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52705833 No.52705833 [Reply] [Original]

What went wrong?

>> No.52705892
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Mussolini selfishly and retardedly attacked Greece, which forced the German attack against the USSR to be delayed for several weeks (as Germany had to go help the Italian military). This lead to Europe losing the war and the creation of the post-1945 world we have today.


>> No.52706146

i disagree that Europe lost the war because of the delay of Barbarossa. Hitler attacked at the perfect time. Stalins red marshals had set the date for the invasion of Europe for July 1941. In delivering a crushing blow to the Soviet offensive power, Hitler delayed Europes fall for years, and also, more importantly, crippled Soviet industry and manpower to such an extent that the planned conquest of all of Europe had to be "delayed".
Here's a great resource about this:

>> No.52706219

If Japan and Italy had been only half as effective as Germany, they'd have won.

Or if Germany had been able to develop the A Bomb in the 30s. In any case, we live in a doomed world.

>> No.52706257

Fuck of to /pol faggot

>> No.52706270

Lol, cry me a river.

>> No.52706281

This is the weirdest samefag I've ever witnessed

>> No.52706325
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The government enforces laws that actively PREVENTS individuals and private businesses from defending themselves.

>> No.52706330

armed drone security is the future.

>> No.52706332

This has been going on for years. There are gangs that will literally charge into a store and just grab whatever they can and run out all in less than 90 seconds. The stores never prosecute because they dont want the bad publicity.

>> No.52706341

Pastanigger moment

>> No.52706371

>What went wrong
Refusal to address the real issues.

>> No.52706444

japan did mostly as well as they could, they were simply technologically and industrially outmatched

>> No.52707991

Yeah if my aunty had balls she'd be my uncle. Germany lost because they're retarded.

>> No.52708015

>japan did mostly as well as they could
uh yeah sure, they trampled over the unprepared just like Germany. Then when they messed with an actual challenge got rekt. America destroyed the Japs easily they weren't even a match.

>> No.52708047

Inevitable contradiction inherent in liberalism.

>> No.52708470

>The french

>> No.52708585

They were unprepared, just because you have weapons doesn't mean you're prepared to fight. They didn't want war and tried appeasement along with England to avoid it. Nazis were prepared for a fight by lying for years and building up a war machine with intent. The Nazis rolled over western Europe easily, but as soon as they met a real challenger they crumbled.

>> No.52709211


>> No.52709242

too much to ask to post a link retard?

>> No.52709260

Why would Italy attack Greece? Italians and Greeks are identical, that is, ethnically Turkish.

>> No.52709277

If Japan had just attacked East Russia like they were supposed to Barbarossa would have been a success. But no, they had to attack America instead like a bunch of autists

>> No.52709280

Hmmmm let’s see. Everyone is waking up to the fear profiteering the boomer griftoverse is guilty of. They yell and scream their faces off about the latest thing to confirm confirmation bias of everyone over 55 then beg for donations. There’s only so many times you can cry wolf while simultaneously hiding in your cave hoarding gold. If they aren’t going to do anything about the bullshit they report, why should they have support?

>> No.52709281

Jews and niggers.

>> No.52709331

You're schizophrenic and this board would be better if you went back.

>> No.52709503

Germany did the best they could with what they had and they had a ludicrous streak of good luck in the early years of the war, but no amount of bravery and sheer will can beat superior logistics and industry

>> No.52710615
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It was destined to turn out this way ever since the gunpowder revolution and the printing press
But soon, nations will crumble to dust, and a better world will grow out of it. A world without communism or welfare states, without fascists or republicans or democrats.
A world where people associate freely based on genetics, beliefs, or whatever factors they choose, and not forced statist cooperation.

>> No.52710752
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Germany lost but Germans won.

>> No.52710808