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File: 193 KB, 1690x909, JUST RENTOID THINGS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52694345 No.52694345 [Reply] [Original]

Top fucking kek, along with buying more funky pops, rentoids are improving MY HOUSE.

Thanks rentoids.

wsj. com/articles/in-tough-housing-market-renters-renovate-like-they-own-the-place-11669848915?mod=Searchresults_pos1&page=1

>> No.52694368

my tenants did this and I gave them a 50c on the dollar rental break for what they spent to improve my house. Good way to keep good tenants.

>> No.52694374

I also put up a new shower head and hung pictures in my rented house.

>> No.52694393

I rent a room in a house and the most yard work I did was mow it once followed by killing all the grass.
I'm also bought a fuck ton of darino in the hopes it fucks up the metal piping.

>> No.52694404
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you're a tenant, not a rentoid

>> No.52694406

I put a new P trap in my sink because the fucker rusted out and I needed to use my sink. Does that count?

>> No.52694433

>you're a shit, not a turd

>> No.52694448

My old bitch of a landlord asked why I didn't plant any flowers or mulch the flower beds, I said I'd do it if she paid for the flowers and my time. I never raked the leaves once and only mowed when the HOA started to complain

>> No.52694490

This... you are only going to be there for 2 years max. Why fix up someone else's place? If they want followers and mulch. The landlord isn't getting the full rent that month.

>> No.52694533
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I mean renters are renter but if he pays his tip on time, he's not a 'toid

>> No.52694682

For the last 3-4 generations in the west, owning a home was just something everyone had, even without autistically min-maxing a budget, you could be bluepilled normie who puts 0 thought into finances and just get any kind of random easy job without any effort, and buy a house, no high end education and high end job required, no min-maxing of finances

But now normies are having to deal with the fact many of them will never own a home, at least not the ones who aren't autistically min-maxing finances and autistically focusing on it, but but isn't something your average normie does

So what does the average normie do, well they just accept renting for the rest of their life, and start doing stuff to improve where they live, without taking into consideration they're spending money on an asset that they dont own

>> No.52694814

Normies are cattle and will follow the "renting isn't so bad" propaganda that is about to come out. Nobody will do anything to improve society unless they're starving to death.

>> No.52694913

How the fuck do people actually rent
Like just live with your parents for a few years then get a mortgage.
Do people not have parents?
Also, IMAGINE being born to parents who don't work hard to save money for their children's future. I would've KMS as a baby as soon as I got born if I could know that's how my life was going to be

>> No.52696075

>50c on the dollar rental break
wtf? Where I live the full cost must be deducted from rent because I DON'T OWN THIS HOME. You're a fucking leech

>> No.52698542

You must be the biggest pampered cunt in this thread, have you considered transitioning into a woman?? Better option than kys but then again im all for it

>> No.52698591
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I don't buy funko pops and I don't renovate..
You're kinda stupid.
I'd buy another firearm but I don't have the money, I'm saving up cash to bail south.

>> No.52698603

It's the same thing.
>t.mommy daddies money.

>> No.52698608

i renovated my apartment by accidentally smashing a hole in the drywall with a 45 pound barbell plate. patch it up, shekelstein.

>> No.52698626

>Do people not have parents?
Not everyone's situation is the same. From what it sounds like, if you or I ask our parents to move in with them for a couple years they would have no problem with it. Other parents might have the "once you're 18 you're gone" attitude which I think is insane but there's nothing you can do about that if you're the child. Sometimes people in their early 20's might have a wife/fiance/serious gf that want to live together and don't want to have to worry about the complications of living with parents, so they rent.

>> No.52698628
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What the fuck is a toid and why should I care about internet nerds opinions?

>> No.52698630

>that ruraloid who thinks having 80% of his net worth in bang bang wahoos is somehow better than having 80% of his net worth in bing bing wahoos.

>> No.52698645

I could have given them nothing, I gave them something. They wanted to do the improvements without incentive and I still provided one. Rent is still due on the first.

>> No.52698649

>But now normies are having to deal with the fact many of them will never own a home
I want to build machine guns and cook meth.
Fuck you and fuck your house.
I'll steal a fucking RV and live in the woods.
Pfft! For the price of ONE American house I could live like a king elsewhere.
They sell AK-47s for 300 bucks in Mexico.

>> No.52698652

I put a new sprayer arm in the dishwasher cause it was literally missing. I also cleaned the shit out of the place because the previous tenant nor the landlord can clean for shit. Also replaced the showerhead but I'm swapping that shit back when I leave so doesn't matter. Also lubed all the hinges and rails.

>> No.52698679
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>Like just live with your parents.
Ah, trust funds, mommy and daddy lick your ass hole clean because I guess tissue paper is too rough for your little bitch boy ass.
Nah cunt, hope you get raped by a pack of niggers.

>> No.52698697

Imagine renting. Actually I can because I did it for years until I said fuck this and bought for cheaper than renting, with not having to share walls with niggers.

>> No.52698700

>autistically min-maxing finances and autistically focusing on it
I do this and I'm still at such an extreme disadvantage. I can't imagine the shit people who don't do this have to go through.

>> No.52698727
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Yeah I mean I can build guns and create narcotics.
I've done it before, I want to move someplace where the police are easy to bribe.
You're a fat suburbanite, don't talk to me, fag.
I made 10k walking a bag full of weed from one town to another in Canada.
You? You wouldn't have anything without your rents.
I literally bought illegal guns and sold them for a slight profit, same with my bootlegging, tobacco smuggling and weapon runs.
Fuck outta here, gay boy.
I'm strapped for cash and saving up, firearms are expensive, lathes are even more expensive.
Don't you fucking (you) me.

>> No.52698743
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I try to be fair to my rentards, i charge for cheap (country wise) and give them a lot of freedoms. In kind, they make their payments in time and don't make any drama.

>> No.52698747
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>>that ruraloid who thinks having 80% of his net worth
Yeah, ain't me at all, cunt.

>> No.52698751

that is the same except rentoid is a better word for such a situation

>> No.52698794
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Firearms have gone up in price, the second you open a new video game the 60$ game goes to half its price.
Gamers are gay.
I grow pot.
I'm gonna grow shrooms, cook meth and learn to build handguns that can fire full auto.
You're a faggot.

>> No.52698811

Nobody is doing that

>> No.52698867


anon, you live with your parents

>> No.52698904

>I could have given them nothing
Unjust laws aren't anything new. Where is this home?

>> No.52698975

Some people were orphaned or lost their parents later on in their lives. Grow the fuck up dude not everyone has daddys trust fund as a backup.

>> No.52698988

All of which will be torn out and thrown away for something grey when they move out.

>> No.52699159
File: 75 KB, 220x210, 1653439144071.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seething rentoids upset that you pointed out (the fact) that their parents are dysgenic and shit. It takes brainlet-tier IQ to have been in the workforce since the 80's until now and not have AT LEAST one home. If you're American and this describes your boomer parents then they have failed and should have been a genetic dead end.

>> No.52699288

I installed a new showerhead at my place. Got it for free and took me 20 mins. Depending how lazy I am when I move it might stay. Was worth it.

>> No.52699358

Chicago. It's a multifamily building in which I live in one of the units with my family. All changes were cosmetic and unnecessary but I appreciated it.

>> No.52699838

> bro just get a mortgage
> just guarantee wage slavery AND a liability AND HOA fees
> muh equity on my plywood and cardboard house in a rapidly decaying neighborhood

>> No.52699874

you might want to look at what sentencing looks like for people who have guns on the premises of a drug manufacturing operation, regardless of whether or not they are on your person at the time of arrest.

t. knower

>> No.52700590

At least you don't sound like an asshole. I'll never rent in Kanye-City though

>> No.52700744

all my improvements are specifically reversible and movable. i just installed curtains everywhere and have been thinking about making a live edge shelf. i did offer to split the cost of new/good locks 50:50 though, that the landlords get to keep

>> No.52700802

my personal goal is to buy my grandparents' house after they die at fair market value, ensuring my uncles/aunts a tax-free transaction with no broker fees due to the stepped-up cost basis, and securing a big corner lot in a ~98% white neighborhood in the family

the family lawyer says i should buy a foreclosure in the meantime, but my grandparents will likely be dead within 2 years and i want to put down as much as possible

>> No.52700910
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You unironically seem like a good landlord. When my rentcels decided to fix the place up I gave them a firm handshake and a pat on the head. I told them they could skip the 10 percent rent tip that month, but they gave it to me anyway.
Rentpigs like you don't deserve to be replied to. I will not be responding to any further inquiries from your post ID and you can direct any questions or maintenance requests directly to the web portal. No emails either.

>> No.52700935

Worth every penny. Keeps the shitty ones that would trash your home away.

>> No.52701274

man, i helped my neighbor find a roommate. that was the worst shit ever, wading through endless niggers and unemployed. i just assumed that everyone would just set up ACH autopay so rent is always on time, and treat it as if it was their own house (within reason, no need to install permanent improvements in someone else's house for free)

my landlords basically never hear from me and the rent is auto-debited 2 days early. then again, if i wanna hang a picture, i'm not gonna shy away from nailing into the wall. i do use a good stud finder with AC voltage sensing though

>> No.52701336

Get a load of this spoiled retard over here
No not everyone has parents who love them
Some people are born to drug addicts who beat the shit out of them and leave their 11 year old in the car while they shoot up at the local crack den, get robbed inside, jump into the car I'm still sitting in, and give chase to this nigger because he robbed my mom of $20 bucks and cause his car to flip on I-70 because she pitted him in a fit of rage.
Kill yourself spoiled faggot people with sheltered lives like yours don't deserve to speak on the internet or vote either.

>> No.52701408

okay, i'll bite
>rent:income ratio is ~1:8
>masturbate wherever i want
>have a dedicated room for sleeping
>have a dedicated room for work
>have a dedicated room for eating
>have a dedicated room for TV/vidya
>saving ~$800ish/week for house
>fridge full of my favorite food
>keep thermo as low as i want (no nigger roommates blasting the heat to 70F while wearing shorts inside in winter)
>thinking of secretly adopting a cat - it's allowed, but don't feel like negotiating the waiver of a $100 (((pet fee)))
>can run cat6 cable wherever i want
>free washer/dryer
>smoking balcony
>still max out all retirement accounts
>still afford gold
>still afford luxury items as desired (not much)
renting is pretty comfy if you can afford to live alone and max out your investments+save at the same time. roommates are cucked, living by paycheck is cucked, having no retirement investments is cucked. in those cases, you may as well live at home and tolerate your mother badgering you as she puts "live laugh love" decals on the walls

>> No.52701431
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I'm doing this right now. R8 this new celling I installed

>> No.52701441

>not being raised in an intact family-owned home and enjoying many festive banquets with your extended family, all of whom also own their own homes and raise their kids in a similar environment

>> No.52701469

your cieling is only like 3 feet off the ground do you crawl around on your stomach when you're at home?

Cityfags will defend this

>> No.52701555

It either breaks you or creates you fren, for awhile it broke me but in the end it turned me into a powerhouse of a man
Looking at some of you soft hand fucks, I'd live my life the exact same way again vs the silver spoon that some of you faggots were fed on.

>> No.52701601

checked but you misunderstand the drudgery of true middle-class life. i had a guaranteed roof over my head and food in my belly, but it wasn't fancy. chicken, peas, and milk = peasant food. some thrifted VHS tapes of felix the cat for entertainment. lots and lots of camping because after a small upfront cost (tent/sleeping bags), it's very cheap/free. i'm not gonna sit here and apologize for the fact that my mother's not a nigger crack whore, but i won't say that living in a 2-parent house and frequently visiting family is at all "silver spoon"

>> No.52701693

based and generosity-pilled

>> No.52701701

I like to think people who lived your humble middle class life are the ones who don't have the attitude of the original 1pbtid faggot I replied to
Usually people of your level work hard because you actually are super close to being at my level, two big financial mistakes in a row, and it's over, your pinching to not lose everything.
That faggot on the other hand, no he sounds like one of those kids who gets bought a new car for their 16th birthday but drives the dad's car because he "likes it more" and fails to see the correlation of the moment.

>> No.52701785

let's put it this way: my grandparents live very comfy, but only because my grandma made most curtains in their house because purchased curtains are ridiculously expensive. my grandma was quite impressed when i told her that i made my old holdbacks out of twine and thumbtacks, and curtain rods out of dowels

none of my family or personal furniture is new, nor are any of my clothes. i think my mother might have bought a new sofa/loveseat once. my last furniture purchases were a $35 TV console from savers, and a $280 solid maple union-made dresser from facebook marketplace (the latter will last a lifetime)

hell, i just spent hours upscaling the formality of a thrifted made-in-usa brooks oxford shirt by removing the pocket and replacing the buttons with mother-of-pearl ones from i think my great grandma

living well on a budget is doable, but it doesn't mean you need to live in squalor. shiny new things often cost more and are of lower quality than old ones, but you need to put in the work yourself to fix old things

i wear a wool/cashmere coat, but i bought it for $15 at savers and repaired it myself

>> No.52701833

that being said, my first car bought for me was a $1000 old volvo (which have increased 4-5x in price since then)

i also have 9-12 months savings in cash on hand, and highly marketable job skills, so i won't be in the poorhouse any time soon. hell, i got laid off and got another job the very same day

it's all about being smart and humble, deferred gratification, slowly building wealth over time. making rich friends to spend the flashy money for you

all my vidya growing up was my flashy friend's old stuff. my grandparents often ate at the private club but were never members

dunno what else to say, just live well and shop at savers. i have 8x nice crystal wine goblets for like $20

>> No.52702000

in summary, there's a definite balance of privilege and opportunity. i want a 5' long live edge shelf, which can cost $350-750 for that length of wood, but i wanna make my own because my grandparents' beach house neighbor owns an empty lot with several downed spruce/cedar trees that i've been processing and taking away for free

so owning a beachfront property in a private neighborhood = opens up the door for me to take a chainsaw to another person's property and be thanked for it

but at the same time i can't just afford to spend the money to buy such a luxury item premade. i have to actually process the wood into something usable. my main point of butthurt in this example, i don't currently have access to a blacksmith's forge/machine shop so i can't make my own brackets

it's literally just bent metal with curved metal riveted to it, and holes drilled in it. would much rather make myself for $5 in raw materials than pay $50/bracket

>> No.52703148
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>can't into reply
Literally wasn't talking to you schizo