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File: 46 KB, 594x411, sorry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52687850 No.52687850 [Reply] [Original]

Is being sorry enough?

>> No.52687867


>> No.52687873

>i think bankman truth

>> No.52687877


>> No.52687881

I am surprised that someone has not murdered him yet.

>> No.52687882

These fags make me sick

>> No.52687920
File: 9 KB, 299x168, beep beep boop boop BEEP BEEP BEP BOP BOOPPITY BOP BOOP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its another episode of 'forgiving rich people'

>> No.52687983
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>> No.52688044
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>> No.52688082

me too, i'm honestly kinda amazed in light of the clear antagonistic antics this guy is pulling, and the fact he insists on making every day some kind of replay of the day it all fell apart; "i can't believe this has happened, wow, shocked, stunned, didn't mean for this to happen..."
every day a tweet or more appearances or emails or texts... incredible. He either doesn't have a brain and people pity him for it or Americans have embraced pacifism on a level nobody thought possible

>> No.52688091

sowy guys I wost youw money UwU

>> No.52688103

It's ok anon! All sins are forgiven! Ready to try again!?

>> No.52688120

I can't wait for a Blue Ocean Event. We deserve this shit for squandering everyday as we have.

>> No.52688136

>i knew
He's over it.

>> No.52688157

Ackman believing a Bankman. How surprising!

>> No.52688169

Some people won't like it but taking responsibility, apologizing and making customers whole in a similar way Bitfinex did could probably make this all go away for him legally speaking

>> No.52688171

>early life

>> No.52688185

ackman is even more of a slimy jew than bankman is tb.h

>> No.52688230

He clearly kept a few millions out of his tens of billions he “lost”. He kept enough to afford protection.

>> No.52688246

No. He wants to regulate the market. Even if he is truly sorry he's a subversive kike who wants to stop us from making gains

>> No.52688268

>I was as truthful as I’m knowledgeable to be
>I don’t know of times when I lied.

>> No.52688421

>it’s real
Ok the first tweet he deleted was one thing. This isn’t just crazy. It’s unbelievable. What kind of blackmail do the real operators (not Sam) have on Bill?

>> No.52688449

I don’t think it’s just because of the tribe. Why would he stick his neck out for someone like Sam who is so blatantly fraudulent. Is he compromised?

>> No.52688464

the guy is so clearly divorced from reality if he thinks advertising that all he has left is 100k usd in the bank is meant to express or convey vulnerability or suffering lol.
"i'm down to my last 100k" says man that torched life savings and dozens of billions in lines of credit, deposits and trades/securities.
lol what a world

>> No.52688503

Ughff... I'm like, you know, it sucks that you lost your money but I'm sorry! Ok??

>> No.52688533


>> No.52688543

>one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils

>> No.52688548
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Do you really want to go through the rigamaroo....

>> No.52688562
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No but it's a moot point because he's not sorry. He said he sleeps like a baby every night.

>> No.52688566

So why is Ackman saying this? Bankman's got dirt on him or what?

>> No.52688585

Ingratiating himself with the weasel chaser ingratiates himself with the people who got the weasel chaser off the hook and told the SEC and DOJ to back down. Obviously.

>> No.52688597

Dude has been seen out in the wild just walking around by himself. How many times has this sort of thing happened? How many people have gotten fucked over by some conman they trusted with their crypto who didn't even bother to hide?

Face it, people losing their life savings in crypto do not murder for revenge, it just does not happen, and everyone implying it could is engaged in massive cope.

>> No.52688618
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>> No.52688705
File: 46 KB, 923x566, A5A91272-1543-4729-866D-DB1489D82A23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>could probably make this all go away for him legally speaking
No because he commited fraud. Wire fraud for example. People were wiring money to Alameda to get it in FTX. He knew what he was doing. He wasn’t stupid. He didn’t “mess up” he was part of organized crime. He did this and paid off numerous regulators and politicians. He is lying his ass off.

>> No.52688862

the protection he has is born of the doneations he made.

>> No.52689094

Jew saying Jew is telling the truth to cover his lying and the other Jew thanking him.

>> No.52689103

I think the simulation is breaking down.

>> No.52689104

>sorry bro didn't mean to steal your life savings, all good now rite?
>I'm circumcised bro, of course all kosher

>> No.52689106

Death penalty in the most gruesome and horrible way.
And extend it to everyone of his corrupt supporters.

>> No.52689111

Come on guys he said he's sorry.

>> No.52689331

It's actually infuriating how sheep like society has become. This dude has committed the biggest pyramid schemes in the history of our species, and nobody gives a fuck. What's worse is he gets to live on his normal life and CONTINUE to scam with zero repercussions. Holy shit.

>> No.52689490

Jews are fucking elite dude

>> No.52689511

we're sorry! :<

>> No.52689549
File: 1.06 MB, 1258x718, JewBelong_333368811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hasn't he been persecuted enough?
Be the change you want to see. Time to End the Hate.

>> No.52689554

captcha: P0SJVY

>> No.52689567


What he is doing will probably actually work. He is just bribing the media and the average American is a retard. Watch the part of the NYT interview where everyone laughs at his stupid joke about having a bad month. He only needs one retard on a jury of twelve retards to stay out of jail. Nobody will understand custodial rules and he will just say "awww shucks I'm a weird kid all I know is math I just wasn't even paying attention." Whether it works or not this is his only play, to plow through and hope it works on the one juror he needs. All the people who helped him have to go along because otherwise they get sued to oblivion.

>> No.52689585

After a brief apology tour his scam wicks will start again and his backers will pour whatever blood money they need laundered back into whatever his next iteration will be. And scam wicks shall forever be renamed sam wicks in his honor.

>> No.52689638

he's a psychopath, the same thing that makes retarded goy cattle give him billions makes him say the right words to make those goy cattle be like, you know what, lets forgive him guys! its amazing seeing them fall for it over and over.

>> No.52689654

This guy takes inordinate risks


>> No.52690179

If he's really sorry he should commit seppuku.

>> No.52690381
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>> No.52690394

he's jewish. most americans are natural subsurvients to the jew. they literally mutilate all their babies to worship the jew... americans are honestly a disgusting people

>> No.52690436

>so sorry goy... I will now try to recover the 8 billions... Yes working on these 2 billions now... The depositors should be able to fully recover their 100 millions soon... I'm suing you for defamation goy, give me 50 billions now

>> No.52690691

Someone needs to remake this with SBF https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15HTd4Um1m4