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File: 1.39 MB, 1456x816, Screen Shot 2022-12-02 at 4.46.43 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52713562 No.52713562 [Reply] [Original]

>I'm crazy
>I haven't killed anyone... yet...
>*stuttering, shaky voice* Th-thanks for revealing... my PLAN.... hahah....
What the FUCK was his problem?

>> No.52714754

He does not know how to pitch an idea and got lucky schmits bitch either is way more competent than the size of her bra or knows someone who gave her a good tip

>> No.52714771

this is so fucking redpilled for reals

>> No.52714818
File: 2.41 MB, 400x224, aerial attack.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek this was cringe. as was the breakdancing at gaycon

>> No.52714985

He's still a boy. Breaking character to make nervous jokes about implications is for submissive, distractable men. Eric drew it out of him, thankfully. Hopefully Sergey has some self awareness and becomes more of a man

>> No.52714998

did you really think the guy who solved the oracle problem wasn't going to be socially awkward?

>> No.52715509

I mean, there's awkward autism and then there's the shit Sergey did. Sergey looked completely out of his depth, and the only words he could get out of his mouth were "I agree" and "Makes sense". It was one of those painfully embarrassing moments where I came so close to just turning off the stream, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. All that hype and he literally had nothing to say. Just unbelievable.

>> No.52715563

what the dog doin

>> No.52716862

fucking fat spastic cant last 2 minutes without humiliating himself

>> No.52716980
File: 501 KB, 755x569, 1644893851200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine being a fuddie
>imagine being so desperate that you spent the last few months trying to put a negative spin on Erick fucking Schmidt having an on-stage talk with Sergey about Chainlink

>> No.52717041

Did he really say all of that?

>> No.52717140

That interview was a meme mine, from Schmidt cucking Sergey repeatedly to Sergey wiping his sweaty hand (he was just sitting for an hour fyi) to shake Schmidt's and trying to get up but collapsing under his own weight then sliding off the chair to finally stand up.
There were legit fuds there too, like Schmidt telling Sergey he repeatedly told him not to have zoom meeting and make people come to the office and Sergey doesn't listen, etc.

>> No.52717276

I can't find the video.

>> No.52717302

Check list:
shorting CeFi:
Celsius -> dead X
BlockFi -> dead X
Nexo -> in progress

most evil shorting exchange with paper promises instead of crypto:
FTX -> dead through suicide X

Bulgarian scammers -> in progress

chink exchange cartel price suppression -> status: folded X

BTC maxis -> status capitulated X
BTC miners -> capitulation in progress

>> No.52717304

That dog holds more piss than I do

>> No.52718391
File: 841 KB, 1125x2136, 28D1C5F9-3A2A-4E76-A369-A3CB86D48614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post will be forever saved. Sergey is ultimate cuck

>> No.52718396
File: 609 KB, 1125x1995, 0CBD5940-0712-4175-92A4-D897EC9C1FBD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le bulgarians right guys?

>> No.52719797
File: 105 KB, 900x617, 1669990191439342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek stinkies down so bad

>> No.52720027

Kinda wild that Nexo has survived for as long as it has.

>> No.52720249

Only because no one started a bank run on them.
They use the exact same tactics as FTX and have been insolvent for 2 years.

>> No.52720290
File: 21 KB, 818x663, D6BA0D27D37A49B08DD486B5E2AFFDE0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope. Theyve surived because they are the most experienced, before crypto they were a payday loan company with mafia ties, this means they have tons of experience with risk management since they deal with loaning money to gypsies.
All the other crypto companies were inexperienced noobs.

Pretty funny that linktards failed so spectacularly against them

>> No.52720519

All it takes is one tweet from CZ to cause their bankruptcy.

>> No.52720649

This was like 2 month ago. How obssesed are you?

>> No.52720749

YO, give link to the vid

>> No.52721055
File: 5 KB, 98x153, eduardras.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking zoomers, man, i swear. do you not fucking know who eric schmidt is, retard? he's the former CEO of google, the literal steve jobs of google. it's like you, a zoom zoom, on a college basketball team having michael jordan as your personal trainer. sergey is humbled and almost speechless here. it's called being "human", something you NPC zoom zooms might one day find out how to become. they have been working on making LINK applicable to something more than a bunch of retarded monkey NFTs, just like AVAX is now. if you're not invested in LINK or AVAX, it's over

>> No.52721067

What do you expect from a fat fuck slav that will kill himself in the next 5 years.

>> No.52721069

Please don't compare this shitcoin to link

>> No.52721105

tell that to henry kravis and jack ma, zoomer shit for brains

>> No.52721165

Who would be able to sleep at night while having their funds on Nexo? It's just a matter of time.

>> No.52721224

There's autism and then there's whatever the hell is wrong with Sergey.
I mean who the hell calls themselves crazy and then sputters insane death threats on stage? I'm surprised Eric didn't stand up and smack him across the face when he said that. Unbelievable.

>> No.52721475

All the idiots who think that Nexo is safe because they used the same shill tactics as Sam...
Do you remember when they pretended to want to save Celsius from bankruptcy and buy them?

Sam did this but he paid for it with FTX's users money to give the impression he had a lot of wealth...
However it was to save his Alameda scam which would have lost money through their bankruptcy.

>> No.52721558

>listening to these retards