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52700817 No.52700817 [Reply] [Original]

i receive 1842 USD gibs a month. and i live with my parents

>> No.52700850

I kneel. Please teach me how

>> No.52700872

I don't mind you collecting disability. I'm a leftist and I support our society taking care of the disabled, and providing social safety nets. The only part that makes me upset is how I know people like you almost always end up voting for the rightwing, and supporting the rightwing. You're probably a nazi, and go on /pol/ and post retarded nazi shit. And you're a part of this rightwing movement that is all about taking away your own benefits. And taking away your own rights. And rendering mental illness and homelessness illegal. If the rightwing had their way, they would put you in a mental asylum against your will, potentially even lobotomize you, even if you didn't commit a crime. In nazi germany, the mentally ill were executed for no crime at all other than simply being mentally ill

>> No.52700885

uhm I recieve 7k after taxes working 2 hours barely per day... lol

>> No.52700911

if i teach everyone then the process will get saturated. i just made this thread to flex on the wagies. but i can give you a hint, go to mexican neighbourhoods in the western states (mostly outer california area) of the US where in the midst of the slums theres someone with a nice car, ask him how he got it. im a mexican chad and us mexicans know how to play the system

didnt read

>> No.52700914

I have suicide history. Confined in mental hospitals. Still didn't qualify. How the fuck did you qualify?

>> No.52700936

>didnt read
That's alright. It wasn't really for you. It was more about you.

>> No.52700956

I live with my parents and don't bother collecting government money. Why would I, when my parents pay for everything? Comfy.

>> No.52700966

pro-tip: mental illness qualifies less because our whole country is mentally ill. it would bankrupt the system. suicidal people are everywhere. you need to find a more 'apparent niche' thats different. use your brain

>> No.52700973

comfy fren. i hope theyre leaving you an inheritance

>> No.52700991

Imagine going on 4chan and saying this or that about Nazi Germany as if everyone on this site doesn't know the score.
Also the left doesn't care either. Trump didn't give us the wall and Biden isn't giving us forgiveness.
Always vote 3rd party, even if it's for a literal commie. They won't win this election, the next one, the one after that, or the one after that. But we need to start making politicians hungry for the 3rd vote.
Because red or blue, it doesn't matter who wins. They both get exactly what they want. Nobody walks back any laws about gun control or stem cells. They're all on the same team.

>> No.52700993

Again. What the fuck was your excuse then?

>> No.52701011

Also you're retarded because what ever excuse you make up could easily just be seen as "common". There's no such thing as being "clever" with this, retard.
You're full of shit and probably larping about being on disability unless you legitimately have a disability

>> No.52701014
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something physical on my own body. im not saying more than that anon

>> No.52701023

>bragging about living in poverty

>> No.52701028
File: 44 KB, 641x527, 166960610294684146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw he cut off his dick and is getting trannybux

>> No.52701036

Do you plan to just die with them?

>> No.52701049

I live in the moment, fren

>> No.52701054


>> No.52701062

back to work wagie. your 5 min unpaid lunch break is over

>> No.52701112

i work from home an average of about 25 hours a week and i make $98k a year.

>> No.52701118
File: 96 KB, 1200x1200, c704e3c0-1b30-11ed-aaef-57ce0bf996df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

under 2k a month and lives with his parents, enjoy staying at the bottom of the food chain complaining how unfair life is

>> No.52701183

Same here, if I keep investing most of my income I'll be a millionaire in less than 5 years and effectively retired before my 30s. Much better than living on 20% of that and feeling like a failure in the eyes of my family and myself for doing nothing substantial all day.

>> No.52701223

OP described himself as a "mexican chad." he's probably viewed as a success in the eyes of his brown nigger family, because at least he's not in prison or worse yet, still in mexico. many such cases when it comes to these filthy nigger animals.

>> No.52701259

>$1800 per MONTH
Anon this isn't the flex you want it to be
Some people here make that in a WEEK for doing mostly NOTHING, probably less than you

Also, as a poor white trash, I know this game, in order to go your route you have to full commit. Most people aren't ready to fully commit to the NEET life not even a little, realizing what it takes to game the system that deeply is what keeps people from saturating the system. I could do what you do tomorrow but then I'm permanently fucked down the line in other departments because i did a full send on convincing the gov I need gibs.

>> No.52701390

>Some people here make that in a WEEK for doing mostly NOTHING
You are delusional and never had a job if you think this

>> No.52701439

I earn $15K a month for minimal effort and I'm not even earning that much compared to a lot of my friends.

>> No.52701465

>apply for "job"
>schedule interview asap
>recruiter tells me it was filled already lol
>look at her calender
>she is literally interviewing people for the filled position through next week
>mfw she is literally posting fake shit positions online so she can get people's resumes
This is beyond a rigged game it's just insulting and gay.

>> No.52701585

What a bunch of seething wagies ITT. Cheers to you OP. Waging is for losers. If you invest in crypto you might even make it before all the loser wagecucks without living a day like a slave.

>> No.52701717


>> No.52701786
File: 54 KB, 600x549, 1661863415383687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to mexican slums, ask random drug cartel guy how he got his car
>He and his goonies beat the fuck out of you
>If you survive, you are physically and mentally disabled

>> No.52701801

>I'm a leftist and...
Stopped reading. Why is it that every time that phrase is posted, it's proceeded by the person who said it continuing on to post the gayest and most retarded drivel imaginable? I have zero reason to assume this is not the case, so I'm not reading the rest.

>> No.52701814

Well I make a little over that in a week and have done mostly nothing at work this week.
Not true for the majority here but some, yes.

>> No.52701837

You're delusional if you think leftwing policy actually stands for these things. In the US, gop policy is fascism, dem is centrist "change nothing" politics, and there's a gaping hole where your interests actually are. Modern dems would never in a million years pass a program giving OP 1900/mo, modern gop would straight up gas him in a concentration camp.
So yeah, vote left to keep nazis out of office. Great. Voting alone isn't going to make our lives better though. For that to start happening we gotta eliminate capitalist billionaire and mega-corporation power in politics.

>> No.52701839

Kek based. I like my job but you're winning. Keep collecting those checks fren. I'd rather know my taxes are going to someone like you over a nigger who consooms endlessly.

>> No.52701879

I've read this all before, get new material you fucking hacks. Terrible bait, maybe it was better the first million times you used it?

>> No.52701914

thats how you sound

>> No.52701946

Eh good on you OP. The fact people defend this system is the sad part. It’s a clowns world. Hard working people would be healthier, happier and financially better off if they didn’t work, that’s peak clown world right there.

>> No.52701958

you still have some responsibilities I'm sure
meanwhile I live in south america and fuck hot latinas nonstop with my neetbux
thanks for playing

>> No.52702036

>1842 USD
chump change

>> No.52702100

After currency conversion you make as much as I do post-tax. I'm a software developer. How do I sign up to neet?

>> No.52702141

The wagie is coping Anon.