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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52729383 No.52729383 [Reply] [Original]

I feel sick to my stomach, I paid 3 hobos 50 dollars each to give me their identity so I could make 3 Binance accounts and stake 2k BUSD at 10% APY. Everything was going smooth for 4 months I was feeling WAGMI but somehow they found out about it and talked to Binance support and "recovered" their accounts and I lost 6k BUSD.
What can I do?

>> No.52729388

Become homeless and do what they did

>> No.52729403

There's no coming back from this OP. You got outplayed, by hobos.

>> No.52729427

Start living an honest life and make money legitimately.

>> No.52729431

couldn't you just ask your grandparents or aunts or some old relatives?

>> No.52729446

Fuck you
This was a legitinately
I dont trust any of them

>> No.52729470

But you trusted a bunch of hobos instead...
This is why you're ngmi

>> No.52729491

Based hobos rugged you back, pretty fucking based ngl

>> No.52729499
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>I paid 3 hobos 50 dollars each to give me their identity so I could make 3 Binance accounts and stake 2k BUSD at 10% APY

>> No.52729610

Those are some perspicacious transients. I'm assuming (which may be a mistake) that when you approached them they had little knowledge of the crypto world, but had the initiative to look into it and exert effort to recover some money. Personally, I think they earned it; this took way more effort than panhandling someone outside the liquor store.