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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 66 KB, 1600x736, LCX_Logo_registered-trademark®.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52715009 No.52715009 [Reply] [Original]

Sumit Sagar was a hardworking and ambitious young man who had just landed a job at LCX, a fast-growing financial technology company. Sumit was thrilled to have the opportunity to work at such a prestigious company, and he was determined to make the most of it.

As Sumit settled into his new job, he quickly realized that the company's CEO, Monty Metzger, was a brilliant and demanding boss. Monty had a reputation for being a ruthless and demanding leader, and Sumit knew that he would have to work hard to impress him.

Despite the challenges of working for Monty, Sumit was able to excel at his job. He worked long hours, took on additional responsibilities, and quickly proved himself to be a valuable member of the LCX team.

But as Sumit climbed the corporate ladder, he began to develop feelings for Monty's wife, Katerina. Katerina was a beautiful and intelligent woman, and Sumit found himself drawn to her charisma and charm.

At first, Sumit tried to resist his feelings for Katerina. He knew that it was wrong to have an affair with his boss's wife, and he was afraid of the consequences if they were discovered. But as time went on, Sumit found it increasingly difficult to resist his attraction to Katerina.

Finally, Sumit and Katerina gave in to their desires and began a passionate affair. They were careful to keep their relationship a secret, but they both knew that it was only a matter of time before they were discovered.

Sure enough, Monty eventually found out about the affair. At first, he was devastated and enraged, and he immediately fired Sumit from LCX. But after some time had passed, Monty began to come to terms with the situation. He realized that he and Katerina had grown apart, and that she was happier with Sumit.

In the end, Monty wished Sumit and Katerina the best, and even offered to help them financially as they started their new life together.

>> No.52715027
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Once upon a time, in the bustling city of New York, Monty Metzger worked as a salesperson at LCX, a company that specialized in selling diamonds on the blockchain. Monty was known for his charm and charisma, and he had built up a loyal clientele over the years.

One day, Monty received a call from a colleague who told him that Kanye West was interested in buying diamonds for his wife, Kim Kardashian. Monty was ecstatic at the prospect of working with such a high-profile celebrity, and he immediately set to work on putting together a collection of the finest diamonds that LCX had to offer.

After spending several days curating the perfect selection of diamonds, Monty arranged a meeting with Kanye and Kim at their luxurious penthouse apartment. When he arrived, he was greeted by Kanye's assistant, who led him into a grand living room where the couple was waiting.

Monty introduced himself and began to showcase the diamonds, talking about their unique qualities and how they were the perfect gift for someone as special as Kim. Kanye listened intently, and Kim seemed to be impressed by the collection. But just as Monty was about to close the deal, Kanye's demeanor changed.

"I'm sorry, Monty," Kanye said, "but I can't do business with you."

"Why not?" Monty asked, surprised by Kanye's sudden change of heart.

"I've been doing some research on LCX, and I found out that you're working with Jews," Kanye said. "I can't be associated with anyone who does business with them."

Monty was taken aback by Kanye's words. He had never thought about the religious backgrounds of his colleagues at LCX, and he didn't know how to respond. He tried to explain that LCX was a professional company that worked with people from all backgrounds, but Kanye was unmoved.

"I'm sorry, Monty, but I can't support anyone who does business with Jews," Kanye said firmly. "It goes against my beliefs. I'll have to pass on these diamonds."

>> No.52715042
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Here's where she would blow him.

>> No.52715063
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Monty Metzger was always a business savvy individual, but few would have guessed that he would become one of the most successful entrepreneurs in India. After graduating from college, Monty decided to launch his own business venture and set up LCX, an online platform that allowed customers to buy and sell cryptocurrency.

At first, LCX struggled to gain traction in the market, but Monty was determined to make his business work. He invested heavily in marketing, and soon enough, LCX was gaining a large customer base. As the platform grew in popularity, Monty began to expand the business and hire more employees.

Within a few years, LCX had become the largest employer in India, and Monty was hailed as a hero who had provided jobs to thousands of people. However, as the company grew, some of the customers began to voice their displeasure at the amount of control Monty had over the cryptocurrency market.

They accused him of manipulating prices and limiting the amount of currency they could buy and sell. Monty defended his position and argued that he was providing a service that allowed people to invest in cryptocurrency without the risk of fraud or theft.

Unfortunately, the complaints continued to grow, and soon enough, the government had to step in and investigate the company. After months of investigation, it was revealed that Monty was indeed manipulating the market, and he was forced to step down from his position as CEO of LCX.

While Monty had caused havoc for his customers, he had also provided jobs for thousands of people and had made India the largest employer in the cryptocurrency market. As his business moved onto other ventures, LCX customers were left to deal with the consequences of his actions. Prices plummeted, and many people lost their investments in the process.

Although Monty was no longer in charge of LCX, his impact on the cryptocurrency market was undeniable.

>> No.52715263

Reminder that Monty wrote his own wikipedia page and eventually got his page banned from wikipedia because everything was written by himself.

>> No.52715473
File: 176 KB, 1280x919, IMG_20221126_165249_412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could you not trust a team like this?

>> No.52715845
File: 103 KB, 632x408, swiss-invade-liechtenstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you LCX is pumping soon.

Heil Monte, leader of the glorious 1000 year tokenizing Helvetica Imperial immediacy.

Niggas need to step to the Bullish Beat

>> No.52716922
File: 125 KB, 799x523, Lcxanime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mel tranny, Ligma sends its regards
owari da

>> No.52717251

Based schizo pedo niggers. We will make it soon

>> No.52717271
File: 456 KB, 1603x1553, lcx scam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52718067

Lcx is a scam. Their team is dirty. I warm people everytime I see them try to get a thread going.

>> No.52719989
File: 72 KB, 1280x723, IMG_20221203_114613_206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like the LCX ambassador Eike may finally have had enough deepthroating monty and Sumit has driven him over the edge .

>> No.52720152
File: 73 KB, 1280x555, IMG_20221203_120142_441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dude is the funniest man in crpyto. Prove me wrong (pro tip: you can't)

>> No.52720190
File: 60 KB, 1280x762, IMG_20221203_120556_411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52720254

I think he is trying to start a discussion hence the cashtag. A normal person would make that post as an insult but I don't think he intended it to be one.

>> No.52720274

Stoner LCX Analysis, somehow appropriate

>> No.52720703

Lain was once a huge fan of anime. He spent countless hours watching his favorite shows and discussing them with friends online. But over time, Lain became increasingly isolated and disillusioned. He started to lose interest in the things that once brought him joy, and eventually he turned to drugs as a means of escape.

At first, Lain's drug use was just a way to numb the pain and boredom of his daily life. But before long, he was addicted and his drug habit started to consume his life. He stopped going to work, neglected his friends and family, and lost all interest in the things that once mattered to him; LCX.

Eventually, Lain hit rock bottom. He was broke, alone, and desperate. He knew that he needed help, but he didn't know where to turn. He was trapped in a cycle of addiction and despair, and it seemed like there was no way out.

>> No.52721059

>t. Lain

>> No.52721075
File: 204 KB, 1218x1280, IMG_20221203_132738_302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is for the LCX OGs frfr on god

>> No.52721560

Go away, you are the only person who blindly supports this project on this board. There are no "Icx OGs" here because everyone makes fun of your shitty posts and investments every time you post, yet you still make threads every week. Imagine being shunned from a website for weirdos and pedos.

>> No.52721647


I am writing to express my frustration and disappointment with your lack of belief in LCX. In my opinion, your skepticism and disbelief make you an idiot.

LCX is the most regulated and compliant crypto asset exchange in the world, and it is paving the way for a brighter, more prosperous future. The world is moving towards a tokenized economy, and anyone who doesn't believe in this trend is simply living in the past.

You may think that you are immune to the changes that are happening in the world, but you are not. The day will come when you will be tokenized, whether you like it or not. And when that day comes, you will regret not having embraced the future and joined the revolution that is LCX.

So I implore you; open your mind and embrace the future. Join LCX and be a part of something truly special and transformative. The world is changing, and you don't want to be left behind.


>> No.52721687

>LCX is the most regulated and compliant crypto asset exchange in the world
It was very nice of Coinbase to list a "rival" exchange.
Coinbase Steps Up Europe Expansion Despite Crypto Meltdown

>> No.52721745

I actually sold my LCX bag this morning and I feel fucking great
This is a garbage fire
Heard whispers of internal affairs and an outsourced jeet team. It's a complete mess