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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 468 KB, 1984x1488, 3d-printer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52717 No.52717 [Reply] [Original]

When will 3D Printing take off?

What will be the first traditional industries it kills?

>> No.52901

First industry will be traditional "toys". The plastics they use are nontoxic and it will be infinitely cheaper to go online and find a model of a toy your kid wants than to pay $30-40 for it when you can pay $50 for enough filament to make 40-50 toys.

As for when it will take off, it's something no one really knows. But probably when it becomes slightly more affordable, because the decent models (makerbot desktop for instance) are still around 2k-3k USD.

>> No.52958

>What will be the first traditional industries it kills?
3D printing is most profitably used in additive manufacturing to refurbish jet engine turbine blades. Turbine blades wear at the end so they use 3d printing to add metal to the tip of the blade, clean it up and put it back to use.

But DDD and VJET. Also watch 3M(MMM) and GE.

>> No.53006
File: 62 KB, 628x417, fullsize-lego-car-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering the lego patent has expired, we could start 3d printing cars like this one.

>> No.53015

I thought SSYS (Stratasys) is a nose ahead of DDD.

>> No.53043
File: 20 KB, 580x384, sad-lego-boy-580x384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw you get in an accident and have to pick up le pieces

>> No.53048

Generally, it always seems to be more advantageous to rely on traditional manufacturing methods if you're doing anything on a large scale. Like the other guy said, the real money is in large industrial stuff where the tech is actually an improvement on current methods of producing the thing.

>> No.53141

Someone the other day suggested that buying a high end $10k-$20k 3d printer and using it to print things for people would be a good business idea.

>> No.53177

And it might well be if there is a good clientele in mind.

>> No.53206

If I remember correctly, regarding the clientele, the anon said, "print figurines for neckbeard otaku to jack-off on".

>> No.53220

well, that's where the money is

>> No.53224

You almost made me laugh at loud during a conference.

>> No.53287

I've read somewhere that they are working on 3d printing wood-like material which would make it possible to 3d print furniture.

>> No.53326


printing 20lbs of ass and pussy

as always, porn will be tech pioneers

>> No.53367

Apparently there are a few patents that are about to expire, and when they do, 3d printing will progress faster


>> No.53376

3D printing a 3D printer: Y/N?

>> No.53397

If i had a 3D printer, I would use it to print more 3D printers.

3d printers can print 3d printers if you touch it in the back twice.

The first industry that 3d printers kill will be the 3d printer industry. When everyone can just use a 3d printer to print a 3d printer why the hell would you have to buy a 3d printer? Id say the second industry that is going to die is going to be the used 3d printer industry.

right now the used 3d printer industry is larger than the banana market, the isotoner headquarters, windbreakers, green mechanical pencils, and entire north quadrant of that mall in columbus ohio. People will just use used 3d printers using used parts that were usually used while using the 3d printer that was already sold to James

>> No.53411
File: 71 KB, 440x297, bigmac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When can I print a Big Mac?

>> No.53468


driving down the street in your lego car, try to shift a gear and the transmission disintegrates. huge accident. then an endless parade of cops stepping on lego pieces

>> No.53494


You are the cancer that is killing /biz/ Please keep this board to le biz talking only.

>also check my dubs

>> No.53510

A lathe can reproduce itself. Why does any idiot buy lathes?

>> No.53528

so they guy that replies to the first guy to go off-topic is the "cancer that's killing /biz/". makes sense

>> No.53545

I literally dont know why. I literally could care less too. I literally just had lunch with my mom. should i still go to chipotle?

also my face when is becoming my favorite thing on this anonymous imageboard.

>> No.53560

>makes sense

Nigga, i only make CENTS. this is /BIZ/, WE are into making le monies. we dont give a fuck if its your birthday on teusday, because we got COCK TO PUT INTO CUNTS. we make that green shit. we make that green shit like we were a 1 year old faggot who is only fed green beans. nigga i collect moths, DO YOU EVEN HOBBY?

>> No.53578

>le pieces
Redditfag, I liked your joke so I'll give you a super secret tip: you're not in reddit anymore. Leave that pretentious hipster le le le faggotry there.

>> No.53618

>also my face when is becoming my favorite thing on this anonymous imageboard.
Like I could 3d print a fuck

>> No.53647
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>> No.54597
File: 73 KB, 800x749, 6213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much are they for a quality one?

>> No.54702

industrial 3d printing already is a thing (might as well check the hype cycle) - it allows to create materials possessing properties unattainable naturally or attain the same properties with less weight. furthermore one can skip assembly, embed things and so on.
related: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zApmGFDA6ow

source: recently attended a talk of a leading industrial 3d printer company's CEO

>> No.54734

here's a related question

What would be a good product to sell that would make it worth investing in a 3d printer?

>> No.54775

I think the auto parts industry will have to lower its prices tremendously, Leno already prints parts for his cars

>> No.54767
File: 41 KB, 640x360, t1larg[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prostitution, then marriage.

Like 99% of the things printed will be fleshlights, or sex robots made to look like your waifu

>> No.54846

I'm going to be comfy as fuck in a NEET lifestyle with one of these bad boys twenty years from now. By that point they will probably be capable of printing food and medicine too, so I will literally never have to leave the house again.

>> No.55338

You'll need ingredients and power, negro, so you'll have to donate a lot of semen to pay for it

>> No.55911

There is a project where the 3d printer is designed to be able to 3d print itself and its next generations.

>> No.55984

I don't think you thought that one through

There's a million things a 3d printer will be able to completely reproduce before it can reproduce all the complex shit that
goes into a 3d printer. If you can print a 3d printer you can print a playstation, that's not happening yet.

>> No.56044

>When will 3D Printing take off?
Already has. It's just going to be an exponential rate of integration. It's already huge in things like design and crafts, and the unique properties it introduces are already changing the way some companies make vital components. Also look up "additive manufacturing" to get a better idea of the overall tech: there are ways of making metal parts already using lasers and dust.

>What will be the first traditional industries it kills?
Toys, house stuff, some beauty products, shit you can get at a gas station... But it's really a matter of integration.

>> No.56043

>3D printers will kill the 3D printer industry

But where will you why the material to print?

>I'll print it!

>> No.56077

>But DDD and VJET.
These are ok, not dominant like SSYS.

>Also watch 3M(MMM) and GE.
These aren't pure plays, they're not a good bet if you want to profit from the rise of 3D printing. Really, even if they move over to it properly, all that means is a transition, they'll occupy the same space in the market.

>> No.56130

Yeah, materials are going to be one of the last vestiges of international trade and centralization.
>and power
Say hello to my backyard solar farm. Britbongs need not apply.

>> No.56195

Small-sized industrial parts. We have to wait for Siemens to start a factory line in Germany so they can ship us a replacement connector or plate. This takes up to two months. It costs about 10k just to keep us open every day.

Broken industrial part? Stop the conveyor belt, print a new part, install, and continue.

>> No.56203

Are 3D printers the end of skilled trades? Any tradesmen have an input on the technology?

>> No.56216

listen you might be new here or something, but nobody has used "le" seriously on 4chan or reddit for over 2 years now.

everyone who uses it is being ironic.

>> No.56309

>Small-sized industrial parts.
very good example.

>> No.60438

It wasn't used in an ironic context.
Completely unnecessary.

>> No.62022

My amateur opinion would be to become the guy who installs stuff, not the guy who makes stuff. Even if they could print a part, they still need you to drive over there and put it on.

>> No.62032


>> No.62055

todays satire is tomorrow reality. It'll come full circle. People will use it for 'funny maymays xDD' again

also does anyone know if corporations are trying to suppress 3D printing?

>> No.62095


The collectable vinyl toy market will disappear overnight.