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File: 135 KB, 1200x630, richard-heart-hex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52679770 No.52679770 [Reply] [Original]

Richard Heart seriously needs to go kill himself or give everyone here a shitton of money for makign us look at your shitty cryto scam. Richard Heart, I know youre reading this. Go killyourself faggot.

>> No.52679979

Imagine beating the shit out of his fat manley body, I would take so much pleasure to make him squeal like the beta male he is.

>> No.52680015

Sec will get him soon enough and he’ll have 20 gunshots to the back of his head in a mysterious suicide with no post mortem

>> No.52680092

Thank you guys because I really hate this faggot. I think im the one that brought him here unfortunantley. Its a weird tale but I met one of his chronies that shills hex to people and he was despertley trying to get me into the hex sphere. I told him in less Richard Heart gives me money personally he can go fuck himself. Of course nothing like that happen and Richard Heart ghosted the fuck out of me so I think I was the first person to make a thread about him here and told that hex shill about 4chan and the thread I made about Richard.

>> No.52680335


Given how much attention this guy gets consistently since HeX came out I'm just going to buy his coin. If you can't beat them you join them lol. Wish me luck fellas I'm tires of sitting on the sidelines. I think HEX will do a 1000x in the next bullrun.

>> No.52680362


> If Richard doesn't pay a useless scum like me I'm not going to own any HEX

Lmao poor faggot

>> No.52680375

hopefully you will carry my bags. I sacced in pulse and pulsex.

>> No.52680396

Fucking zoomer trash ads.

>> No.52680509

Fucking redditors man go kill yourself unironically. lmao, lol.

>> No.52680893

He already did. Hex was given away for free.

>> No.52680941

I know he does shit like all the time. Hes basically the Mr.Beast of crypto which is why this nigger needs to give me money NOW.