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52692145 No.52692145 [Reply] [Original]

Will millennials ever take responsibilities and stop using boomers as a scapegoat?
They should be thankful for all modern technology innovations created by boomers that can’t live without

>> No.52692167
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>> No.52692272

Boomers literally sitting on multiple properties, new cars, several holidays a year, secured pensions, multitudes of job experience they got because of scarcer competition, and then call you entitled for not wanting either $100,000s in debt for college or working minimum wage jobs and living in your car. Also women were nicer.

Boomers are the literal epitome of NPCs. Good luck reaching old age when everything collapses. At least we can run and hunt.

>> No.52692300

Boomers would tell their own parents the reason they are poor is that they didn't take responsibility. Economic forces (and govt gibs) they don’t understand in the slightest are the reason for boomer ‘success’

>> No.52692354

>Good luck reaching old age when everything collapses. At least we can run and hunt.
My mom is 80 yo and still lives in her own apartment, rides a bicycle, goes to pick leftover potatoes from some fields by free while having a friendly chat with the farmer. I grow most of my vegetables in my free time while working as a data scienteist as my main job.
When was the last time you millenials have worked, or harvested your own food?
Not that work isn't available. Our company is hiring but very few millenials apply. The last few people hired for my team were all 50+yo boomers or immigrants.

>> No.52692528

>Can’t live without all this great modern tech!
>there is no alternative to the system, you must use the modern tech or you are an enemy of the state.

>> No.52692687

Run and hunt? Oh please. Zoomers and millennials are the fattest, most drug-addicted generations EVER! (Boomer's fault, right?) I'm 65 years old and I could out run, out lift, and beat the crap out of 9 out of 10 young men. But I wouldn't have to because in a societal collapse have of them will kill themselves during zoloft and xanax withdrawal.

Yes, the economy is fucked up, but it is from poison seeds planted 100 years ago. Quit bitching, sort your personal shit out, and make friends with right-thinking boomers and maybe there is a chance of making things better.

>> No.52693039
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>> No.52693328

>the last few hired were boomers or immigrants
Ever think there might be a reason companies keep hiring immigrants rather than younger white guys?

>> No.52693364

>65 years old
How the hell is a 65 year old using this site? Do you know any peers who do the same?

>> No.52693824

Because they will work for a fraction of the cost?