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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52673327 No.52673327 [Reply] [Original]

Still not bankrupt

>> No.52673340
File: 37 KB, 738x744, 3C68F327-7F52-4BF5-9913-E8D0BEE5C60E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And before mister copypasta fud man turns up

>> No.52673441

OK lets assume that crypto.com isn't just lying like every exchange that has gone under does.
What does it cost (other than a fucking gas fee) to move your coins into a wallet you control the keys to? Like seriously if you're a dirty pajeet and can't afford a hardware wallet the Brave browser has an in built wallet FOR FREE.

How many times must you people learn this lesson?

>> No.52673445

you're tempting fate there buddy

>> No.52674141

Brave is shit and Google chrome is better

>> No.52674156

>3rd party audit is underway
buying themselves as much time as possible before they get exposed as scammers

>> No.52674195
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Cryptocom's genius is that the cards provide a reason to move crypto in as well as out, to top them up, even if most of your crypto is self custodied. This lets them maintain liquidity without papertrading fuckery. It's like the difference between a stockbroker account and a bank account, only baka doodoo heads keep most of their dollars some place without FDIC/NCUA insurance coverage.

>> No.52674203
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I present: a story in 2 parts

CZ is the only scammer left in the exchange business

CDC is the only exchange left that does not engage in FUD of competitors and general hostilities

What is your arguement here? Are you mad they make money on transfers? You know that is a big part of many crypto businesses' income right?

>> No.52674215
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still not my problem

>> No.52674287

>implying CDC gives a fuck about tiny retail withdrawals

>> No.52674308

implying i give a single fuck about exchanges

>> No.52674314

still at all time low.

>> No.52674349

Yes that's a fair assumption given you're here in the thread to bitch about exchanges, have saved an image trying to criticize exchanges and posted that image here. You appear to not only give a single fuck, but be seething quite badly. Lol

>> No.52674352

Thanks to buttcoin

>> No.52674369

that's cope and you know it. No other major alts are at all time low right now.

>> No.52674425


bruh wtf, ATL is $0.01149, its up 463% since then
This takes 20 sec to check, and yet here you are spouting this BS as if it's fact

What about UNI? larger MCAP and it's lying at low 2020 levels now.
>inb4 not major alt HURR DURR

fucking brainlet

>> No.52674564

You can tell CDC shills are concerned about their exchange being solvent by how angry they seem in all their posts.

>> No.52674585

i still don't understand how someone can be emotionally attached to a centralized exchange
i mean, unless you are a shareholder why the fuck would you even care about it?
not even employees give a single fuck, they just get paid and go home
but here we are on a mongolian basket weaving forum, with shills defending for some unknown reason their shitty exchange for no reason
it's either free cockriding or paid shill, no other option

>> No.52674594



I see it more as calling people on their BS. Talk shit and get called out, it's that simple. People get butthurt and get angry, receive angry reply. Rinse and repeat

>> No.52674612

They are paid shills. There is no other answer.
>Nooo you can't say mean things about an exchange on a Micronesian pottery forum.

>> No.52674651
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what is this thing about paid shills lmao, now THAT is cope. "There is no other answer". Sure thing brainlet, keep that tiny brain of yours compartmentalized

>boohoo many people on a forum disagree with my opinion, they must be paid to do so :( it cant be me right?

>> No.52674757

soon enough though
got all my shit on ByBit
made an account to buy BIT tokens and been there ever since
>customer service
they’re underrated

>> No.52674777

Shills were attacking it saying it was going bankrupt, yes I’m a holder I’m making these threads to call out biz for being wrong and trying to fuck my investment over simple as

>> No.52674796

it's literally a gambling casino built on derivatives and paper assets
sorry to pop your bubble but you are NOT a stockholder and you do NOT gain anything from crypto.com succeeding
you are just holding a premined shitcoin

>> No.52674801

CRO holders are bankrupt

>> No.52674850

I know I’m not an investor that’s why I hold GameStop and drs my shares

>> No.52674851

how tf would you know? you are just shilling bybit, didn't even mention CDC. Why even post ITT, it's pathetic really

>sorry to pop your bubble but you are NOT a stockholder and you do NOT gain anything from crypto.com succeeding

Wrong, more activity on their platform leads to increased buy pressure. How can you be this stupid?

checked and based

as if people dont diversify. You are also down bad, fucking everyone is

>> No.52674979

>more activity on their platform leads to increased buy pressure
The inverse is true too. So if they are at ATL since their MCO rebrand and inflation scam even after a surprise token burn doesn't that mean they are in trouble? Imagine I only care about BTC and ETH, why would I use your platform? Tell me exactly why someone would use CDC over any other exchange if they weren't a CRO bagholder.

>> No.52675026


>Imagine I only care about BTC and ETH, why would I use your platform? Tell me exactly why someone would use CDC over any other exchange if they weren't a CRO bagholder.

It's meant for normies, who buy a bunch of shitcoins with a giant total amount of circulating coins. You sound like someone who would not benefit much from using their app, but you are not the target audience.

They are going for a bigger customer base, not a smaller, richer one. Then they extract value from their recurring market buys on the app. They pay for convenience because they are too normie to find better ways.

A certain amount of their newly onboarded users will buy CRO because they want the visa card, which gives upwards buying pressure.

The CDC app/experience is way more streamlined and feature filled than BNB, which is also slightly normie focused, so that's why i think CDC is not in trouble

>> No.52675311
File: 448 KB, 672x609, Screenshot 2022-11-09 9.43.57 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Serial Scammer who has bankrupted every company he has run
> Serial Scammer who has already rugpulled and scammed crypto fags with Monaco in 2017/18
> Serial Scammer who lured retards with insane APY and rewards and rugpulled all those perks while dumb fags had their tokens locked
> Token has dumped -95%
> String of these scam crypto companies started in 2019-2020 including FTX, Celsius, BlockFi, etc are all bankrupt and have exit scammed. Not all at one time but over the past couple of years
> Muh, my scam token and exchange that has dumped -95% hasn't closed down yet

>> No.52675323
File: 271 KB, 542x446, Screenshot 2022-11-29 6.40.21 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Crypto.com scammers were not even able to issue credit cards for years until they partnered with WIRECARD SCAMMERS

>> No.52675334
File: 53 KB, 697x459, Screenshot 2022-11-29 6.55.12 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Crypto.com Begins Exchange Rollout in the U.S in March 2022
> Crypto.com SCAMMERS have been BLOCKED from opening their US exchange 8 months later. It's not like a fucking Singapore license

>> No.52675352
File: 233 KB, 571x397, Screenshot 2022-11-10 1.43.07 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> crypto.com passes more regulation standards
> These include ISO 22301:2019, ISO 27001, ISO/IEC 27701:2019, SOC 2, and PCI:DSS v3.2.1 Level 1 compliance
Fucking scammers are flaunting IT business continuity, resiliency as meeting regulatory standards. These SCAMMERS are not even allowed to open an exchange in the US where they spent $700 Million for naming an arena

>> No.52675367
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> 2019 Circulating Supply: 2,910,958,904
> 2022 Circulting Supply: 25,263,013,692
> 23 BILLION INCREASE in circulating supply
> 760% inflation/dumped
> HURR DURR they burned 70 Billion tokens, this is bullish
> It's down to $0.50, CRO is super cheap buy the dip
> It's down to $0.35, free money, $1 by EOY, it'll never get to 2020 price levels
> It's down to $0.15, fucking firesale this is how you get rich
> It's down to $0.06, comfy $0.10 EOY
> retards don't realize this is how crypto scammers make money, release a small quantity of tokens, pump the price dump on crypto retards forever. This is why pretty much every shitcoin from 2017/18 is dead. These scam tokens slowly bleed to death while the circulating supply dumped into the market increases and the demand slowly dies as retards finally realize they are being scammed

>> No.52675379
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Still not buying back in.


>> No.52675384


Don't bother my dude.

We still get GME and LUNC threads here.

The retards will never get it.. which is a blessing in disguise because it means there will and still is easy money to be made off delusional morons.

>> No.52675476

GME is 60 percent owned by investors and rising daily , shit is gonna kick one way or another you would be silly not having atleast one share for just in case

>> No.52675528

>What is your arguement here?
My argument is that if you had any amount of cash you wouldn't entrust it to your local drug dealer and lose it all when the cops bust down his operation. You'd have it in a place you could access.

But hey you all do whatever you want. No skin off my back if sometime down the line a CEX happens to bankrupt you.

>> No.52675563
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Why did they remove every trace of the "fortune favours the brave" ad ?

>> No.52675581

Cycle for World Cup ads come back after World Cup

>> No.52675596

Bought 40k more CRO 0.06

So based za za

>> No.52675662

Based and mattdamonpilled

>> No.52676189

Im a founding member who got my entire stack from a 10 ETH initial investment. Got a 30% bonus CRO from the MCO to CRO swap and a bunch of free CRO from the +2% APY benefit from the CDC private tier. Never bought a single CRO.

I know the price has been in the shits, but that is because they are subsidizing growth with their own token, much like LINK does. It's a long term play.

>Serial Scammer who has already rugpulled and scammed crypto fags with Monaco in 2017/18

Im up thousands of percent from the ICO my dude, cope harder

>Serial Scammer who lured retards with insane APY and rewards and rugpulled all those perks while dumb fags had their tokens locked

... You mean their 8% APY rates lmaooo. They were always one of the most conservative in the space. Look at how NEXO and blockfi did... They went down by offering too high rates.

And yet they have been operating non-stop in Europe since the initial launch with no recalled cards or operating licenses like the other players. As well as the fact that they have their cards in the most juristictions of the crypto card companies

I have all my linkies on my ledger, but i just want to debunk some bad FUD people here continue to spew. A rising tide lifts all ships. I dont understand why you guys are rooting for big, influential companies for adoption going broke, as it would hurt the entire market even more.

>> No.52677021

Their EU licenses were never revoked because they never got one in the first place.

>> No.52677339

If you were around back then, TenX also used Wirecard for their first card, but then they got pulled out of the EU market, while CDC stayed. CDC refunded all customers who had balances on cards that were disabled within 48H, and the cards were ultimately activated again.

Tenx on the other hand, shut down 6 months after this.

CDC issues their own Visa cards in Australia and will do the same in singapore within the next weeks.
>Their EU licenses were never revoked because they never got one in the first place.

Wrong, see pic for EU license. They got it 1 year after wirecard went under

>> No.52677468

>see pic for EU license.
Yeah we seem to agree.

>> No.52677539
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lmao browser glitch

>> No.52677597

BTC has dumped around 78% since ATH before todays small pump also, as well as ETH which is down 75%, what's your point?

>String of these scam crypto companies started in 2019-2020 including FTX, Celsius, BlockFi, etc are all bankrupt and have exit scammed. Not all at one time but over the past couple of years

How many of these had a card and an exchange? Go on, i'm waiting.

>Serial Scammer who has already rugpulled and scammed crypto fags with Monaco in 2017/18

Old rebuttled fud, he didnt bankrupt ensogo, the investors who conducted a hostile takover and ran the company into shit did. You would know if you spend more than 5 minutes reading only headlines

>> No.52677717

Malta isn't in the EU.

>> No.52677859
File: 298 KB, 2192x1065, blockfi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How many of these had a card and an exchange? Go on, i'm waiting
You're a retard or a scammer defending this scam

>> No.52677875
File: 196 KB, 1138x425, combine_images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTW, you scammers used to say, which of these exchanges have named an arena until FTX collapsed

>> No.52677903

Yes it is. But their license isnt passportable into the EU.

>> No.52677940
File: 181 KB, 1203x1430, image_2022-11-30_164042613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes they had a card but no exchange, reading comprehension = zero. It only allowed you to "trade" with spot orders on the app.

>> No.52677947
File: 282 KB, 476x483, Screenshot 2022-11-08 2.47.42 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kris Marszalek was the CEO when they scammed buyers, suppliers AND investors and the company was virtually bankrupt when he resigned in June 2016 with people not receiving orders suing the company, suppliers not getting money and investors bagholding a bankrupt company.

>> No.52678078

This is the laziest write-up i have seen, jesus.

He lost a majority voting share because of a hostile takover, every move after that is not his, thats why he started a new company where he would never lose majority voting shares.

Blaming him for ensogo going to shit misses the whole story. He has talked about this on Q&As before

>> No.52678082
File: 235 KB, 1246x1220, Screenshot 2022-11-30 10.28.00 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CRO is not BTC or ETH you retard. From the top 30 coins that had a big marketcap, ONLY BTC and ETH are actually up right now from January 2018. EVERY SINGLE other shitcoin is down -80% to -95% or more or DEAD. These shitcoins are a money grab scam.
The idea that a scam token from a repeat scammer should be bought because it's just down like BTC or ETH shows you're a retard. The fact that you support and shill an exchange that charges huge spreads literally scamming newfags and lures them into locking shit for long periods of time, shows you are a SCAMMER.