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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52725307 No.52725307 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.52725512

the best what. he's an unfunny cringe boomer

>> No.52725562

he just keeps tweeting, fuck. I mean I have notifications turned on for him in case he tweets some coin, but he just keeps tweeting

>> No.52725583

all of who? fags? i guess

>> No.52725590

>best what
Best high profile exec. Compared to Bezos, Gates, Cook etc., he is totally different.

>> No.52725592

That's the ElonGPT algorithm not the real Elon musk. You think he doesn't sleep anymore or what?

>> No.52725605

>wants to literally put a microchip in your brain

>> No.52725617

>I mean I have notifications turned on for him in case he tweets some coin,

Retarded Pajeet detected

>> No.52725951
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kek, nope. A pajeet anon suggested doing that for vitalik and elon, nothing but rugs so far but I thought he might have been trustworthy

>> No.52726019
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>Tesla: massively overvalued, production not even remotely close to competitors, have good marketcap by virtue of being 1st;
>SpaceX: Goverment gibs gallore, does less launches than Nasa did in the 70's, besides making launches cheaper anything space related is still not economically viable, Mars colonies are impossible;
>Boring Company: not actually a solution to traffic, anything underground cost 10x more, "futuristic = better" cope, by relying on tesla cars and theoretical tire based mini "buses" their loops ensure a huge bill for tires on whichever municipalities are dumb enough to hire them to make a tunnel thingy for teslas to drive in because they were too dumb to build trains or a subway;
>The brain one: I will not get the implant, massive test subject deaths, huge money sink, no actual market viability for highly advanced brain censors;
>Twitter: $44B for a company with a book value of $8B, no actual use for it and will turn it into a completely new thing thus making the purchase largely pointless, no synergies with any of his existing companies, wanted to impose dystopian working hours for no extra pay on everyone because that's his cope for spending $36B more than he ought to, likely the worst ever managed take over of a company with essential staff fired and then begged to come back, even if he turns it into PayPal (one of his previous companies btw, hence where he got the idea lmao) break even would still be a good >15 years into the future not withstanding future R&D costs to make his new PayPal.
He's different alright.

>> No.52726035

i can always respect a man who wears a shawl lapel

>> No.52726047
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>> No.52726089

It's really insane that SpaceX has any value at all when you really think about it.

>> No.52726487

He has balls and makes the small-souled seethe. He's not /ourguy/ but he's not evil either.

>> No.52726500

go back

>> No.52726508

Honestly have more respect for Bezos than muskrat.
Muskrat had diamond mine slave daddy money to support him.

>> No.52726511
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>Is he the best out of all of them?

>> No.52726568

Has to be troll posts. Seethe harder you faggots .

I'm on Starlink in a rural area and it's the fastest internet I have ever had.

>> No.52727030

Considering how he makes literally everyone seethe while he continues to win at everything and put babies in young willing participants yes, he is the best there is

>> No.52727065

you're that type of nigga that does nothing while everyone else makes mistakes then moves forward because the exact solution wasn't needed from the get go

>> No.52727294
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You're wrong about EVERYTHING you wrote.
I bet you watched adam something videos and got brainwashed by that retarded communist.
inb4 you calling me a musk fanboy, he's a great guy but not perfect

>> No.52727302

>Muskrat had diamond mine slave daddy money to support him.
No, he literally didn't. He hated his father and his father gave him barely any support.
His upbringing was the equivalent of any /biz/tard.

>> No.52727869
File: 733 KB, 1125x1985, 5C7C3013-4F46-4731-8596-25DE06CC8FA6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52728123

Dear friends and followers,

I am here to tell you about a revolutionary new investment opportunity that will change the way you think about food. It may sound crazy at first, but bear with me and I promise you will be convinced.

I am talking about raw shrimp in a bag, stored at room temperature for weeks. Yes, you read that correctly. And no, I am not joking.

Before you write this off as a ridiculous idea, hear me out. Shrimp is a highly nutritious and delicious food source, packed with protein, vitamins, and minerals. It is also incredibly versatile, able to be cooked in countless ways to suit any taste or dietary preference.

But here's the catch: traditionally, shrimp has always been seen as a perishable food that must be kept cold and consumed quickly. However, recent breakthroughs in preservation technology have made it possible to store shrimp at room temperature without compromising its quality or safety.

This means that you can now invest in raw shrimp that has an extended shelf life, allowing you to buy in bulk and save money in the long run. And because the shrimp is raw, you can cook it to your desired level of doneness, ensuring maximum flavor and freshness.

But the benefits of investing in raw shrimp go beyond just savings and convenience. By buying in bulk and storing at room temperature, you are also reducing your carbon footprint and supporting sustainable seafood practices. No more wasted shrimp or excess packaging from buying smaller quantities and frequent trips to the grocery store.

In addition, the demand for shrimp is only growing as more and more people discover its health and taste benefits. This means that your investment in raw shrimp has the potential to increase in value over time, providing a valuable and tasty asset to your portfolio.

>> No.52728133

If someone despises Elon I immediately know it's a very jealous and insecure person

>> No.52728229
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>Loses gorillions.
>Becomes a dangerous risk to do business with.
>Known grifter flip-flopping on political cliques in the businss of making enemies on both sides.
>Thinks he's funny, he's not.
Its been an amusing train wreck to follow. Midwits love him too, so its also a gas to watch them defend him.

>> No.52728257

then why is he the richest man in the world if he's prone to losing money?
You literally make no sense and sound like a bitter leftoid

>> No.52728279

>nigger and fag on the "right"

>> No.52728300

Elon's a bubble that'll burst within the next 10 years. Literal manchild going "wouldn't it be cool if he had THIS", even if whatever he's proposing isn't actually profitable or feasible, but it seems to be working for the time being because people want to believe in wonders in these bleak times and keep pouring money to him.

>> No.52728327

lmao he'll never be a real Tesla founder

>> No.52728332

best shabbos hoy

>> No.52728334

He's a rich guy who wants attention on the internet, he's no better now than a vapid hot girl posting her tits on instagram. It was endearing when he was making rockets re-land on platforms in the ocean but now he's only stoking culture war bullshit on social media it's just tiring.

>> No.52728372

He's an absolute piece of shit, but that's not say much considering they are all absolute pieces of shit. I will commend him for making electric cars popular and making space popular again, but his tunnel for cars idea is retarded (at least use it for freight or something) and the brain chip is Orwellian. On a personal level, I do not like him as I despise adulterers.

>> No.52728436

I wish he would make a Google replacement.

>> No.52728448

Faggots and Jews did more harm to me in my lifetime than Christians did

>> No.52728561


>> No.52728573

Who are those /tv/ eceleb worship shills that cant stop talking about narcissistic conman cult leaders?

>> No.52730185

>Boring Company

>> No.52731334
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Fuck off you glowie pieces of shit

>> No.52731367
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False as all the socialist crap. Such procedures have being done for decades, primitive and useless, nothing but human experimentation deceiving the victims.

>> No.52731406

How is it a troll? SpaceX has no viable profit-producing model. It is just flush with government and investor cash.

>> No.52731498
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don't forget the (literally) dozens of massively promised projects he was spouting all those years that went nowhere. he's the king of hype, master of bullshit. I will admit he knows how to shuffle money around and fluff it up with govt gibs like no one else though

>> No.52731994

No. I used to believe it was 23d connect 6, but the more subtle details in what he does proves he's retarded.

>> No.52732431

If the government is their main customer isn't that good enough? maybe space tourism will catch on in the long term.