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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52691324 No.52691324 [Reply] [Original]

He didn't know, goyim, ok?? so leave him alone

>> No.52691333

Imagine how many incels' lives he's ruined. Almost makes me weep with joy

>> No.52691334
File: 44 KB, 500x739, 20221110_005007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck him bros

>> No.52691354

it's a mystery how my parents ended up with $140M worth of properties in the bahamas, goy
stop being antisemitic ugh. i've seen those memes you post of me, it's really hurtful

>> No.52691363

Didn't you chuds learn your lesson in world war 2?

>> No.52691406

but jews won?

>> No.52691407

Holy shit listen to the absolute jew in his dad here: https://noagendaassets.com/enc/1669326034.244_sambankman-friedsstanfordlawprofessorfatherjoebankmanisthelegalmastermindbehindftx.mp3
I mean this is PEAK sniveling jew.

>> No.52691416
File: 43 KB, 457x328, 1645664792365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a face when the guy reads him a customer letter asking "why did you steal my life savings?"
you literally cannot make this shit up

>> No.52691431
File: 148 KB, 1179x1189, Fi2SjEaXEAAA71d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did they ask him how he lost weight so fast or how he accidentally ate 3000 shrimp

>> No.52691440

He's shaking like a cocaine addict on the interview.

>> No.52691458
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>> No.52691488

I can't believe he's still parading in a stretched out t shirt. Do they think that looks casual as if he did nothing wrong.
I hope he gets away with everything.
Buyer beware. Fools and their money soon parted. Etc.

>> No.52691489

ese compa ya está muerto, nomás el no lo sabe

>> No.52691501

I've never did a single transaction on FTX and I didn't even care about them, but I hate him like you wouldn't believe, what a spoiled sneaky fuck, no morals whatsoever, he's just plain evil and that's it. his actions had consequences everywhere where crypto was involved, because of him we will maybe have to wait a decade for another bullrun, and the worst part is that he and his team of crooks will never spend a single day in jail.

>> No.52691504

>Oops I accidentally forgot about $8 billion in customer funds wired to Alameda
>Oops I accidentally forgot about 3000 shrimp I ate for the last year

>> No.52691513

I hate kikes as much as the next guy but stop seething, why did you give the kike your money? It's literally your own fault, and now you're crying for daddy government lmao. You weren't so "based" when you were getting those sweet 0 fee trades and 10% on your crypto

>> No.52691529

Isn't it because of some drug that can't be taken with meat

>> No.52691546

what he and his team of villains did affects everyone who owns crypto, it doesn't matter where.

>> No.52691554

Yeah but the damage has been done, maybe it's good that they blew up now rather than later. Self custody, use defi, no problems.

>> No.52691575

But I don't invest in scams so it helps me.
If it negatively affected you then you are a retard and deserve it.
>oh no a scam
>they will regulate us
Yea duh. It's been a scam from the very beginning.
>maximinze grift
>take over with regs
This has been obvious for ten years.

>> No.52691576
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>I wasn't running Alameda
He's throwing our queen under the bus /biz/, we have to save her

>> No.52691585

hes not going to jail, is he?

>> No.52691593
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No refunds

>> No.52691624

Nobody is crying for the gubberment in fact its the gubberment saving this kikes ass. People are crying for an Agent 47 skin to pop up and do justice in the latest Minecraft update for once

>> No.52691662

Or you could have simply avoided scams in the first place.
The only people scammed were people that would have run a scam themselves. People that want money more than their brain can think.
People not concerned as long as they get their APY, etc.
The worst type of people.
That's what they get.

I have XRP. If Ripple fucks me or something other such I have no one but myself to blame.
People are pathetic.

>> No.52691669

Checked but incels do self costody. Better luck next time>>52691504
Beyond comic

>> No.52691709
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Literal MIT genius who keeps track of money for a living
Claims he wasn't keeping track of 10 billion dollars...

>> No.52691762
File: 98 KB, 599x794, Dietary Precautions While Taking MAOIs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, he was taking a MAOI, essentially a strong old-style antidepressant, presumably for performance-enhancing reasons:


MAOIs are dangerous drugs with lots of side effects, one of which requires you to avoid many kinds of foods. See pic related. He probably wouldn't be eating shrimp on Selegiline.

>> No.52691788

Jews really are pure evil. No conscience no soul

>> No.52691805
File: 109 KB, 660x651, 1609794602129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you stupid motherfuckers really putting money into a firm run by a guy called BANKMAN

common boys, you are better than this

>> No.52691964

There was no cfo in the polycule

>> No.52692050

DUDE. He said he's SORRY and FEELS BAD about it.

>> No.52692122

>it’s your fault for trusting me goy!
You insult yourself, kike. People didn’t (((give))) Sam anything. They deposited their crypto to an exchange thinking they still owned it, then Sam stole it and the gambled it all away like the meth addled degenerate he is. FTX terms and conditions even explicitly stated that users still owned their crypto and that FTX was not allowed to loan it out or use it as collateral. Oops!

>> No.52692220

He was a bad actor, it's good he went bankrupt.

>> No.52692245

Yeah what I'm saying is why the based takes now? Imagine trusting a kike in the first plays, what you didn't know they were liars? Never even considered using FTX after seeing his face for the first time

>> No.52692370

Satan himself.

>> No.52692414
File: 488 KB, 546x640, 1668097082336612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>INVESTORS could be here", he thought to himself. "I've never been this illiquid before...there could be INVESTORS ANYWHERE". The cool wind felt good against his hooked nose. "I HATE investors" he thought to himself. "Always on the Run" reverberated through his private plane as it was being fueled, making it pulsate even as the bottle of chocolate oatmilk circulated through his powerful, thick veins and washed away his (merited) fear of investors. "With your own token, you can fund anything" he thought to himself out loud

>> No.52692538

But he was living with the person who ran it. They never talked about these things? Not even remotely believable