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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52710606 No.52710606 [Reply] [Original]

>Too smart for blue collar wagie job filled with literal meth heads
>Too dumb for yuppie tech job because I can't autistically come up with instant solutions to coding problems

What's a 115 IQ nigga supposed to do in this economy?

>> No.52710621


>> No.52710654


>> No.52710672


swallow your load and just call it a day lol.

>> No.52710677


>> No.52710678

enterprise sales

>> No.52710686


60k a year deskwarmer here, welcome to the club

>> No.52710706


Strong, skilled, smart, social, sociopathic. Those are the five in universal human traits that make money in any economy since the dawn of time.

Find the one you are best at and max it. Make sure you have at least a couple points in all of them.

>> No.52710735


>> No.52710745
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That's what I have a degree in but I didn't take my CPA

Why are my options so fucking limited?

>> No.52710750

The fact that you need to make this post shows your IQ is not high.

>> No.52710772
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Jack of all trades desu
Everybody called me smart as a kid so I got by on natural talent until I hit 15 and got put into fast uni classes where I hit the wall where I actually had to study for the first time in my life and found out that I have no motivation or drive and thus was outclassed by all my peers
I can't even talk on the phone
Ok that I can do.

>> No.52711163

What are you talking about? You have a ton of options. You can work almost anywhere in the world, at large companies or small, corporations or public. It's extremely versatile.

>> No.52711211


>> No.52711280

>Too smart for blue collar wagie job filled with literal meth heads
A Mexican will mog you intellectually the second you step in the field. Go dig dirt for a year and humble yourself nigger.

>> No.52711291

>What's a 115 IQ nigga supposed to do in this economy?

get /fit/ and do sales

>> No.52711296
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Honestly accounting is blue collar work.
I was an inventory accountant for a year and it's basically like baby sitting with niggers all day.

I kept getting work piled on me everyday because I was able to finish off 10x what these niggers were doing in an afternoon but in reality it just means I'm the chump who has to pick up the slack while getting paid less than the senior nigger.
I couldn't even work slower if I wanted to, I would just be sitting around bored out of my mind.

It's humiliating.

>> No.52711363

>Jack of all trades desu
Should've just said that you're unskilled
>I have no motivation or drive and thus was outclassed by all my peers
Should've just said that you are a dumbass and got filtered by basic uni classes that 80 IQ retards could pass
>I can't even talk on the phone
>Ok that I can do
If you can't even talk on the phone you can't become a sociopath.
You are meant to be a poorfag, nothing you do about it anymore.

>> No.52711383

If you had one more standard deviation you could be comfy. :(

>> No.52711436
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>Should've just said that you're unskilled
That's the thing, I'm not.

I have a basic knowledge of coding to get by, I can make my own games, but I can't solve leetcode puzzles and trip over making anything complex.

I have rudimentary knowledge in art, and can make stuff in blender but it's not good enough to sell.

I can write a lot, but what I produce is mediocre.

Basically any skill I can grasp and go past the basics up to mediocrity but simply cannot move past that barrier and become a professional at said thing to qualify myself as """Skilled"""
I wish I was just an unskilled unga bunga, than I could go work in a coal mine and not worry about anything.
It's the fact that I'm trying and failing is what plagues me.

>> No.52711460

this guy knows

>> No.52711483

Elaborate your ability. 2D sidescrollers do not apply.

>> No.52711531
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>> No.52711536

RN, Police Officer, Accountant, HR, Government Administrative Wagie, or Truck Driver.
All have their pros and cons, pick the one that suits your personality best and roll with it.

>> No.52711542

>I have a basic knowledge of coding to get by, I can make my own games, but I can't solve leetcode puzzles and trip over making anything complex.
So you are unskilled but can follow some retarded poojeet tutorial? Congratz I'm sure Google will hire you for 300k/year

>> No.52711555

How much did you code yourself and how much did you copy paste?

>> No.52711576

Nigger I already told you CDL A and yet you continue to be a faggot. God damn it OP.

>> No.52711616

You can't really copy paste it since it's unique and there aren't that many pygames to work off of.
You just apply general concepts of python, define a bunch of stuff and than make X = Y in accordance to what the player presses
It's not necessarily difficult but I don't see many people making Wario Ware tier Microgames for whatever reason.

>> No.52711634

You need to not be white, or convert to being gay.

>> No.52711664

>I have a basic knowledge of coding to get by, I can make my own games, but I can't solve leetcode puzzles and trip over making anything complex.
Most of software development is just managing data flows and APIs. You don't actually have to be smart for 95% of the work.

>> No.52711666

Being Disabled or "Disabled" can go a long way

>> No.52711668

How does McDonalds fry cook sound?

>> No.52711694

>Honestly accounting is blue collar work.
no it's not, my sister is an accountant at EY, she makes $300k per year. You're just a retarded /pol/cel loser and you always will be.

>> No.52711868

Cool, you should go into 3D games.

>> No.52712020

Anon, not that I know exactly how it is but from my experience and reading the board, all tech companies hire junior developers who just pump out code, regardless of its quality, and the seniors touch it up where needed. I worked in a big tech company at support level and we always had something to escalate. Some of the devs couldn't answer questions about the code they wrote.

Don't think of yourself as a midwit or stupid. The fact that you were stuck in fast uni courses due to lack of motivation only shows that you are not a brainwashed robot. I am sure if you thought that you can get something out of it, you would have outpaced them, but you saw the truth, that it's pointless.

Being mediocre in various fields is not necessarily a bad thing. You might have ADHD thus you constantly need to do something different, as the old thing got you bored.

Just try your shot at some random tech company that hires juniors, they will train you. Once you get the gist of it, you will polish your coding skills.

But beware anon, office work ain't like bluecollar work. The stress and pressure were not worth it for me, so I left recently. But if you wish to do it, better try it, it's a path that will show you some new things.

>> No.52712119

This is bait right? There is no place in America with more meth heads than a yuppie office. They just call it different things sometimes, like amphs or speed or addy.

>> No.52712167
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anything healthcare

>> No.52712184

>The average salary for a Accountant is $60245 per year in United States

I'm sure your anecdote holds more weight than the stats though.

>> No.52712188

how I'm feeling rn learning my datastructures

>> No.52712217

i worked at EY. his sister is probably a director or junior partner at EY. they definitely make that much money. you just have to wageslave 60-80 hours a week for 10-15 years to get to that point.

i also work in accounting. i make $100k/year. could likely job hop to $120-130k if i wanted to.

>> No.52712236

115 iq here, 6 figs as an electrician and don't work with methheads. Bodies taking a toll already but always a good option if you have thick skin