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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 607 KB, 1884x1050, fedding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52682701 No.52682701 [Reply] [Original]

So let me get this straight

Apple can literally side with a communist dictatorship and censor protestors, but it doesnt fucking matter, because Mr FED Chairman says the recession is going to be soft, and he will be careful, probably? And Santa Claus?

what the hell is fucking happening? did we walk all the way to the peek of clownworld just to launch a fucking rocket from there?

>> No.52682724

we've always been in peak clown world, nothing changed

>> No.52682747

I'm feeling like we're goying way and beyond of clownworld

>> No.52682757

>communist dictatorship
China is king economically. Definitive proof that communism works. Whereas capitalism has been a complete failure.

>> No.52682858

>Communist dictatorship
Lol what a fag. China is the most capitalist country on earth. You can produce and sell whatever you want, bribe anyone, avoid regulation & taxes easily. But you can't say mean things about the party, boo hoo.

>> No.52682947

yeah everything is fucking fine and dandy in china, it's the people who are wrong

>> No.52683037

They just need all the shorts wrecked before the market can go down. You dont expect that shorts get to make money in a bearmarket do you goyim? Seriously look at the put/call ratio, markets dont go down when its at those levels.

>> No.52683055

yea well america is the most communist

>> No.52683064

>it's the people who are wrong
They're Chinese. Of course the masses are wrong. Have you ever talked to them? Biggest retards on the planet.

>> No.52683089

How the hell can a stock market go up with a rate hike announcement?

>> No.52683098

I’ve been stacking tsla
Don’t @ me

>> No.52683118

I was making so much money shorting and I was just about to scale like a mother fucker, but usually that's when shit like this happens. Glad I waited because I'm just going to build the position at higher prices now. This pop higher is complete nonsense. We're in a recession, rates are still increasing, and the underlying problems with the U.S. and world economy have not been resolved in the slightest. People are celebrating because they're only putting 7 inches of the 12 inch dick down their throat. It's baffling to me.

>> No.52683142

@BBCLUVER9001 Why did you buy Tesla?

>> No.52683181

give it to me straight bros, we're gonna dump so hard tomorrow right?

>> No.52683191

Because the market is basically controlled by a handful of institutions and they move it in accordance with their option positions. A ton of people have puts right now, probably sold to them by these institutions, so the institutions will stop selling, start buying, and completely obliterate the put buyers. That's modern markets summed up.

>> No.52683265


>> No.52683343

this is a fake pump

>> No.52683368

What is the equivalent of whale watching for determining oversold puts and figuring out which PBTB are about to liq which shorts? Is it enough to just watch the macro environment and counter trade after the micro relief rallies/draw backs?
>macro bear
>relief pump
>in 24hr open up massive short
>close it after target % profit reached
Is it really this easy bros?

>> No.52683403

Clown market is back on the menu

>> No.52683410
File: 283 KB, 983x694, ropebo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another gay bear dead

>> No.52683419

Freudian nipple slip?

>> No.52683421

I'm guessing you're young. We're always on the edge of collapse. We've already been in recession. Fed will pivot. Ukraine was will probably end within some months. Then it's hibernation time for bobo.

>> No.52683442
File: 14 KB, 720x201, 7459C218-3615-435A-85DA-B1C28954D6F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52683454

Someone had Apple puts and is seething and needs to cope

>> No.52683462

They're not communist in anything but name. That is a nationalist socialist country you dumb euroslob.

>> No.52683468

>We are going waaaaaaay beyond clownworld
Be not afraid; we have not yet started 88w88

>> No.52683543
File: 204 KB, 1224x1365, 1669167510017447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Apple can literally side with a communist dictatorship and censor protestors
Only the actions of the Federal Reserve matter in this market.

>> No.52683681

it seems what they do doesnt matter either, "the market" keeps finding a nonsensical bs reason to pump higher

>> No.52683736
File: 18 KB, 586x578, rarted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey could you tell me a bit about what china's economy today is exactly?

>> No.52683739

>le heckin based Elon is for le freedom of speech
go back to /pol/, tourist

>> No.52684379
File: 274 KB, 1400x1400, bugz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apple being in bed with China is good for the bottom line
only a schizo would think this is going to cause the stock market to dump
act like you have more than 1 brain cell please

>> No.52684618

All the macros are bad from mass Chinese protests to collapse of another crypto exchange. Yet prices do the opposite. If you follow your instincts you're going to get burnt, how many have put on shorts due to the instability and attacks on the crypto market (not a bad assumption) , how many will now be liquidated because they don't have the depth to cover the loss. The markets are a retail scam, devoid of logic and full of schizo pump and dumps the only real thing are the number of people with diamond hands, everything else is funny money.

>> No.52684774

I'm not the one who said "communist dictatorship", you cumguzzling dumbfucks. Learn to read.

>> No.52684820

So it's likely due to Christmas spending activity has increased, depressed people buy more things to feel good. The crypto crash alone is enough to stimulate this activity alternatively is should smash inflation which will force the fed to increase rates higher pushing another dive, you just need enough to cover losses until the new year fed meeting. There is no way in he'll consumption is slowing during the holiday (people sure as shit aren't saving for a new home)

>> No.52684905
File: 164 KB, 1370x968, Screen Shot 2022-11-30 at 6.22.09 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm guessing you're young. We're always on the edge of collapse. We've already been in recession
bro what
>We've already been in recession
bro what, this shit hasn't even corrected, we've had a decade-long bull run

>> No.52685080

Jesus Christ people I know you all hate movies and most media but watch the big short sometime and understand that the markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent. If everyone and their mother knows shit is fucked, if the fed knows shit is fucked, if the dtcc/dtc/nscc know it's all fucked and have spent the last year and a half passing legislation to mitigate it all, then what the fuck does the end result tell you? The market is being propped up at the behest of tptb so that it crashes at the best time for them, after they make the most money and get positioned accordingly. I'm short the market right now too but I'm not so insane as to think a one-month dated schizophrenically OTM put is the way to go, I bought near-ITM leaps. There is a near certainty this all goes tits up within no more than a year from now, just like there's a near certainty it won't fucking happen in the next two weeks even if everyone and their mother is screaming from the rooftops that it will.

Oh, and apple glows. That's how they get away with all the fucked shit they do. Same as any other megacorp.

>> No.52685145

this thread is full of virgins
imagine not owning an apple phone

>> No.52685229
File: 87 KB, 825x615, apudisgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have never, will never, had kids. Fuck apple.

>> No.52685693

yes, both