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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 823 KB, 1440x1598, xrp385000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52704076 No.52704076 [Reply] [Original]

holy shit guys it's really happening for Ripple (NFA DYOR)

>> No.52704113

Yeah I saw this too dude. I'm very interested in the project. I'm still accumulating every day buying more XRP and so should you!

>> No.52704117


>> No.52704174


>> No.52704187

Lol imagine falling for this so many years later. Just 2 more weeks bro they'll definitely buy our coins off us

>> No.52704199

fuck off samefag

>> No.52704202

That wasn't me maybe a glitch or something very weird very interesting though hmmmmm uh oh

>> No.52704213

Are you gonna refund the bagholders paying you to shill or nah

>> No.52704221

Couldn't agree more. <Personally I have been DCA-ing into Ripple's XRP every 2 weeks. They have interesting partnerships coming soon.

>> No.52704227

Okay bro you've convinced me. How much XRP should I buy right now?

>> No.52704238

I would just start with like 2k XRP or something then slowly accumulate more

>> No.52704256

not pumping your bags bitch

>> No.52704258

>xrp shill are (((christinsanity))) victims
why am i not surprised

>> No.52704267

I walk with Christ and god always wins

>> No.52704592

hello i am bangladesh poor village how i buy crypto xrp to help thank u

>> No.52704618

Why wouldn't they just buy it at the current market price?

>> No.52704621

when you cop flak you know your over the target, i've said it before and I'll say it again the astronomical success of xrp will cause cognitive dissonance on such a scale it will result in mass suicides on this board

save as many as you can OP keep up the good work

>> No.52704720

>hey guys look at me, I’m eating shit!
>ugh don’t eat shit that’s disgusting
>hmmm well u know when u got haterz ur doin sumthin right B) #SHITtothemoon #SHITarmy

>> No.52704739

if xrp is 385k then bitcoin is 20 billion each

>> No.52704760

>if xrp is 385k then bitcoin is 20 billion each

Says fucking who? Or why would this be?

>> No.52704973

>pooing, poo pooing the poo loo poo lotion for hair mouth and skin
this guy will the first roping because even Poojeet Patel can afford one right now

>> No.52705145

But why?

>> No.52705181

Because its just going to, okay?

>> No.52705234

if thats the case then loafs of bread are $400

>> No.52705235
File: 95 KB, 464x446, polturdd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if thats the case then loafs of bread are $400

>> No.52705904

boomers realized that XRP is unique alien technology which cannot be achieved by court order and now they're desperately bidding to get even single XRP token.

>> No.52706233
File: 34 KB, 484x306, cheat_sheet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meanwhile, in the real world...

>> No.52706427

Toppest of keks. Not only /biz/ are financial illiterates but they are continuosly falling for scams like the best goys they are. Its like whenever they lose their money, instead of it becoming a learning experience in risk management and due dilligence, they grow appetite for even more brazen and dumber scams. FOMAS

>> No.52706524

Because fundamentals

>> No.52706695

Bros level with me... no one actually believes 1 XRP will ever be worth 37,500 or 385k right? This is flat earth believers level of dumb

>> No.52706713

haha, and GME will be $1M per share

>> No.52706761


>> No.52706855

>I've said it before and I'll it again
>if you got haters you know you're on the right track
>haha when we make it there will be mass suicides and we will be vindicated
Fucking hell, the sheer stupidity on display. Painful

>> No.52706994


>> No.52706995

very poor cherrypicking fud. you forgot to edit to that picture that only 1 month earlier, in april 2017 XRP was $0,003 for YEARS (2012-2017)

still it had the BIGGEST ROI% in the top 10 if you bought pre may 2017-

>> No.52707005


>> No.52707038
File: 143 KB, 1152x2048, Standard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XRP is the standard. Non-XRP holders on suicide watch :D

>> No.52707488


>> No.52707539
File: 3.00 MB, 854x480, 1663278600555346.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There will be mass suicides alright.

>> No.52707551
File: 236 KB, 514x765, 1668768263798298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not trying to fud or anything because we've all been baggies at one point but
I have an irl "friend" that was telling me to buy XRP
He unironically believes in flat earth
He told me he holds a few hundred and thinks it will go to thousands of dollars per
Just saying, these are the people you hold XRP with.

>> No.52707713

>NOOOOOOO that's an arbitrary time frame
>counters with another arbitrary time frame
LMAO you baggies sure know how to cope, years of practice do show

>> No.52707845

xrp does nothing - xrp baggies are made fun
xrp moons - mass suicides and salt on this board
BSV does nothing - BSV holders are made fun of
BSV is the real BTC - mass suicides and salt on this board
Clotshots do nothing - antivaxxers are made fun of
Clotshots cause clots, autoimmune diseases and infertility - schizos win, NPCs lose their shit
With the current track record of the schizos on this board, I think we are in for a wild ride.

xrp holder with a small bag of BSV and unvaxxed blood. If i lose, i lose some of my savings, if I win i get to dab on normies for the rest of my life, i'm taking the chances.

>> No.52707865

The only mental illness you suffer from is acute retardation

>> No.52707884
File: 150 KB, 1090x1094, tedTalk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, it's worth a 5-10% gamble.

>> No.52708117

not acute, i was born retarded. Please do get boosterd.

>> No.52708318

Why would anyone on this board suicide if XRP moons. Did you get an urge to kys when DOGE mooned and you missed it? I felt bad, but its not the first moon I've missed in crypto, and it won't be the last

>> No.52708354

How much effort to make this video? Just curious anyone have an idea on how much time?

>> No.52708396

>Why wouldn't they just buy it at the current market price?
Uhm because uh, no sweaty, like thats just, no.

>> No.52708500

Its from 2018 it 2017. You cripple bag holders have been a meme for that long.

>> No.52708557

Yeah we’re just going to spend 15 trillion dollars enriching flat earth Earthers instead of making our own tech for nearly free in comparison.

Absolute retards. You’re only here because “omg it’s under $1 what if it goes full Bitcoin one day wow!!”

>> No.52708594

XRP is the answer

>> No.52708675

holy fucking kek m8s. Just searched google for picrels handle: xrplion. Google decided to show results for something called xeplion instead. Its an anti psychotic medication for schizophrenia...xrp bros wagmi.

>> No.52709581

This is beyond retarded. First, no one has that much money. Second, they can't buy XRP from retail by submitting an offer to the Fed. Third, how are you alive being this fucking dumb?

>> No.52709772

nope it can actually go that high because market cap means nothing its all about utility bro DYOR

>> No.52710021

XRP will go to at least $2000

>> No.52710101

Some speculation FOMO price spike is entirely different than someone BUYING EVERY FUCKING COIN FOR $375k YOU FUCKING RETARD

>> No.52710581

Q is real. Trump is President. Earth is flat. GME to $1,000,000. XRP to $37,500

>> No.52710673
File: 1.11 MB, 1592x1052, Screenshot_20221203_061042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please stop mocking me and just let me die.

>> No.52710762
