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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52693015 No.52693015 [Reply] [Original]

You lived through the age of opportunity. A type of golden age if you will.
In no previous time period could a man jump from the bottom to the top with such great ease.

In the east communism kept people in strict order. Growing up the hierarchy truly did require exception skills even if oftentimes social ones. The communist block would see a brief glimpse of opportunity for 2 generations, yet it would also be plagued by western elites abusing the falling system for their gains.
In the south the african ways have never changed. Innovation is shunned and crushed by a violent K-selected collective. Reproduce fast, die young, even if external factors don't demand it their genes will drive them to idiocy.
In the islamic world a more orderly vioence remains but growth up the heirarchy is still mostly hereditary or limited to truly exceptional individuals.
In the far east with rare exceptions the asian blood demands obedience and high creatity necessary for exceptional jump up the social hierarchy is rare. Perhaps Japan and South Korea being the exception.

All of these people have some sort of reason to claim the conditions brought them down.
But you who lived in the West, you can truly say "we experienced an unprecedented age of growth and abundance of opportunities"

That time is coming to an end. Years of recession are coming. Some say years of high inflation will come with them, others claim deflation will hit assets.
Either way there will be less opportunity, savings will be hit, taxes will rise, supplies of everything that was in abundance before will be limited if available at all. There will be less jobs and some fields, now deemed perspective will become obsolete.

>> No.52693029
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>You lived through the age of opportunity. A type of golden age if you will.
>In no previous time period could a man jump from the bottom to the top with such great ease.
>In the east communism kept people in strict order. Growing up the hierarchy truly did require exception skills even if oftentimes social ones. The communist block would see a brief glimpse of opportunity for 2 generations, yet it would also be plagued by western elites abusing the falling system for their gains.
>In the south the african ways have never changed. Innovation is shunned and crushed by a violent K-selected collective. Reproduce fast, die young, even if external factors don't demand it their genes will drive them to idiocy.
>In the islamic world a more orderly vioence remains but growth up the heirarchy is still mostly hereditary or limited to truly exceptional individuals.
>In the far east with rare exceptions the asian blood demands obedience and high creatity necessary for exceptional jump up the social hierarchy is rare. Perhaps Japan and South Korea being the exception.
>All of these people have some sort of reason to claim the conditions brought them down.
>But you who lived in the West, you can truly say "we experienced an unprecedented age of growth and abundance of opportunities"
>That time is coming to an end. Years of recession are coming. Some say years of high inflation will come with them, others claim deflation will hit assets.
>Either way there will be less opportunity, savings will be hit, taxes will rise, supplies of everything that was in abundance before will be limited if available at all. There will be less jobs and some fields, now deemed perspective will become obsolete.

>> No.52693082
File: 67 KB, 1265x900, Edge1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the world is about to experience abundance like it never has

>OP is a fear mongering retard

>> No.52693103


the future is abundant
goods and services will be so cheap

>> No.52693108

Dont you low iq retards ever get tired of being dumb? Just stop posting.

>> No.52693149

>elon musk said so

>> No.52693180

You know in the military today the most dangerous people are the nerds who assemble complex weapons systems, deploy them skillfully and destroy targets that have no idea what just hit them.
Even if things got really simple and basic, doesn't take much man or woman to pull a trigger.
Also the dude in that meme is larger and taller than the average human being 2000 years ago.

>> No.52693192

Welcome to the C U C K age

>> No.52693215
File: 58 KB, 1600x901, image_2022-12-01_153916289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Abundance, yes.
For everyone, no.

>> No.52693245

Chill out you doomer spergs. This is just the downswing of the business cycle. If you were smart, you'd get saving and stacking now.

>> No.52693272
File: 88 KB, 254x400, 1667770110763.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also the dude in that meme is larger and taller than the average human being 2000 years ago.

>> No.52693290

the literal cost of goods and services will go to near zero
robots and AI will replace most of human labor
most humans will live off UBI

this future is coming, but only a few people see it, and are optimistic enough to believe in it
most people lack imagination and are stuck in pessimistic mental models of the world

>> No.52693390

you provide nothing to these threads. why don't you just end it now.

>> No.52693398

Typical slave mentality. Judging your situation based on the pretty things around the box you live in.

Unless your "optimistic" prediction includes a guarantee that there will be ZERO admin/god level control by the elite class, none of your beliefs matter. The people living off UBI (credits at the company store) will be happy (mind controlled) with their situation (slavery).

What the fuck is the point of living in the future if you're completely enslaved by the elite, including and especially inside your own head?

>> No.52693592
File: 125 KB, 1048x645, qtDP71d6Uql0yWYuyYSpqLMm-YnykBuVYdVrT3wet48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the literal cost of goods and services will go to near zero
It doesn't work like that, goods and services require energy to be produced, energy will never cost near 0.

>robots and AI will replace most of human labor

yes and the ones that own the company that use AI will earn the profit, not the layed off employees.

>most humans will live off UBI
we're 8 billions, going to 10, UBI is not sustainable in a world with such a high population and with multibilionaires roaming around.

Capitalism always led to one single outcome, the ever increasing wealth of a minority to the detriment of the majority.

>> No.52693610


Where is the energy going to come from? We are below 80s on nuclear power and we stopped any efficient transport improvements.

Renewables are a meme

>> No.52694241

This future is actually better
You're not really enslaved, it's quite the opposite, you earn free income and you're free to spend it as you wish in a deflationary economy

Look at some cities in south korea, which are dominated by factories/tech companies, whom have started giving out UBI as a solution to the rising unemployment and lack of jobs due to robots and AI replacing human labor.

I understand how you see this as a negative. But in reality, this future, is much better than the one we currently have.
The main 'winners' from this abundance will be the lower class, who will be all lifted out of poverty due to all the abundance.

>> No.52694257

The cost of energy is trending towards 0
If you've been paying attention, you know that's where energy costs are headed, and it's headed towards 0 exponentially so
Technology and innovation will bring down the cost of energy towards 0 over time, it's simply what's happening

>> No.52694315



>> No.52694331


You mean we are running out of oil, renewables cant cover, and our fission/fusion tech is same as 1980

You are spewing complete bs

>> No.52694364

>spend it as you wish
Did you miss the part where you're literally mind controlled?

Learn how to read you fucking idiot.

>> No.52694396

>spend it as you wish
You're also missing the obvious contingencies on UBI/CBDC. You can only spend your money on those goods/services that THEY want you to spend it on.

>You only get 50 miles of gas a month because muh climate
>You can't buy that subscription because muh racism
>You can't buy that meat because muh cow farts

Wake the fuck up you tech elite cum guzzler

>> No.52694405



then come back on this thread and tell me your right

>> No.52694471


i'm spoonfeeding you, be open minded

>> No.52694502

You don't even understand what my point is. Read it a third time. You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.52694534

>In the south the african ways have never changed. Innovation is shunned and crushed by a violent K-selected collective. Reproduce fast, die young, even if external factors don't demand it their genes will drive them to idiocy.
Stopped reading. You've never been to Nigeria.

>> No.52694599

your text reeks of negativity
you should take 5g of dried mushrooms on an empty stomach in a dark room alone

>> No.52694697


>> No.52694789

Lol this guy is being so disingenuous. He's completely ignoring the capital expense of solar. He's not saying the minerals will mine themselves or the panels and batteries will be free to purchase and install he's just saying after the capital expense you have free energy (duh). And then he goes on to say that government subsidies will reduce that cap ex (it's still not free). He also states that utility companies will be required by law to replace two trillion dollars worth of power lines on the next decade which if that's true means that we will have to pay for that one way or the other so even if each house acting as its own power station we're to happen we still have the collective burden to maintain the broader power grid so you really end up paying for everything twice at that point; the public utilities and your own.
Explain to me exactly, as simply as you like, how we're going to arrive at free energy because this guy did not describe that scenario at all.

>> No.52694816


I watched it. It's bullshit. We dont mine enough minerals to produce solar / batteries at that volume. That's why after 30 years of going green, Europe is going broke over Russia/Saudi export cuts.

If you disagree, post % of renewable vs fossil power in US. Then post the amount of lithium we need to mine to make it equivalent.

We will have asteroid mining before real renewables. Aka 200 more years.

>> No.52694844

>drug yourself until you agree with me
Imagine believing you're enlightened saying this

>> No.52694843
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kek, fucking brainlet.
Imagine taking time out of your day to write this shit like all of reddit is here to applaud your thinly veiled self-flagellation.

>> No.52694860

This makes sense in much smaller countries.

>> No.52694903
File: 31 KB, 378x378, 1556988844626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you provide nothing to these threads. why don't you just end it now.

>> No.52694926

This is true actually. The dude with the highest kill count by 100x in my battalion was a toss up between TOC battle captain ordering airstrikes or the UAV pilot. Both were big nerds.

>> No.52694969

I used to live 200m from that guy.
/biz/ would love to hear that this is in Sofia, Bulgaria.

>> No.52695149

>Capitalism always led to one single outcome, the ever increasing wealth of a minority to the detriment of the majority.
What detriment of the majority?

>> No.52695188

>africans are K-selective
holy shit what a retard

>> No.52695213

Musk thinks the future will be that of abundance


>> No.52695251

>made this thread a month ago on /po/
>find it reposted on /biz/ today with half the content
An odd world with odd autism.

>> No.52695279
File: 1.45 MB, 1605x963, 10 more years.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52695281

Well said. Following that road will lead to disaster. For now, the only way out is to go full nuclear. And it's funny because it's the only way the "4th industrial revolution" could be possible too.

>> No.52695308

>My billionaire thought leaders on the internet said we'll all have plenty, just 10 more years!

So it was you that confused K-selected with R-selected?

>> No.52695324

That's because he meant 10 martian years kek.

>> No.52695358

Yeah. But looking at this thread I wonder how many time somebody else made it.

>> No.52695401


6:08 - 6:30

>> No.52695427

>quote OP
>post soi/chud/ugly meme face
>mark another point, I win again!!!

>> No.52695437
File: 36 KB, 500x566, external-content.duckduckgo.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because you keep replying

>> No.52695444

It's weird but I've seen reposts many times. I think it's bots I just don't know for what purpose. OP is 1pbtid.
Your text has been posted at least 7 times on /biz/ alone, check warosu.org

>> No.52695470

Really makes me not want to even try to post stuff on here.

>> No.52695479

>Either way there will be less opportunity
Are you a retard? You can short stocks if you believe this will happen right now then make money and go all in physical gold and burry it somewhere.
There will always be opportunity, but no one cares about opportunities anymore, why should the zoomer own a house and a car and have sex if social status is looked down upon and netflix and tiktok feel better than sex?

>> No.52695536

>theres always that one fraghunting camper playing for high kdr

>> No.52695540
File: 15 KB, 500x358, cyborgschwab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking age of abundance is over
>not realizing we will be genetically upgraded through covid shots cyborgs running neuralink so we can connect our thoughts to the interoperable blockchains processing data from chainlink nodes

>> No.52695575

You got r and K the wrong way around

>> No.52695666
File: 15 KB, 401x225, th (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We drink to our boomers, and to trades come and gone.
For the age of abundance is now nearly done.

>> No.52695712

fpbp. It’s just cope from westerners who can’t seem to make it and need someone to blame

>> No.52696407
File: 38 KB, 600x485, 1659724948621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>somebody stole his post