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52690709 No.52690709 [Reply] [Original]

So it's safe to buy alts again? What are you anons buying?

>> No.52690718
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Asset Mantle

>> No.52690723


>> No.52690771

Tf is that even

>> No.52690793

You are so stupid I can't even properly put it into words, this is the closest I can get.

>> No.52690806


i get phone call anxiety too
I'm a 33 year old man

>> No.52690817

pick one

>> No.52690818

I don't answer unknown texts and never text almost anyone (only to send links, files).
Only call and accept calls.

>> No.52690839

how's home boy?
the market is depreciating your hairlines I can see.

>> No.52690874

Nothing is safe rn, the market might fuck us with more dips so use DCA strategy to stay safe. DYOR on crypto payments with data privacy innit.

>> No.52690890

I hate talking to people on the phone too. It's actually really bad.

>> No.52690915

God that's literally me

>> No.52690957
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I giggled
Anyways, Dogbat. Want a 2T stack. Need to 2x my stack before the next bullrun. BNB is my next go to. FTM would be on my radar too if it wasn't a bitch to buy and I don't feel like opening an account to another exchange.

>> No.52690958

Chatting serves best, don't call me nigrar ama see it and not respond.. Though Zuckerberg is doing his shit with stoopid ass e2e encryption which we know is a scam. Solid apps with e2e encryptions will surface fr though, a total blend of chat messengers, wallets and seamless dApp browser, looking forward to more spread though. The space be wilding

>> No.52690984

no, that one is shit

>> No.52691195

Memecoins, huh?

>> No.52691232
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>> No.52691251
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DEV Protocol

Ticker DEV
less than a mil marketcap.
Doxxed japanese team.
Tapping into the creator economy but with a twist.
FRAME00, the parent company, has ties with Microsoft Japan and key players of the music industry.
Staking mechanism with 40% APY, but what differs from your run of the mill staking is by staking with a creator of your choosing, you will also get rewards with perks/NFTs/or tangible goods. The staking dapp is stakes.social

>> No.52691254

Kek. Literally me. I ignored calls when abroad not knowing that it was my family. Car burnt to a crisp.

>> No.52691462

>Alts checked, mainly solid low-caps.
Do y'all think NFTs are extinct, monkey and pixelated jpegs are but 3D gonna be dominating soon, how bout ones like cloudbreakers NFTs which will have in-game integration in a moving vehicle, shows that hodling gives bigger benefits.

>> No.52691467


>> No.52691477


i havent answered my phone in years

i rarely even look at texts

if i gotta open messages for an sms code i block half the screen so only the sms code message is available

also 30

>> No.52691524

you guys good at all?

>> No.52691539
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>have serious phone call anxiety
>been in a call centre job for one year
>it’s somehow made it worse

>> No.52691580
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buy and stake MNTL

>> No.52691717
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its been safe for alts
BTC is only heading for lower lows
alts FTW

>> No.52691804

why do you think btc is headed lower?

>> No.52691831

Hoe the FUCK are all people on biz the same? I also have massive phone call anxiety but don't know a single person in real life that has that. I swear this place is weird, I've been on biz since 2017 (still havent made it btw) and if biz was a person it would be as close to a twin brother as possible

>> No.52691839

Lmao I used to have a call center job. That shit was ass

>> No.52691846


>> No.52691876
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i dont have phone call anxiety and hate people at work who wont immediately pick up on teams, I can tell you live in fear of the phone and will keep calling you until you've been reprogrammed

personally i love being called and actually feel like somebody has just breathed life into my sullen, weakening body when I finally get some fucking human contact, a face to smile at and somebody to chat something to

i just wanna chat


>> No.52692101

Getting enough wBTC and ETH is my next strategy, get them into liquidity mining on sylo pool via Uniswap LP tokens on the mentioned tokens.
Do more swaps on new DEXs for aerdraps, seen what genie and Uniswap did, huh? These peeps are the real MVPs

>> No.52692233

I have had that thought many times

>> No.52692310
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If it goes to zero, it goes to zero. But if not...

>> No.52692388

Mainly mid-caps and low-caps say VRA, RIDE, and Inj amongst others.

>> No.52692439

zoomzoom in for a suprise one day

>> No.52692466

>So it's safe to buy alts again? What are you anons buying?
It's never been safe and will never be, but it's the only way to make it.

>> No.52692477

Fuck you I hate you.
The worst thing about phonecalls is how they come bundled with the message DROP WHAT YOU'RE DOING RIGHT NOW AND PAY ATTENTION TO ME. At least with a text message I can evaluate how important it really is myself and choose whether I need to reply immediately or can finish what I'm doing first.

>> No.52692485
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Im kind of the opposite I hate texts and emails. A quick phone call is much better. Similar age

>> No.52692500

i meant to reply here. see this is why I like a phone call better. on a phone call theres no record of your mistakes

>> No.52692524
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>possibly die
>take a random call and have to talk to pajeet recruiter about a great $12 Help Desk job

>> No.52692562

self deleting texts also solves this

>> No.52692574
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Do you have self esteem issues and had narcissistic parents?
Then Toxic parents by Susan Forward can change your life.

You have anxiety because you care about the opinion of others instead of focusing on your own opinion of yourself coming from your inner child.
This is caused by the belief that love is scarce and conditional, inherited from your parents who only conditionally loved you when you behaved as they wanted.
You need to change your mindset to believe in unconditional love and become your own parent.

Once you do you will stop caring about others because it will not affect the love you will feel for yourself which will stop being conditional on your behavior.

>> No.52692582

personally i don't make mistakes. the anxiety comes from not hearing people properly / being forced to compose with their pace rather than read and reply at my own rhythm

>> No.52692624
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>What are you anons buying?
>Divergence Protocol

>> No.52692658

Imagine getting lost while having a cell signal. Was this person an actual retard?