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52716114 No.52716114 [Reply] [Original]

San Francisco sisters were in freefall

>> No.52716120


>> No.52716158

crypto is still a scam.
real estate in downtown San Fransisco was way overpriced. still is in many cases.

>> No.52716206

I wouldn't on principle because HOA and fees n sheeit, but, that's a nice building and layout.

>> No.52716217

San Francisco is an exceptional case and not really representative of the rest of the US. Most localities don’t institute public policy that intentionally drives down the cost of real estate like San Francisco. I don’t see these massive price drops in my area

>> No.52716223

You’ll also have to pay the hobos to not shit, sleep, and shoot heroin in the lobby of your building

>> No.52716231

>HOA and fees
It's usually less than maintaining a house. If you're single and lazy, i don't think condos are bad, though i'd imagine most would want a house eventually

>> No.52716233
File: 228 KB, 1125x1452, 4DF4077D-2436-4A71-A2E3-897B393D09CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Price history of a 1 bedroom mobile home in my area

>> No.52716243

San Francisco peaked in the early 2000s. It was completely downhill from there

>> No.52716252

>just live with alcoholics instead of drug addicts bro

>> No.52716256

the early 2000s isn't the 50s

>> No.52716269

Yeah that wasn’t my point you retard. My point was that if you don’t own a home your coping by posting San Francisco’s housing market

>> No.52716279
File: 11 KB, 350x275, ph6_350_275 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what the HOA is for.
High ceilings, 20's building (originally a Cadillac dealership), loft-style conversion - just like the style. Picrel is another, same building.
'bout $1000 p/m for that, apparently.

>> No.52716292

Have sex loser
I just sold my house in sf for 2 mil over last sale price

>> No.52716299

Does HOA have the legal authority to arrest the crazed drug addicts from throwing their shit at you?

>> No.52716329

For a $1000 per month, I expect a concierge with a shit umbrella to escort me to my car every morning. In fact, I demand it. The street bums are probably entertaining, when you get to know em all

>> No.52716347
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>Have sex loser
>I just sold my house in sf for 2 mil over last sale price

>> No.52716363

For retail? Yes.
For exchanges/protocols? No.
>Thanks for playing.

>> No.52716487

>'bout $1000 p/m for that, apparently
yeah, i wouldn't pay more than $500 MAX lmao

>> No.52716489

Sharpie in butt thread not joking

>> No.52716514

Actually a lot cheaper now though, I bet it was hard as fuck for the average person to get 700k back then.

>> No.52716582
File: 799 KB, 1359x611, Screenshot (3656).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the median income 25 years ago was still pretty high here. Housing just cost a lot less. 700k in 1999 was not crazy money. But you could have gotten way more for your money. Case in point.

>> No.52716651

It's amazing to think it was built several years ago

>> No.52716670

>It's amazing to think it was built several years ago

>> No.52716690

I am of course mocking the lack of medieval structures in the US so anything that's basically not brick effect vinyl siding commands a 10 million dollar price, but I can see that was too highbrow for you.

>> No.52716695

>An Apartment below $1M in San Francisco
The bubble is truly popping.

>> No.52716702

True. Could have bought the grateful dead house for that money back then.

>> No.52716704

Listed for sale isn’t the same as sold, there isn’t a snowballs chance in hell he’s getting 15mil for that house lol

>> No.52716727

Probably worth 5 times that once you'd exterminated all the hippies tho.

>> No.52716733
File: 964 KB, 1365x619, Screenshot (3659).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anything that's basically not brick effect vinyl siding commands a 10 million dollar price
not true in the slightest
sold for 1.6 mil in 2014
they could have gotten something close to that a year ago.
Now I'm not so sure.

>> No.52716948
File: 214 KB, 1024x768, ezgif-5-a7d33d04e4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you check out the rest photos of that? All the charm and architectural detailing of the arse side of a McDs drive-thru.

>> No.52717153

jesus fucking hell what the hell is that corner? i could kick it a couple times and bricks would be flying. and yeah this looks like backside of some shitty McDs like you said

>> No.52717178

>boomer parents called me an idiot when I undercut the market and sold my house for 100k cheaper last year
At least it sold. They are trying to sell their house and have no buyers. Im a rent chad now with lots of cash. Feels fucking good.

>> No.52717259
File: 8 KB, 234x250, 1644026hsfv147s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crypto is only scam for those who invested more than they could afford to lose kek.
I use crypto now in real estate with realsmart estate, atlanta homes and spain homes. These are the only ones I've discovered so far. i'm yet to see real estate + crypto in the US.

>> No.52717311

cope seethe dilate

>> No.52717479

They are what makes shut fun lmfao. Real hippies that have a heart of gold, not these modern day work junkies.

>> No.52717484

Wook junkies* and yes, it takes one to know one, I am a Wook yes.

>> No.52717519

Congrats. Make sure you invest the money wisely or get in near the bottom of the real estate cycle.

>> No.52717946

real estate is the real scam you moron. nothing is worth anything in this world it is all just speculation. the only reason real estate was so high in the first place was because boomer normies who had no idea how to invest into stocks sunk all their money into property while they built up their 'career'. Copying that formula of our parents now is simply not enough anymore. Something is going to have to give. people are already smart and looking for alternative options for investing their cash thats why the dxy has dropped. And its not stocks or commodities they are looking at.

>> No.52718288

What was it like in 1999, though? It might have been an old warehouse with smashed windows and rats running around

>> No.52718376

looks like commercial, which is getting destroyed everywhere, not just san fran.

>> No.52718423

Keep in mind that housing moves in slowmo compared to stocks. When stocks have bottomed it usually takes another two years for housing to bottom. So ride the stock recovery and then go to a few foreclosure auctions to get a super discount

>> No.52719125

Oh mumuuuuuu sweatie, are you ready to party like it's 1999?
Looks like a repurposed monastery

>> No.52719138

Welcome to the club of renting with lots of cash and stable income, it's unbelievably comfy.

>> No.52719188

How do you actually get into those auctions? I've looked but it seems all hyper lowkey

>> No.52719199

you're an idiot

>> No.52719206

Also interested in this. Do you really just blindly bid on a house and hope it isnt built on a crumbling foundation? What options for are available in this process so I can ensure Im not burning cash on a giant turd?

>> No.52719552

It’s an auction. Simple check. Your a POS. Will not sell for 995. KYS

>> No.52719566

Your full of shit. Look at the listing. It’s an auction. Op is full of shit

>> No.52719643

That means nothing. I can list my home for a trillion.

>> No.52719948
File: 139 KB, 1024x724, ES_8nuPUwAEAvMx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks Calisisters. I hadn't checked Zillow in the past month and now see a ton of homes in my price range. I'm going to be a homeowner next year, horray!

>> No.52721579

Yup. There's usually a list of the auction properties put out by your local municipality prior to the auction, so if you're doing your due diligence you can at least do a drive-by on the properties you're interested in. Also, don't forget your giant stack of cashiers checks to pay for the property after you make the winning bid.

>> No.52721717

found the real estate agent seething

>> No.52721797

Scientists have recently (like 2 months ago) stated that San Francisco is due for another big earthquake anytime now
If you buy there will you lose everything including your life

>> No.52722010
File: 329 KB, 1200x837, swimming naked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>policy that intentionally drives down the cost of real estate like San Francisco.

Unless they started green lighting high-rises and more sprawl I want some of what you're smoking.

>> No.52722037
File: 651 KB, 680x573, 1663787966503038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a tone of these around were I live now. They all saw the top and are trying to cash in now. Something many around here said was going to happen.

>> No.52722055

Pretty sweet digs. What's the catch?

>> No.52722066

Tech companies are laying people off in droves right now. Tech wages were what was supporting these prices.

>> No.52722218

>Scientists have recently (like 2 months ago) stated that San Francisco is due for another big earthquake anytime now
There's no such thing as being due for another big earthquake. It's past the average time between big earthquakes. That doesn't mean it MUST happen any time soon.

>> No.52722303
File: 6 KB, 160x121, hate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get fucked 'frisco.
i hate you
i hate you
i hate you

>> No.52722453

honestly i hate the shit boxes in sf usually but this one is not half bad if its actually 1691 sqft.

>> No.52722590

Your home as appreciated less than inflation over the years, you’re losing money by living there

>> No.52722837

You can trust /biz/ to not know about the gamber's fallacy.

>> No.52724007

>It’s an auction
It's not. It only sold for 200k a few years ago.

>> No.52724033

you can rent real estate at a profit and everybody has to live somewhere.
What can I do with crypto that I can't do with cash or gold.

>> No.52724043

same. That is when the conversion was done most likely.

>> No.52724065

It might not sell period.
It's a tactic I have seen used before.
SF real estate runs on a DeFacto auction system anyways. Unless your price is too high, If they priced it at 500k starting bid it would sell. This is 50/50 at that starting price.

>> No.52725488

Condos are fucking awful. Don't fall for the condo meme. This 35 year old bitch above me is really loud.

>> No.52725513

Vegas? I recognize those numbers.

>> No.52725556

Just live in a converted synagogue bro.

>> No.52725595
File: 20 KB, 352x259, 1660096873890706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Living in the BIG CITY

>> No.52726379

it was always a house.
pretty famous architect too

>> No.52726847

cucked logic. unless you are talking about homeless people, everybody already has a place to live in right now. ur in a house with internet dumbass. The only reason more people need to live somewhere is if a) people have more babies or b) there is more immgration to develop new housing. Those are the only 2 things that are propping up your housing bubble otherwise housing should be worth 1/10th of what it is today
>What can I do with crypto that I can't do with cash or gold
the point of crypto is to leave the current financial system instead of figuring out ways to partake in it. crypto is the escape pod from the pillar of autumn yeah we dont know what the hell that ring we are landing on is is but it beats staying on a burning ship filled with convenant

>> No.52726907
File: 933 KB, 1363x613, Screenshot (3671).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everybody already has a place to live in right now
and they pay up the ass for it. It's a fucking money printer for landlords.
>the point of crypto is to leave the current financial system instead of figuring out ways to partake in it
ok, Stefan Molyneux

>> No.52727002


>> No.52727303

It in a fucking city you cuck. Disgusting

>> No.52727321

>stefan, a literal who
dont listen to me then and buy real estate an prop up the bags of all the boomers who are about to sell. stupid nigger

>> No.52727874

>all the boomers who are about to sell