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52722070 No.52722070 [Reply] [Original]

The liquid jew is so fucking addicting. I drink to cope with life in general but also because of my crypto losses. I just love the feeling of being drunk too much

Anyone else having this problem?

>> No.52722112

yeah and when I do it too often I just swap it out for other less harmful but still harmful and addictive vices

>> No.52722150

I can't drink.

It hurts too much. My insides hurt and I get flu like symptoms for a day even if I only drink 1 or 2 mikes hard lemonade.

>> No.52722406

I do. I never had problems quitting before until this past year, 34 now. I have a great time until the last hour of the night these past few times I’ve blacked out. I wake up in a panic. Girlfriend and I have been watching Yellowstone and she said I’ve been blurting out faggot Indians and fucking niggers. I love being drunk so much, it’s been a challenge just going a night without. Sorry about the blog post.

>> No.52722670
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I used to drink a ton in college (now 29). Not really a discipline thing, just don't enjoy it much anymore unless I'm at some kind of dance party or gathering. Hate the hangovers (pretty shitty even with chugging water). Also found out from a genetic test I have some gene that makes alcohol 3x more damaging to my liver than average. I prefer coffee and modafanil because I like feeling focused and powerful, not sluggish, sickly and handicapped.

>> No.52722714

i drink a bottle of red vine every weekend

>> No.52722778

Yeah man I'm getting worse this last year, but even before the crash I was drinking like every weekend, 2 or 3 days. Then I was drinking even in the middle of the week now Im trying to get back to weekend only
I'm doing some shrooms which definitely help me drink less

>> No.52722830
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Sorry I don't have those problems.

>> No.52722845

I drink every day and every night. It's not something I talk about to anyone. When I hear coworkers bragging about how they're a heavyweight and can drink sooooo much I just laugh nervously. How the fuck do I stop? Utterly ashamed of myself.

>> No.52722893

Nah. I hardly ever drink any more. I never really felt any allure of alcoholism, thank goodness. I even almost tried being an alcoholic for a while right after college. It just made me feel like shit all the time. Other drugs I could easily get addicted to though. I'm definitely hooked on caffeine. I'm suffering (mildly, its really not that bad) from quitting nicotine. I could definitely enjoy being a pothead, and cocaine, whoooo buddy!

>> No.52722902

I had to go back to weekends only but now I over do it on the weekends sometimes. I need to set limits by the hour.

Start drinking less each day until you get to weekends only. Or cold turkey it if you have the mental strength

>> No.52722920

Drink 4-5 negroni per week, it's nice but I don't like other drinks. After a while alcohol gets dull and boring

>> No.52723125

>I never really felt any allure of alcoholism
If you drink regularly, it really becomes addicting and your body and mind craves for it. Back then when I was drinking only like every few months when going out with friends or co workers, I didn't crave it at all

>> No.52723136

Yep, I'm now cultivating some shrooms.

Looked at ayahuasca but fucking hell, the list of shit you have to avoid for weeks to take it makes it very unappealing. I've tried muscaria and found that an interesting ride.

>> No.52723144

Nah, drinking is expensive and poisonous to your body. I will eat junk though, cause it tastes good.

>> No.52723152

Yeah, it lets me forget shit for 3-4 hours. I'm kinda pissed off because the tolerance goes higher and higher though.

>> No.52723180


Yeah now that I'm older. I can go a few days without alcohol, same as caffeine (my body stores if??) But then this weird wave of like, mental darkness hits me. Feels like I'm kind of blacking out / falling asleep a bit. I think it's alcohol withdrawals. Otherwise it's an /X related thing that I cbf discussing here

>> No.52723206

You can't really cold Turkey alcohol. It's the one drug you shouldn't forcibly dry out on. Can't remember why but it overloads your system or something when you withdraw from it. There's four main neuron or CNS chains and it hits all of them. Every other drug is one if I remember

>> No.52723265

I've jumped through so mahy hoops to mitigate alcoholism that I'm getting new symptoms. I tried to offset liver/kidney damage with choline, rehydrate with electrolytes and pre-empt oxidative stress with NAC. I get GABA dependency after like two days now, I try to break it up with L-theanine, occasionally phenibut, but if I drink for more than three days in a row like I used to, I literally start faling apart mentally when I stop.

>> No.52723268

That's only for "real" alcoholics who drink a liter vodka to start into the day bruv.

>> No.52723291

I'm absolutely addicted to the internet

>> No.52723315

Alcohol is really sneaky but not drinking is the real life limitless pill.

I got this from quitting caffeine. Bad depression. I could focus better but after the task felt no reward like I was just stuck and not progressing even though I was accomplishing more. Has to do with dopamine I'm sure since caffeine increases dopamine.

>> No.52723318

I had a problem. Nothing I tried really worked. Tried switching to weed, didn't quench my thirst. I tried vaping nicotine, and it's like it turned off a switch in my brain. I lost about 20 lbs really quickly after I started vaping and not drinking.

>> No.52723330

I am drunk and feel the headache already, i drank half a bottle of scotch. Started at 14h

>> No.52723349

Yeah I just had that problem, I was drinking and drugging for a while recently and almost died. I love living a lot more and want to get into the best shape of my life. (Late 20s)

>> No.52724151

Honestly, if you’re in your mid thirties or below you likely aren’t an actual alcoholic, you’ve just told yourself that you are, in part I think because we romanticise the idea. Alcoholism is deadly but treacherously slow to firmly take hold, physically at least. I thought I was an alcoholic at 26, did dry January and it completely changed my relationship. I can easily slip into multi day drinking bouts but the feeling of freshness and guiltlessness of weeks without is enough to keep things in check