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52728176 No.52728176 [Reply] [Original]

Central banking and fiat
Central bank (CB)

Info on central banking and why its a scam.
So how is money created? The Government needs some money and asks the CB to give them some. The CB prints the money out of nothing.
They just type some numbers in the computer, press enter and thats it. They then lend (not donate, lend!) the money to the government with INTEREST RATE.
The government then gives them the promise to pay it and the interest rate back. This promise is called a bond.
You might often hear things as "the european central bank buys italian bonds". They say it that way to hide their scam, but the process is the same:
CB creates money from nothing, lends it to the government and gets their promise for paying the debt and interest.
bonds are traded on the market.
The taxpayer (thats you, rich people dont pay taxes!) is enslaved eternally to pay the interest rate.
A 30 trillion US debt at the current 4% interest: over 1 trillion per year just to pay the interest.

You might ask: Why does the government not just create the money themselves instead of a private central bank?
Well, before 1913 this was the case in the US. But that way the bankers couldnt make money.

>> No.52728179

You might have already noticed that there is already more debt in the system than money.
It gets even better: Every time a normal bank gives out a loan, the debt to money ratio gets a little more to shit.
Theres now about 40 trillion worth of usd (So all fiat currencies) in money vs. 300 trillion worth of usd (all fiat) in debt worldwide.

>> No.52728184
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It gets even better: Imagine you have a bank, and i have a bank. Were friends, so you give me 1 billion loan and i give you 1 billion loan.
Congrats, we now both have 1 billion dollars that we can spend on our manager salary, then blow it away for hookers and lambos.
We also have 1 billion debt. But thats ok because we will never pay it back. In fact, we will now visit our friend, the central banker.
The central banker will print money, causing inflation. This means our debt is now worth less, at the expense of the middle/lower class.
You can look up the balance sheets of big banks online, JP Morgan has over 350 billion debt now, Goldman Sachs over 320 billion...

>> No.52728191

Also found this online, its really interesting and shows how the private central bank system works:
in Burgerland:

The 12 regional Federal Reserve banks are set up similarly to private banks.
They store currency, process checks, and make loans to the private banks within their area that they regulate.
These banks are also members of the Federal Reserve banking system. As such, they must maintain reserve requirements.
In return, they can borrow from each other at the fed funds rate when needed.
As a last resort, they can also borrow from the Fed's discount window at the discount rate.

To be a member of the Federal Reserve system, commercial banks must own shares of stock in the 12 regional Federal Reserve banks.
But owning Federal Reserve bank stock is nothing like owning stock in a private company.
It can't be traded and doesn't give the member banks voting rights.
These pay out dividends, mandated by law to be 6%.8 But the banks must return all profits, after paying expenses, to the U.S. Treasury.

>> No.52728202

>40T vs 300T
holy shit, source?

>> No.52728214

So the banks dont make any profit from the stocks. However, they are allowed to borrow money from each other or from the fed.
As long as interest rate of the fed < inflation, banks have the infinite money glitch!

>> No.52728224

Pretty sure you can find other sources as well.
By the way the financial sector alone has more debt than the value of all stock markets.

>> No.52728233


this is a good visualisation, but it was before covid so the numbers are not up to date.

>> No.52728237

Please bump this thread to spread awareness.
Thank you

>> No.52728259


>> No.52728281

You are right about there always being more debt than money by the nature of the system. But the first article refers to dollar supply, the second to global all fiat debt.