-5BC6-4623-BFE6-BBF79167D716.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Payout is pretty hefty. Interdasting. I might have a looksy

>> No.52735567

>jew roams the streets
you already know the answer

>> No.52735603
File: 86 KB, 500x500, weowndastreetz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Helloo? Who do you think owns the streets?

>> No.52735622

you schitzos aren't very smart, muh glowies is a good coping mechanism though to distract from the fact you won't do anything however

>> No.52735721

>Why don't people enforce justice
Only the morally perfect government can determine if he needs to be held accountable.

>> No.52735965

cia plant

>> No.52736065
File: 25 KB, 105x120, SBF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked. Why don't you calm down, with a nice poisoned app- I mean, regular apple?

>> No.52736211

Stayed there? You mean he's still at the FTX office working hard? Or you mean he stayed on twitter?

>> No.52736258

Yeah that's the only real reason, not because he's of a certain racial profile. No other cause, goyim, don't you feel sleepy, feel tired? Better get some rest, he he he.