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52724165 No.52724165 [Reply] [Original]

my school got new chair and tables so they are just throwing away all these perfectly good ones

the thing is though, that they are all left out in the open

lets say that with all the seats down I could fit around one table or four chairs in the back of my car

my house if a five minute drive from the school, so In a period of four hours I could get like 50 chairs and like 12 tables

how much do you think I would be able to sell each one on Craigslist for?

>> No.52724246

>how much do you think I would be able to sell each one on Craigslist for?
20 a piece or more

>> No.52724255
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Just haul it somewhere safe and hidden, then slowly sell over time

>> No.52724330

Easily, they look decent. Surprised they are just tossing them like that and not passing them down to some poorer school.

>> No.52724370

Stop wasting time taking pictures of it and posting about it on /biz/, drop whatever you are doing and start driving what you can home.
Other people are thinking the same thing and have probably already started taking some home.

>> No.52724373

yes, theft is generally profitable.

>> No.52724447

don't think, act. you're not doing anything morally reprehensible. you could even paint all of them with various consoomer designs, some guardians of the galaxy, some Rick and morties.

the most expensive part is the furniture which you already have.

sell to normoids for 120 bucks a set.

>> No.52724477

Dumbass I can see your neon green vest, thanks for doxxing yourself and your location and admittance of theft from government property.

>> No.52724842

Checked but how did you get his location?

>> No.52725305

Just take them now. My company throws out perfectly good chairs all the time and we just take them home. Sometimes they throw computers away and we harvest them for parts. I have an entire raid server at home scavenged from thrown away parts from a server i got dibs on.

>> No.52725453

I mean I'm taking unwanted/old books that are on the free table in the library and selling them to used bookstores for a dollar or two each, which is not a lot but it supports my reading hobby. I don't consider it unethical since I watch the free area and no one ever takes anything, the books just sit. Now they can circulate into the broader area, and I give the used books places more business since I just take in store credit.

>> No.52726356

bro that's like 5-10k worth of furniture

>> No.52726880

taking shit from the trash is not theft. the legal precedents for this are myriad.

>> No.52726892

if they are throwing it out who the fuck cares

>> No.52727776

Make nice patio furniture

>> No.52727786

Let me know when they fill the dumpsters with computers

>> No.52728887

Please tell me this is satire and you aren't retarded.

Just in case. Schools are run by commie faggots that wouldn't EVER deign to "save money" or whatever shit you morons that aren't in the system might think is a good idea.

>> No.52730797

is it worth quickly hiring some sort of van or removalist truck to make the whole thing a little bit quicker? that way you can go for the real money which are the tables straight away and then clean up everything else but up to you depends how much free time you got if u want to make 20-30 trips to get it all. aside from that though this is based