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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52688659 No.52688659 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a 29 y/o khv with a 6.5 inch penis and a credit score of 700.
I have a single credit card with a 15k limit, it's with my local bank. No fees and low apr but there's 0 benefits to using it other than what inherently comes with having a credit card.
I keep seeing anons here talking about cash back and miles and all that and I'm jealous.
What's a good card to get that has zero to low fees and gives me benefits? I make 100% of my purchases on cc and pay it back in full at the end of the month, or sometimes I'll pay like half of it and take the 40ish dollars of interest as a fee to keep my savings fat.
I'm also worried mean jewish credit companies would try to take advantage of my virginity because I've literally only ever dealt with my local bank and they're really nice.

>> No.52688672

sauce on the pic op

>> No.52688693

Paypal and bank of america have 2-3% cash back cards with sign up bonuses but they're questionable companies. I haven't been burned in the years I used them though.
Fidelity has a 2% cash back card as well, you can put your rewards right into a brokerage, if you're into that.

>> No.52688819

I have both paypal and fidelity, will look into them thanks.
What do you mean by questionable companies?

>> No.52688913

Didnt read.

>> No.52688924

I'd tell you to get an Amex but you'd never pass the penis inspection. They'd flag you as a virgin right away.

>> No.52690010
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