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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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52690772 No.52690772 [Reply] [Original]

After this if anyone still bitches about Ethereum gas then they're paid to do so.

>> No.52690796

just another L2 for Ethereum to scam more funds from people
anything that isnt PoW is a scam

>> No.52690808
File: 28 KB, 780x438, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just another L2
its proven to be more efficient that other L2s on the market right now. BitDAO didnt pay half a billion for something mediocre
>anything that isnt PoW is a scam
then why isnt any company/institution investing in PoW chains? they're all heading over to PoS chains instead

>> No.52690855

perfect timing. right after FTX and BlockFi filed for bankruptcy

>> No.52690882

lmao no thanks dump your shit governance tokens on someone else, low quality low IQ scammers

>> No.52690908

they're unironically doing the most right now. i dont see any other project on ethereum with nearly as much liquidity to play with right now

>> No.52690925

>shits on Ethereum because it needs L2s
>feels very cool
Ethereum is the best blockchain in terms of projects and protocols. If its gonna take L2s like this one to power it then be it

>> No.52690944

shut the fuck up
bitdao is based for this
DeFi is the way. CeFi is a scam

>> No.52690968
File: 23 KB, 528x396, a3dbafdd-34e0-4e8d-a193-89e7cf734d0c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats wrong with governance tokens?
Samuel? is this you?

>> No.52690977

OP explain please

>> No.52690992

its a new L2. apparently it has a lot of throughput so i dont see why biz cunts still bitch about Ethereum being "expensive"

>> No.52691006
File: 551 KB, 1860x1326, treasury.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep seething
based opinion

>> No.52691029

didnt Alameda own a like $100 million worth of BIT?

>> No.52691044

BitDAO had the upper hand here. They owned FTT and forced Alameda to buy back all the BIT the pledged not to sell for 3 years
No other entity other than CZ had this much influence on Alameda before its fall
Just shows you how much BitDAO had power in the market

>> No.52691069

except they didnt dump...
BIT maintained its price better than the vast majority of other alts on the market

>> No.52691075
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>> No.52691109

i am convinced that he's not human

>> No.52691115
File: 43 KB, 622x623, vitalik irl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52691135

what happened to zkDAO?

>> No.52691138

still in the works. this is completely different

>> No.52691150

sick and tired of Arbitrum and Optimism. Hope this fucks them over

>> No.52691156

Optimism is a scam and has been proven to be so
Arbitrum is a ghost town. They make it so obvious the way the boost the fuck out of their "user addresses" right before Nitro launching

>> No.52691230

>Arbitrum is a ghost town

what planet are you on? it's almost has the same TVL and volume as polygon

>> No.52691263

sure is strange how there's 3 threads about this shit coin up right now. how organic and natural and not at all like a discord shilling of any type. no no no its natural and 3 threads are all organic to get you to buy this rare treat of a token that is naturally getting 3 threads shilling it strongly.

>> No.52691303
File: 24 KB, 322x376, a2RGeAd_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're unironically doing the most right now
A nothingburger statement every shitcoin peddler spits out. You can just taste the desperation dripping from these posts.
>Wahhhh please, my bags aren't heavy this project is actually relevant guys where are you all going come baaaaaaack.

>> No.52691433

its all inorganic

>> No.52691448

they're actually not a bad investment. a lot of liquidity means they're technically safe from any bear market
not my type of investment though. im more into flipping shitcoins cause of the volatility. bitdao is more of a long term investment which i dont really fuck with

>> No.52691492



>> No.52691519
File: 41 KB, 798x644, heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just bought 1k BIT
i really hope OP isnt scamming me

>> No.52691566

somebody explain how this is better than zksync (when mainnet launches)

>> No.52691620

zkSync launched this L2 so what are you getting at?