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File: 10 KB, 283x363, sns-1 impending supply shock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52677684 No.52677684 [Reply] [Original]

SNS-1 tokens are in danger of violently appreciating in price. The trading supply consists of less than 6 (six) SNS-1 tokens, it would only take 150 ICP to remove EVERYTHING from circulation. People are NOT selling.


>> No.52677732
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>> No.52677843

This is jeet behavior.

>> No.52677853


>> No.52677931 [DELETED] 

I have hopes for this, I only gotten one but know as soon as it's swappable it's going to crater after a brief explosion upwards. If everyone paid 1ICP and everything else.was distributed I can only imagine whatever crazy value it's going for will vanish in seconds and I'm too retarded to make a bot but would be happy to keep just one :)

>> No.52677944

First of all, people can’t actually sell right now since most of the tokens have to be delivered yet and the rest is forced staked in 30 days neurons
Second, ICLighthouse is a circle jerk right now so don’t expect people to use it like they use entrepot
Third, jeets will sell them for 20/25 pees. Screen cap this
I will buy more for sure

>> No.52677946

I have hopes for this, I only gotten one but know as soon as it's swappable it's going to crater after a brief explosion upwards. If everyone paid 1ICP and everything else.was distributed I can only imagine whatever crazy value it's going for will vanish in seconds and I'm too retarded to make a bot. It would be one of the retards that buy this for 2000 ICP that would immediately get their ICP stolen. Anyways im happy to keep just one :)

>> No.52677977

Note how there's no spammers in the NFT threads. Hmm...

>> No.52678051

Token is needed for...?

>> No.52678102

Reminder Raj has stopped flipping nfts and has now switched to flipping sns tokens
Notice how all the nft threads have disappeared and now it’s all about the sns 1 token
Sns 1 has no utility and will “have utility im the future” aka it will dump to zero
>but dfinity made it!
dfinity also made motokos and they got btfod by privately launched nfts
save your pees for actual utility tokens like the upcoming seachan dscvr openchat district tokens
hope that helps newfags out

>> No.52678158

You’re gonna buy more? Why?

>> No.52678193
File: 23 KB, 245x250, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6 (six) SNS-1 tokens
5 of those are mine i botted

>> No.52678196

Because 10K supply is laughably easy to pump to Mars and noodle handed people will sell them for cheap

>> No.52678234

Noice. The only thing that concerns me is that raj bought 9 or 10 and went full schizo with them
Made way more pees by always doing the opposite raj says
But this stuff right here might be a nice play so idk

>> No.52678237

Hmm I’ll do the same then thanks for the idea

>> No.52678259
File: 70 KB, 368x370, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The piss is all on me tonight my friend.

Bartender! Drinks for my boys!!!

>> No.52678411

Its useless anyone that would fomo into this deserves what they get

>> No.52678623

and you cant afford less than $500 to buy up remaining supply on this amazing trade

>> No.52678656
File: 26 KB, 240x225, 32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep seething homie

>> No.52678754

People seriously don't understand how big this token is going to be.

>ICP is the first web3 protocol
>SNS-1 is the first web3 DAO
>SNS-1 is officially supported by the dfinity foundation

You can own a part of human history for less than 100$ right now.

>> No.52678762

T. Big dick icp holder
Stop trying to dump your scam on retards

>> No.52678780


>only 10 000 supply
>only 100k mcap at 100$

This is a GUARANTEED 10x from here at least and a potential 1000x next bullrun.

>> No.52678808

1M at 100$. I'm too excited about this opportunity of a lifetime.

>> No.52678826


>> No.52678845

Is this legit? How can a nft be sold on a dex and how can you buy fractions of a nft?

>> No.52678849

Holding 1 SNS-1 token is the equivalent of holding 30 000 ICP tokens.

sui stack: 1 SNS-1
make it stack: 10 SNS-1

This is financial advice.

>> No.52678861

It's not a NFT, it's a DAO token (see, e.g., APE coin). In fact, this is the first web3 DAO in history of mankind.

>> No.52678866
File: 96 KB, 412x444, 15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What this man says is the truth.

>> No.52678882

Okay is this dex legit though and is this decent price to buy or will it be cheaper in future on a more liquid exchange

>> No.52678884

instead of shilling this tell me what does this token even do?

>> No.52678910

Yes it's the first dex on ICP.

Don't buy now though, in 30 days the first launchpad tokens will unlock and jeets will dump. This will be the perfect entry point before the DAO is seeing development and utility.

>> No.52678920

When does trading start I wanna take these off jeets hands

>> No.52678938

Ok thanks. Will wait for this. Hope your right, hate myself for missing this sale. For some reason I thought sns was just an airdrop for people who were white listed

>> No.52678942
File: 280 KB, 1125x1215, 607C64CB-AA7C-4FC8-9AD3-EE566BC60C82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trading is open

>> No.52678975

looks like the ICP chart. Guess i'll wait until it hits 3 usd

>> No.52678976

It's the governance token of the first DAO on ICP


It's a blank canvas right now consisting only of a letter from dfinity (click on the white dot to see it).

The community will vote on what to do with it. It can become anything from a defi platform to a NFT metaverse. The point is it is the FIRST web3 DAO.

At the very least it's going to be a VIP club for ICP OGs. Wait for token unlocks and grab cheap tokens. This is the first 1000x ICP token.

>> No.52678997

Don't buy right now, wait for token unlocks and cheapies.

>> No.52679025
File: 106 KB, 702x786, letter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The full letter from dfinity. Just don't FOMO now and wait for cheapies.

>> No.52679049

isnt the dao run by the guy who did ogmedals?

>> No.52679052

Around what price would you consider it cheap?

>> No.52679074

The dao is run by token holders. The guy who did OG Medals is just an admin on a DSCVR portal.

>> No.52679077

what stops someone made better token for the dao for cheaper price? how this is unique? because it's first?

>> No.52679104

whgere are the token used in dao? and why only 1 is considered an high amount ? or is the price just inflated now because you cant get it?

and how did people acquired the tokens ? did everybody get one or wtf?

>> No.52679105

No it was launched by dfinity on the NNS (SNS actually).

Around 10 ICP each. They won't drop much lower than that considering the total supply.

This was created by dfinity. You really think people would rather build on some literal who's DAO?
Even right now the price can be considered cheap (< 1M mcap)

>> No.52679122

The DAO just launched yesterday. People are still starting to build it. Considering the literal who-is-who of ICP is in it (dfinity members, community leaders), I can see a strong utility in the future.

>> No.52679129
File: 28 KB, 320x400, 1669127022139729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im going to guess you are the kind of unfunny faggot that also spams "goyslop" just trying his hardest to fit in

>> No.52679148
File: 3 KB, 640x640, 1579455542638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thnakx for the spoonfeed and checke'd is 1 enough? but why theres so low supply? where does the token is needed? or fraction of it?

>> No.52679168

10k supply to stress test the NNS during launch. Token is not sneeded currently but I bet there's going to be at the very least airdrops for holders. Probably also staking rewards. The DAO will decide on utility.

>> No.52679204
File: 59 KB, 1080x917, Fi0vS1JWQAY2m1-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtfwt so it commences. 0.006 SNS-1 sold for 80 icp lmao. prepare for this thing to be an elite asset

>> No.52679210

how did people get these tokens?

>> No.52679215

Fuck I should have had bots ready at least I have 1

>> No.52679228

I bought and my trade filled, but it is not showing up in my lighthouse wallet under where my OT is... anons, what have I done

>> No.52679231

it was either airdropped to users of some apps, or sold through a brief decentralized sale on the neuron network in which you were only allowed to purchase a single token.

>> No.52679232

SNS launchpad on the NNS

Yeah, also, 50% of the tokens sold are already unlocked, so there won't be a dumping event. If it dumps then it will be in the next days.

>> No.52679233

Wait you have sell your SNS off in decimals??? I thought it was an NFT

>> No.52679277
File: 7 KB, 110x127, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bet you're fun at parties

jeff benzos has been our sminem for months. Don't like it then fuck off!

>> No.52679298

it's a DAO token

>> No.52679398

welcome to the elite club
unironically scooping any cheapies myself
yes its a token

>> No.52679418

So you’re telling me at .006 SNS for 80 ICP it’s worth 13000 ICP in total?

>> No.52679443

newfags are about to learn what liquidity means

>> No.52679462
File: 97 KB, 622x615, EC9A757D-672F-42C6-AFAE-9D61610B8522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should i sell my 9 unlocked sns at the top before jeets start jeeting after dissolving, then slurp their tokens or just leave it as is

>> No.52679509

Holy shit you are retarded
Price in ICP is related to 1 (one) full SNS1
0,002 x 300 = 0.6 ICP
It’s a literal 2$ transaction
Get your shit together, this is embarrassing

>> No.52679520

oh shit I’m rich just for using open chat I have 1 full one as an airdrop

>> No.52679522

I can't buy as it says "trading is stopped"

>> No.52679533

Hey man I thought this was an NFT and that anon said that .006 of the 1 whole SNS just sold for 80 ICP cut me some slack

>> No.52679536

The lambo will have to wait

>> No.52679542
File: 171 KB, 1125x413, 4356CA97-99C9-4972-9050-BBC76D240FEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52679566

how to fix it and reopen? or is it for the devs? i already f5'd but it didn't help

>> No.52679570

liars seething caused they missed out on 13k Icp and all they had to do was sign up to one of the apps

>> No.52679572

In your defence I must say that this isn’t the most intuitive stuff to deal with

>> No.52679634
File: 297 KB, 1125x1051, C37FEC9C-AF70-44CD-8732-15E86568956A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Price x quantity = total
I hold this shit but I would insta sell for 13K icp lmao

>> No.52679656

>for the devs
There was stress test today
They’re applying some changes, I guess

>> No.52679670

I can't believe anons have to rely on a phone poster to explain basic token trading concepts. You're doing god's work iphone fag.

>> No.52679757

Good morning sir, you can buy from Mr Sanjay Gurdeep, you have to send the money via Western Union sir. This very good token sir, do not redeem before Diwali sir, many blessings to your wife and her black son.

>> No.52680332

This is going to be the next gen's SHIB gains. The total supply is 2000x lower than BTCs

>> No.52681729


>> No.52683695
File: 145 KB, 1142x354, image-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SNS-1 is going to be one of the premier dapps on ICP

>> No.52685636

How do I know if I can get one or not? I used openchat a while back.

>> No.52685648

Anon, I ...

>> No.52687874

You didn’t king…you didn’t