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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.62 MB, 2268x4032, 20221130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52684240 No.52684240 [Reply] [Original]

So I just got my new Ledger but it's wrapped in fucking shrink-wrap.. this reminds me of back in the day when 2nd hand games were wrapped like this while new games had the official xbox foil which was nice and clean and even had a little pull tab.

Is my shit rigged? I don't want to get rugged by some smartass wagie.

>> No.52684255

you should be good what's the recover phrase

>> No.52684266

Are you ordered from ledger or some niggershit ebay?
Now buy 100k kaspa!

>> No.52684268

All some wage has to do is open it, turn it on, get your seed write it down, then turn it off and deliver it to you lol

>> No.52684278

Just reset the seed phrase, which you should do anyway.

>> No.52684284

You got a boof. Is the tamper seal on the box?

>> No.52684287

is that a bar of silver?

>> No.52684327


>> No.52684334

You're mistaken.

>> No.52684418
File: 1.34 MB, 1080x1744, 20221130-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recovery phrase seems legit, has to be 24 words right?

From Ledger but I don't trust min. wagies.

Don't see no tamper seal fuckkk.

I wish, that's next.

>> No.52684419
File: 193 KB, 818x1010, 84963D53-208B-4920-9840-8ED97F7A4BCB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s gonna rug

>> No.52684452

>Are you ordered
>100k pls sirs!
pajeet nigger

>> No.52684458

Glowies intercepted your package
That’s not the normal packaging

>> No.52684498

Nice phrease, almost says buy 100k kaspa!

>> No.52684500
File: 900 KB, 2316x3088, C41D5452-C793-4EB5-8D06-33C1BB78ED58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I set it up for you. Here you go.

>> No.52684528

14ghs is a fucking goblin dick! Lol

>> No.52684613

guys be real with me is it safe to use one of these from amazon if it's "sold by ledger"

>> No.52684687

If you bought it off ledger’s site, you should be ok.
If you bought it used, throw it out.

>> No.52684743

lel well played

>> No.52684845

No, you made a really stupid mistake not buying it from ledger directly and instead going through a third-party retailer. Return it immediately, never use it for anything, and buy an actual untampered ledger from their website which is https://shop.ledger.com/ - literally all it would take is some amazon wagies getting smart and fucking with those on the back end to compromise it, and that's assuming one of the largest corporations on earth isn't doing some shit that glows at the behest of the entity that lets them pay almost zero fuckin taxes.

Remove head from anus, fren. You gotta be smarter than this.

>> No.52684865

That sounds a little paranoid but you're certainly right. Aren't you also concerned that someone in the supply chain would do this, too? Imagine the potential profit involved for a package handler at a mail sorting facility for example

>> No.52684928

It's not paranoid at all. It's not even the wages, it's actual scammers that buy them off Amazon and return compromised ones that Amazon almost always resells as new (not even putting them as Used - Like New on Amazon Warehouse). Always a chance of supply chain interception of the ones from Ledger during shipping but I'd take that chance over any other source selling them.

>> No.52684941

Fuckin' autocorrect. Wagies*

>> No.52684947

>it's actual scammers that buy them off Amazon and return compromised ones
Fucked up. Do you have any examples of this happening in practice?

>> No.52684990

Your ledger doesn't have a tamper seal on the box and for like a hundred bucks you can order the equipment to re-do the outside cellophane seal. If I was a soulless fraudster doomed to the ninth level of hell, I would be cumming in my fucking pants at how cheap and easy this would all be and how much I could make with just one compromised wallet with a high value.

>> No.52685014

I know that Ledger had to add this to their website in response to an influx of users losing their holdings:


Outside of that it my only experience with that was mostly first hand accounts from users in TG/Discord during the DeFi mania in 2021. It's not that far of a stretch though since the same type of scams have gone on for years with wireless routers and smartphones on Amazon.

>> No.52685037

Who uses this still? They didn't teach me this in school. I can't read this.

>> No.52685112

Cursive is one of those class things. They don't teach it in most public schools anymore but every private school in the country has practice books for every kid in class. It's actually pretty based and looks dope on top of being much faster than print, you should give it a go.

>> No.52685556

Why even buy one then

>> No.52685591

I found some guides on YouTube. I'm gonna try to at least make myself a signature and practice reading. Looking at it now I can actually read most of it there are just a few weird letters. And it takes me a while.

>> No.52685651

kek, based nigger and zoomer proof writing