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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 67 KB, 844x1024, T-Swizzle-for-shizzle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52690654 No.52690654 [Reply] [Original]

Why are these "Americans" so concerned about the recession? Look at how freaked out this guy is:

>> No.52690661

not watching your channel faggot go shill on twitter or something

>> No.52690863

Hes not wrong. Deleverage, clear debt, prepare to buy the bottom. Look for opportunities. Fortunes are made in recessions.

>> No.52690872

That said, debtmax on cheap crypto, and dont pay the banks back until were back to ATHs is based.

>> No.52690893

It's just content for their channel. YTers talk about what's "in" because it makes people clip and move on to the next new thing as soon as it happens. Rinse and repeat.
Chances are that dude has even less knowledge about economy than the retards here. He's probably just reading some bullet points he copied off somewhere and that's it.

>> No.52690922

pretty sure hes psychologically preping people to be columbian drug mules. You can see in his eyes they've obviously got his family hostage.

>> No.52691117

>You can see in his eyes
Didn't even click the link.

>> No.52691264

Some kid whos been reading all the right things. wouldnt be surprised if in 3 years hes doing well and amassed a following. There was a time i considered tubing my financial journey.

>> No.52691642

They are grifters. "MuH RecEssIOn" is a marketing vessel.

>> No.52691722
File: 288 KB, 1280x1304, eq8n63b4wz6z_1album.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You fucking kike,
The only this 56% about Taylor Swift = is being owned by George Soros

>> No.52691773

File bancruptcy > paying debt