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File: 273 KB, 1300x958, convenience-store-interior-variety-good-shelves-display-57214846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52694508 No.52694508 [Reply] [Original]

I'm opening a convenience store in my town. I'm going to stock up with snacks and sodas. I will be selling cigarettes and doing lottery tickets. What should I include in my store?

>> No.52694550

vapes. nutrageous bars. celsius and white monster energy drinks.

>> No.52694558

oh and those OTC boner pills. some of them work better than the real stuff.

>> No.52694606

growing up there was a convenience store with a fuck ton of airsoft guns. coolest place when you're 17~20.

>> No.52694638

Cheap bowls and bongs, rolling papers, porno mags, boner pills. Degenerate shit

>> No.52694645

Some sort of hot food is a must. The store by me has a griddle and fryer to make breakfast/lunch. If you don't live in a bullshit state sell booze too.

>> No.52694690

Toilet paper, condiments (the average sort: ketchup, mayo). Find out exactly what kind of soda your general area drinks, like in my surroundings, everyone loves mountain dew, sells like crazy.

>> No.52694698
File: 357 KB, 972x1500, 81c-aT5OrqL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My parents owned a few of those while growing up and I got to work in them during the summers. Depending on the area you will want to stock those little plastic roses in a glass tube and these metal cleaning brushes. The crack heads will combine them to make a crack pipe.
Think about a vice you can exploit and find a way to sell to that vice.
Depending on the state you could probably add some Delta 8 products and all that type of garbage as well. Couple that with all the stupid snakes and soda and you will be good to go.
Also make sure to get a beer/wine license.

>> No.52694797
File: 348 KB, 1397x738, go grocer hampden and diversey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some of them work better than the real stuff.
Do they really? I've never tried them but my girlfriend and I want to try it out just to say we tried it. What do you recommend

OP I own a vape vending machine at a college bar. I can give you a bit more insight if you'd like. A few questions to ask yourself before opening:
>are you in a walkable area?
>are you in a fairly high-income area?
>are there any other convenience stores in your area?
Urban cityfags are the best POSSIBLE consumers for a convenience store. Less price-averse, more disposable income, will pay extra for the convenience, extreme consoomers.

OP if i were you I would locate your store on a high foot-traffic corner in a recently developed walkable community. Make sure your store is clean and furnished well too. Pic rel is a great example.

>> No.52694885
File: 401 KB, 2560x2560, 811GEvDpaLL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> griddle and fryer to make breakfast/lunch.
Better to go for something like a hot dog roller to start. You can get products besides a hot dog, it can be set up self serve, and requires little work from an employee beyond placing the items on the roller.
For hot food either go microwave or get a convection oven that can heat up frozen burgers/sandwiches.
You want things you can set, forget, and allow customers to retrieve items. Having to staff multiple people to make food is expensive unless you are busy enough to justify the extra staff.
Just keep these items near the register so people grab the hot food right before they pay.

>> No.52694975

Include a machete behind the counter and a height measure at the door for when you are inevitably robbed.

Don't hire any female cashiers they're just gonna get raped immediately

>> No.52695059

yeah I might robbed true. I think I might just forget about the whole thing I saw some articles about people shooting store owners.

>> No.52695155

I worked in a c-store in college. The biggest cash cow is snacks. Lottery, cigs, beer, gas, are all single digit margin. Snacks are marked up 20-30%. Goyslop is more addictive than nicotine, alcohol and gambling, so customers always keep coming back.

Also you can upsell anything. If somebody asks for a pack of cigarettes, ring up 2. Half the time they'll say "oh, I asked for one. Well, nevermind just give it to me."

Lottery addicts are the best. You can keep stringing them along forever.
>this next ticket is the one, man, I can feel it
>You think so?
>Man, if you don't play it I will
>Aight lemme get it

I despised c-store customers with all my soul. I rejoiced in taking their money and bleeding them dry with their own vices. Your success as an owner depends entirely on how much you hate your customers and want to see them suffer.

>> No.52695169

boxed whine, cat food, condoms, pregnancy tests

>> No.52695192


>> No.52695223

Just go into a different gas station and look at what people buy. I always see people buying snacks that seem to be priced 10x what a normal grocery store would charge.
>$2 for a single granola bar or a single bottle of water
It's fucking ridiculous.

>> No.52695289


>> No.52695304

just a typo

>> No.52695477

Oh shit ok that one threw me off I was thinking some other area sells some type of novelty toy snake I was unaware of. Or maybe it was some slang for a specific piece of drug paraphernalia

>> No.52695495

anti-nigger spray

>> No.52695549

a gun

You are going to be robbed by n until you go broke

>> No.52695602

Some chink ran store by me sells Walmart brand items marked up like 75% what they paid. Frozen pizzas and what not. The only people I ever see go in and out of there are nignogs. I went in once when I needed an energy drink. Didn't even have white monsters got a sugar free. None of the drinks had prices displayed. It was $3.99 plus tax

>> No.52695624

I forgot to add, is it legal for stores to resell branded Walmart items like that?

>> No.52695734

A sign that says "WE ACCEPT _____" for all your hometown niggers.

Fill in the blank for what your state calls food wellfare.

>> No.52695781

yes they might piss off walmart if they have some not for resale policy but it's not actually illegal

>> No.52695869

>coolest place
>coolest place when your 17-20
Kek maybe if your 5-14