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52717008 No.52717008 [Reply] [Original]

Would you rather be rich and depressed like Americans or poor and happy like Europeans?

>> No.52717040

Europeans live in apartments next to explosive Muslims. I'll keep my land thanks, I have unlimited PTO because I'm not dropping the fries.

>> No.52717042

enjoy your happy winter eurocucks

>> No.52717265

Americans at age 35 if they spend like Europeans and invest the rest: retired
Europeans at age 35: If I work hard for another 35 years maybe we can import enough third worlders to pay me a miserable pension

>> No.52717278

P.S. Drop the age to 30 if you're in tech.
It only doesn't work for professional burger flippers and toilet cleaners, who are only slightly better off in the US

>> No.52717281

cool let's see the median european salary compared to the US

>> No.52717285

>Americans at age 35: I will never retire

>> No.52717354

I said if they spend like europeans.
Dumb americans in their 20s often spend more than a commieblock full of europeans, that's their problem.
Americans have 3 times the disposable money of eurocucks, unless they are in tech, where it is more like 5-15 times that.
If they find two or three roommates for a small apartment like eurocucks, and if they cook most of their food themselves, like eurocucks, they would make it in their 30s with boomer investments such as 401ks and roth iras. Of course, with crypto, and a little bit of brainpower it can happen even quicker.

>> No.52717400

Who gives a shit when european quality of life is so much higher?
>beautiful cities and architecture vs gay lame suburb #500 and plaza with mcdonald
>hot slim women vs fat niggerfuckers
>dont need to drive everywhere
>still actually lilly white compared to muttland
>food rocks and is healthy

>> No.52717440

Can eurofags actually afford to take 1/4 of the year off and still have a job to go back to afterwards? I know most young people in Spain live pay to pay at least

>> No.52717449

Lets see median expenses for health, rent and other daily necessities.
Oh you make 100k in cali and spend 50% of that just on rent?

>> No.52717454

>what American npcs imagine europe is like

>> No.52717461

1990’s called and asked for their idea of europe back

>> No.52717464

America is fatter, dumber, blacker, and more violent. It's really that simple.

>> No.52717469

>quality of life is so much higher
That's cope. I'm European, I escaped Europe and have never been in the USA, but trying so hard to convince others that you're so lucky is rooted in deep sense of insecurity.
Men want to build, and a quality life of a MAN revolves around improving your reality and building a better one.
The EU is the most anti-builder place on the planet. The culture revolves around brainless consumption which would inevitably lead to depression. Other cultures can survive without drinking alcohol with every meal.
> beautiful cities and architecture vs gay lame suburb #500 and plaza with mcdonald
Ngl, I miss walkable cities, now that I'm in Dubai, but it's a tradeoff between living like a cockroach in less than 20sqm for yourself + having a more fun environment when you're out VS having 5 times the living space. When you want to start a family, the latter becomes more important.
>hot slim women vs fat niggerfuckers
Never been to the USA, but in my experience the only pretty women are in Eastern Europe. Almost all Greek, Portuguese, Spanish, French and German chicks are fat.
>dont need to drive everywhere
True, that's way more convenient to me
>still actually lilly white compared to muttland
Can't compare, you're probably right but there's also the fact that it's getting worse at a faster pace than the rest of the world. And to me personally, seeing a good place deteriorate quick is worse than seeing an even worse place that's deteriorating more slowly and has a chance.
>food rocks and is healthy
You can get healthy food everywhere, you just have to not be stupid.

>> No.52717480
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The worse European city is better than the worse USA city, no cap

>> No.52717485

ITT burgers and yuropoors without a passport and without a life teaching lessons and generalizing over vast and diverse regions with hundreds of millions of people.
Spoiler: you can have a nice life in many continents, but none of you is or will be happy.

>> No.52717518

id rather be poor in america, ive personally seen immigrants that dont speak english, get their education and a good job. homeless people too. its called the land of opportunity for a reason. as long as youre in a decent city or town you can make it from zero. im sure parts of europe have good safety nets but I would rather go to sleep in peace knowing we have freedom of speech. if you cant make it in america, youre probably unlucky and or an idiot. also health insurance in america is usually tied to your job along with paid sick time, short and long term disability pay if you got a decent one with a union or something.

>> No.52717524

europoors aren't happy, all they do is whine online

>> No.52717615

Burgers' salaries are 10-20x compared to our fucking misery income. Wow hecking based 5 weeks off per year. When that bitch can work for 3 years then spent another 15 years off and Europpor won't catch up
Your property taxes, chemtrails, affirmative action, poisoning by hormones corn syrup slop and fluoride water is nothing to enjoy though

>> No.52717631

>Europeans live in apartments next to explosive Muslims.
yeah but their buildings are made of brick so they can withstand it when their neighbor has an accidental detonation

>> No.52717659

20k would literally save my life, so rich.

>> No.52717670
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Good, america is a hellhole and everyone is racist and poor
Third world brothers, europe is your new home. Go there instead of USA!!!

>> No.52717679
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Why do anti-globalist Americans always talk about Europe as if its one place?
I condemn most of the people in this thread to death by niggers

>> No.52717899

And americans live next to feral niggers

>> No.52718421
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This is true. A software programmer in Sweden makes $48k a year. Maybe you could double the salary by living in Stockholm and work at a stressful job, but when you pay 52% in taxes as you do here it's not really worth it regardless. Sure, free healthcare but the average waiting queue is 3 years. People in cancer sometimes die in the queue.

t. retired Hexican

>> No.52718685
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>still whiter than america
>still less globohomo occupied than america
>still less crime than america
>free healthcare
>free college (cope loan wagie)
>neet bucks
>all this for the price of slightly higher taxes
American subhumans are literal slaves who suffer from stockholm syndrome and cannot accept that their government and kike billionaires are evil, they will only work 40h/week for 20k job and get a 3 day vacation once a year during which they will get jumped by a pack of niggers and at the end of the day he will still keep smiling and telling himself that will make it because today he made 10$ on his "good" crypto investment.

>> No.52718698

Christmas markets are comfy rn

>> No.52718743

Thats an utterly useless comparision but one burger like very much, big number better right

>> No.52718765

The thing is even 200k salary people cant do what you described, some even live from paycheck to paycheck, you retards need to unterstand that a big number there isnt the same as the number in europe, thats the whole reason its big there, its inflated and adjusted to their living costs

Next thing you tell me people in switzerland all retire early because they make 100k+

>> No.52718768

Reading through this thread will give you headaches, it’s almost as though there are pros and cons to everything, and people should make the best of their current situation.

>> No.52718783

My employer pays literal 2 euros into our version of 401k. I will retire in Africa mining cobalt with niggers

>> No.52718790

Maybe after the age of 40. A standard young 20 something American is in 5-6 figure debt, while a standard young 20 something European has zero debt.

Americans are debtmaxxers, Europeans are slightly paranoid money savers.

>> No.52718799

>happy like Europeans
Ignorance is bliss, knowledge is power.

>> No.52718811
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>> No.52718836
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Dubs of truth.

>> No.52718849

>thinks you need to be rich to own land

>> No.52718853

Enjoy getting raped by all the descendents of the slaves you got living in 'murica

>> No.52718863

This guy understands it so much.

I don't wanna shill it to much, but Switzerland is literally the USA of Europe, or to be precise, what the us could be without their 13% and their (leaders), *media and entertainment* and "financiers".
Decent gun laws, low taxes and all healthcare insurers are private.

>> No.52718864

Don't try and explain our way of life to Americans. They're so jewed and retarded that they genuinely believe they live in a country that has merit.

>> No.52718872

Never worried about that, I just carry a handgun.

>> No.52718881

"Almost all Greek, Portuguese, Spanish, French and German chicks are fat"
You've never been to Europe have you?

>> No.52718907

Is rather be neeting in Europe.

>> No.52718921

Europe isent happy anymore it last time it was is 2005

>> No.52718929

people need to stand up for themselves. zoomers would rather there be strict laws controling every aspect of human behaviour isntead of negotiating a higher saalry

>> No.52718939

especially since this winter people are miserable and its going to get exponentially worse come spring when the utilities bills are coming in
we are looking at half a years net wage just to run the power and heat this winter

>> No.52719002
File: 107 KB, 1024x766, AC97CF38-B9A8-479C-8DA4-C36F6CB21008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dual citizen chad here. yurop is generally a better place to live. almost always happier living there
>fewer minorities
>less retarded social safety nets
>more attractive people
>cities that are actually livable

the caveat is that if you have the capacity for greatness it’ll be snuffed out living in yurop. if you want to be rich or influential then the us is the place to be. things are quickly worsening in yurop however so maybe some vitality is awakened. personally I’m staying in the us for the next year or two until things become more clear. maybe try out latam

>> No.52719089

koala stfu homosexual faggot

>> No.52719099

Mutt cope
>land of opportunity
>free speech
>safety net
> making it from zero
This nigga thinks he’s in the 1960s KEK

>> No.52720329

i'm yuropoor and very few people seem happy here

>> No.52720360

save for hotter women and better food this is pretty delusional
literally nobody on european salaries can afford the beautiful parts of big cities, unless you enjoy living in 20m2 and have retard neighbors playing loud music or smoking so much cannabis your own apartment smells too

>> No.52720380

>go to school in America
>don't get shot because this is an incredibly rare statistical anomaly that gets a lot of news coverage when it happens
>vacation in Europe
>be one of 50-100k people who die in a heat wave or winter cold snap depending on the time of year
>such is life in European Union

>> No.52720412

I know tons of depressed people and I live in one of those European countries that have both high wages and lots of paid vacation.

>> No.52720438

I'll give you fatter but if you live outside the city centers you'll almost never see a nigger.
Meme would be better without bottom panel with overly explains the joke.

>> No.52720444

Europe is 100x more Jewed than America. You literally can't even criticize Jews in Europe.

>> No.52720461

This is a mutt thing.

>> No.52720483

Look at any trendline chart. Europe's fattie/muttie statistics are in a permanent upward trend since decades. They're just ahead.

>> No.52720495

I prefer poor and depressed like on 4chan

>> No.52720566
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Europe only surpasses America on the extreme ends of the scale, where you either have absolutely nothing (and benefit from social safety nets) or already have millions of dollars to experience the best that Europe has to offer. There is significantly less social mobility on the higher end, so unless you are very lucky you will likely stay in the same social class that you were born into.
Personally, my goal is to make my money in America then retire to an estate in southern France/northern Italy.

>> No.52720632
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Why do europoors pretend Americans can’t hospital? This is my surgery bill including ambulance, hospital stay, mri, surgery, and a few meals. I was there for about 48 hours. I had NO INSURANCE, I signed up for insurance when I was in the hospital on a nice hit of morphine. Europoors cope more.

>> No.52720723

Reminder that you are a subhuman if you rely on public transport. A free man goes where he wants when he wants.

>> No.52721846

>Europe is le utopia on earth everything is better than
>Anyways I will be remaining in the US

>> No.52721858
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Why not be rich and not be a faggot.
You could be this dude.

>> No.52721871

>Europeans live in apartments next to explosive Muslims
Bro there's Muslims in America, niggers, spics, pajeets, Jews, Italians.
Land of immigrants.
>I'll keep my land thanks
I doubt YOU own land.

>> No.52721882
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>Americans at age 35 if they spend like Europeans and invest the rest: retired
Lmao, no.
I see old fucks working all the time.
Yes, even if they have money.

>> No.52721894

>What is cost of living for 500? Alex.
Just tell us your parents pay for your shit and move on, take the L homie.

>> No.52721904
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>If they find two or three roommates for a small apartment like eurocucks,
Rent is pretty cheap in euro, also the cost of living is half, helps they Europe doesn't rely on coal anymore.
Nigger, go the fuck outside, your head cannon isn't real life.

>> No.52721923

You're so fucking stupid, fucking hicks and suburbanites.
They think /pol/ memes are real life.

>> No.52721940

How much is $100 US in pound?
81.3484 GBP

>> No.52721949

That's a very innovative way to live safely near muslims

>> No.52721968

because texas is bigger than Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and Switzerland and Austria combined.
lmao eurocucks

>> No.52722000

This would be free for me

>> No.52722019

Once again americans prove they dont understand anything.
Size has nothing to do with possibility of identity

>> No.52722024

Paris is 51% Muslim since at least 2012. The Eiffel Tower is one election away from being turned into a Minaret

>> No.52722030

ask your wife what she thinks about her boyfriends size compared to yours faggot

>> No.52722035

That's because they either choose to work because many people die as soon as they retire and give up on life (I guess having some hobbies outside of work is too hard for some men), or they choose to not save much for retirement. You only need a couple hundred thousand in some high yield account to make over 50k a year in passive income. Hell even 1 million dollars in a savings account can net you 40k with the current interest rates.

>> No.52722050
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>makes less than a burger flipper in America
>has free healthcare
Hahhahahahahahahaha europoor

>> No.52722051
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>B-but they have muslimerinos exploding 24/7

>> No.52722073

>not median
>not full time
Can all mutts just hang themselves already for being as dumb as nigger kaffer monkeys

>> No.52722107

Average is always lower than the median due to rich people.

>> No.52722224

Even homeless don't freeze to death in winter in yurop, so why would people in a home?

>> No.52722284

The joke is the opposite happened. The Europeans came over and names stuff after where they lived before

>> No.52722307

> Europeans talking about diversity of identity

Kek, but you niggas are all the same

>> No.52722389

>happy winter

Shivering in hovel good for you.

>> No.52722409

>homeless in yurop

Update next March please.

>> No.52722425

America used to seem amazing as a kid. Land of opportunities. Cool stuff. Like a giant adventure park.

Now....? Trump was right. I watched all of election campaign and one of the first things he mentioned was
>and now look at it.....
And yeah, it's downhill a bit and I wish it hadn't even as a bong who didn't grow up there.

>> No.52722575

if poors are happy why do they want to be rich?

>> No.52722671

If I were poor and or stupid and depended on the government or had to work minimum wage for some reason, maybe Europe. I presume the bennies are better, the jobs easier, and the social life better. Again that's if my situation were such that I would always be poor.
Being middle class, I'd take America.
If I were wealthy enough that I didn't have to work again though, I'd live in Europe. There's not a single place in the USA that has the amount and variety of things to do that say Barcelona has. Compare it to like SoCal where the climate is similar, and Catalonia beats every metric. Architecture, history, public transit, public spaces, promenades, parks, even shopping and restaurants I'd hand to Barcelona. America is so sterile and devoid of culture it's depressing. All we have is shopping centers.

>> No.52722690

this had truth 10 years ago. EU has been rotting for a while now.

>> No.52722712

>happy like Europeans

>> No.52722736

Truly only europoors would think driving is a bad thing and is not fun because their vehicles are tiny bugpodmobiles instead of fun vehicles.

>> No.52723364

But our wages and average wealth are triple yours with about 1/2 the taxes. I don’t want to trade my wage for a couple thousand off a one time medical bill. That’s retarded

>> No.52723372

>muh median
You’re a corporate slave if you care about median wage. You will always be a brown Europoor

>> No.52723710


Europeans are fucking losers living off 19th century success. They literally live in the past. Americans any day.

>> No.52723734

I live in america and I've never said this

>> No.52723803


Western European’s truly are the Niggers of the white race. Lazy and entitled. They don’t want to work at all. Who takes a summer off for vacation? If they arent stealing minerals and living of Ponzi scheme “investments” they’re demanding government handouts funded by the United States...

Always on Vacations living in their council houses and state funded buses never actually working

Americans are BOLD they innovate and work. Put their stamp on the world