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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52672446 No.52672446 [Reply] [Original]

so now that it's proven that real estate is the superior investment over stocks and crypto why is this board still 100% crypto?

why not talk about house hacking or being a neet realtor

>> No.52672473

People documenting how easy and glorious life is/was are going to have something to look back on as the entire fiat economy collapses around them.
Also the fact this shit is on the internet forever and linked to their identities may not be good for them lol

>> No.52672483

wow they are so brave powerful and strong

>> No.52672502

>Just 2 teenage realtors showing million dollar properties

That's pretty genius, honestly. They're being employed relatively cheap by their fathers against their ideal counter-demographic, horny old rich men.

>> No.52672503

They look 27

>> No.52672512 [DELETED] 
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>> No.52672518

Anon... This is a very important distinction.

Real estate is the better store of value. The best investment on earth is far and away, Chainlink.

>> No.52672519

this except it's not genius, it's degenerate and gross. these two women could have used intelligence instead of wiles to get ahead but they chose the latter. .I don't feel bad for the boomers they're scamming/sucking but I kinda feel bad for their father.

>> No.52672521

clearly the market has yet to go down

>> No.52672568
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>why is this board still 100% crypto?
Im not babe..
Working on my next development, 21 lots.

>> No.52672596

So this awaits me when I make it... If they fuck me both I'll double their commission.

>> No.52672629

>neet realtor
I've never understood the concept of realty
No one is going to sell me a house, if I want to buy I will buy

>> No.52672638

You can have natural confidence as a man without being rich or a chad.

>> No.52672804

Most are useless/lazy agents who let the property sell its self, or maybe use their looks. All they are good for is doing the paperwork.

But someone with trained sales skills can get you envisioning what it could be, paint a lifestyle or the potential returns. They'll stage a property tastefully and make it look more expensive. Take great marketing shots & video, or concept art. Create a sense of fear of missing out by having their list of buyers out bid each other.

When selling off the plan, a good agent is worth their weight in gold.

>> No.52672825

theyre already post wall

>> No.52672830

You seem to have confused this board with a forum where people discuss sound financial decisions and business ideas. This is a Laotian crossword puzzle community and we gamble on shitcoins while edging over high definition images of large white butts.

>> No.52672838

You're getting ahead of yourself. Let's have this conversation in 5 months.

>> No.52672848

Isn't this incredibly capital intensive in lawyer fees?

>> No.52672855

That. And you can also have an uninformed confidence

>> No.52673281

Not so much lawyers, but council DA cost in major cities can be $200-$300k. Fag councils want environmental impact reports and all kinds of shit these days.
Normally budget 4% of project for professional fees in feasibility. So out of $2 million, about $80,000.
Civil earthworks cost in city might be $120k per block including council contributions.
But if your end retail block is $400k, its good profit, and your financing all those costs through a commercial bank loan.

>> No.52673301

They need to be brutally raped

>> No.52673353

And I thought the crypto kiddies were getting financially raped...
Jesus I feel bad for what is about to happen to your bags.

>> No.52673442


lol beta cope

>this except it's not genius, it's only stupid if it's your own daughter cause then you're pimping her out to other horny old rich men
perfectly fine so long as it's not your own daughter.

>> No.52673475

lol. I can tell you dont know how to play this game.

>i secure the land with an option contract (which means i dont invest millions holding bags unimproved land)
>Get a DA
>sell enough lots off the plan to cover entire project.
>My lot buyers effectively pay out the land seller.
>100% de-risked before anyone even picks up a shovel.
>The blocks that are profit I hold debt free, earning rent. I could sell, IF i wanted to pay tax (i dont lol)
So im not worried about a crash. Im in a very different position compared to your average real estate buyer trapped in their 30 year loan paying interest.

>> No.52673478

i don't hate these girls for trying to make some money.. i hate the industry that enables this crap. thankfully there are more real estate agents in america than there are houses for sale.. it's only a matter of time now.

>> No.52673498

>i don't hate these companies for trying to make some money (it's literally what they exist to do).. i hate the SIMPs that enables this crap. unthankfully there are more SIMPs and cucks in america than there are women for sale.. weak men create hard times

>> No.52673513

reason crypto is still discussed is to due delusion people, bots and or pajeet shills.

>> No.52673521
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how many link for their canned farts

>> No.52673543

This is literally the same shit all the tech women did before they all got canned

Women dancing on TikTok is undoubtedly the peak bust of any field

>> No.52673582

Mommy and Daddy must be loaded.

>> No.52673700

Based Hey [listen!] ID

>> No.52673728
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>they put words on tiktok
>guess it must be true

>> No.52673816

And she's just messing round in the video.

>> No.52673827

Yep, and women will call you creepy.

>> No.52673871

2 cattle shaking their rumps *shake shake*

>> No.52673949

like you'd kick them out of bed incel

>> No.52673998

>house hacking
Bought a nice lil fixer upper.

Current road price, £78k (one two houses down and identical, stripped out back to plaster sold for that start of this year).

My price? 47.

Bought outright. Fuck morgies. Enjoy le great debt reset scam.

>> No.52674013

Who cares what a bitch hoe says. Everyone is deceiving themselves to an extent. Women talk shit it’s what they do.

>> No.52674026

What's your point?

>> No.52674041

Left > Right

>> No.52674044

I hope she sees this bro

>> No.52674052

I might buy a house from them if they put out during the tour lol

>> No.52674132

No they'll call YOU creepy because you breathe through your mouth, other anon will just be known as "that really overconfident/outgoing guy" at worst.

>> No.52674172

i'm a brown (non-negroid) guy but when i see things like this i can't help but wonder what is going through the minds of white """"""males"""""
like, i would be feeling unbridled hatred and rage at my ancestors for giving these things independence and the whip-hand over me
i would seek out my ancestors graves and take a giant dump on them

>> No.52674190

Do you sell the lots/land as is, or do you build houses/duplexes/apartments?
I wasn't aware of options contracts to hold real estate. What's the typical or really rough cost for the options contract? Is it percentage?

>> No.52674245

rich people don't buy houses because the realtor is hot you poorfag retards. they just hit on them and then say fuck off the house sucks show me the next one

>> No.52674266

Because Real Estate is an even bigger ponzi than Crypto

>> No.52674334

Just tell me where to sign.

>> No.52674388

Based. I have a lot of respect for you arabs.

>> No.52674489

this is why nobody wants to live in your countries. sorry not sorry

>> No.52674516

>this is why no woman* wants to live in your countries. sorry not sorry
hmm imagine that

>> No.52674533

>Do you sell the lots/land as is, or do you build houses/duplexes/apartments?
You can just sell the lots.
If you want to offer a "house and land" package to make more money, you sell your lot under one contract, and the lot buyer signs a separate contract with the builder you have an arrangement with to build (he will pay you a kickback of say $35k for bringing him the job, 20 x $35k = and extra $700k profit). The lot buyer is directly paying the builder.
Never build yourself. The builder wears all the risk if costs blow out, or building falls down in future. They have their own insurances of course, but i wouldnt want to headache.

Townhouses/Apartments are a bit different to house lots because the buyers bank wont lend until they are ALL complete. So its one contract for land and build. buyer pays a deposit, and pays the rest on completion. So you get a builder to build them for you on a fixed price contract. A bank will give you a construction loan based on presales.

> What's the typical or really rough cost for the options contract?
In legal terms an option fee just needs to be any monetary exchange. It could be $1. But $1000 is common. You dont even have to develop the blocks, you can just on sell the option contract on to a bigger developer for a fee. You make a lot less, but its fast and zero risk.

>> No.52674568

Because degens dont have a deposit to get started

>> No.52674600

I own 40+ properties across michigan / midwest. I focus mostly on industrial, you anons have helped me through some tough times the 10+ years ive been on here so I'll answer any questions you guys have

also i have a crazy ass real estate market aggregator website / management portal dropping soon whoever wants to be apart of the startup

>> No.52674625

If you're stupid

>> No.52674635

capital of France followed by the country south of the US border at protonmail

>> No.52674641

White male here, I can explain - basically, we've given up. 100% demoralization. You'll understand soon.

>> No.52674649

I dont base my value on others opinions or material objects. Call that stupid if you wish.

>> No.52674655

Oh, I know. Cycle of history I guess, only God is permanent.

>> No.52675199

White women age in car years

>> No.52675237

>superior investment
Yeah if you already have infinitive money to afford one.

>> No.52675240

They are sucking off 70-year-old-boomers in order to close deals.

>> No.52675290

Can anyone start doing this if they have really good credit? Can I just find some land to develop in an up and coming area and waltz into the bank with a business plan and have them approve a 2mil loan for me?
>t. never missed a payment ever, have around 800 credit score

>> No.52675304

Expanding on my last comment - so you’re just buying a parcel of land, developing it, and then splitting it into lots for resale? What work do you even have to do? Just setting up like electric, septic, internet, etc? Sidewalks or something? This sounds a lot more interesting than buying 20 rentals and being underwater for 20 years.

>> No.52675315

>why is this board still 100% crypto?
Because newfag, this board was literally made to stop all the posts on /g/ about Bitcoin

>> No.52675332

Because people here are lazy, hedonistic and worst yet, in denial of it and lie to themselves with far-right and incel ideologies. Crypto takes less effort and gives dopamine bursts faster, that’s why this is a crypto board. Just look at all the anti-women and right wing posts in this thread and you get it. This is not where competent people hang around, but mentally ill people and degenerates.

>> No.52675425


holy shäit, this is a great plan. thank you for sharing!

>> No.52675869

>whole thread is just about hating women mostly because of a perception that their lives are easier
>half the board are neets who do so because it makes their lives easier
>they also gamble on crypto because they want to make their lives even easier
Do you retarded niggers even realize how bitter you sound?

>> No.52675887

It is a troon on the right

>> No.52675912

These bitches only got rich because they’re got. Once shit hits the fan from the fed fucking everything up, I’m going to kill ever beautiful person I lay my eyes on. Fuck your life difficulty.
>t. Big nose Mexican MANLET

>> No.52675923


>> No.52675953

No. How?

>> No.52675964

But they are not. Especially the troon on the right

>> No.52675966

Based narco maxxer

>> No.52675974

until you see the girl you like eye-fuck a chad that you will never be. bezos can be confident being one of the richest and most successful entrepreneur, he will always feel inferior when standing to a rich chad at a party

>> No.52675981

Realtors are semi literate people who add no value

>> No.52676004

kek maybe 10 years ago. also they're both odd looking and graceless, and i'm pretty sure the one on the right, with the big mannish feet, is unironically a tranny.

>> No.52676006
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No price on good genetics

>> No.52676011

Plus you're creating supply, unlike most landlords

>> No.52676024

their job is basically taking appointment and showing the house around to potential buyers.

>> No.52676090

be girls born into rich family. do absolutelty fuck all. rich daddy search them a job as realtor either at his company or his friends. many such cases.

>> No.52676136

yeah that's what I used to think as well, until you realize how retarded people are and then realize there are even more retarded people and it never really stops.

there's a reason sales work and it's because there's always enough dumb people who fall for it. either it's coomers who just buy product X in hopes they can get pussy (for example drinks at bars). or it's people who just believe anything they're told because they're simply too naive and don't understand that their ignorance is being used against them. and then you simply have the spending retards WHO MUST spend money on something because capitalism tells them to, so all the sales person has to do is direct them to the product they want to get rid off with the highest margin.

>> No.52676159

They look 30 LMAO

>> No.52676208

just sending the right one in ahead of the dudes is all they need to do as long as the left can sell to the women/not fuck it up

>> No.52676240

Yes but governments will bail it out.

You will never see governments bailout crypto exchanges or holders, even with a 1$ btc.

>> No.52678325

>best investment in the world
>down 90%

>> No.52678569

I want to be apart of the startup. I'm a webdesigner

>> No.52678602

Except housing is fucked right now and 60% of realtors are looking for other jobs at this point

>> No.52678724

These RE threads are always the most heated on this board. I'm not sure if it's renters or neets or hoomers or both that keep making them but they are always funny. I look forward to the archives documenting the cope over the next 3 to 4 years as this shit unwinds.

>> No.52679201

How did you get into this? I've read about development like this before and how it's all just cash flow, organizing all of the buyers to cover your expenses before anything material even happens, and it seems very intriguing. But it seems like the type of thing you would need a "mentor" for, or at least something you would learn working at a development company. I don't know how you would figure this out or even know what to look into on your own.

>> No.52679467 [DELETED] 
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>> No.52679507 [DELETED] 
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coping incels are funny. priced out of real estate, and priced out of teenage gf realtor

>> No.52679535

by teenage I'm guessing they must be 19 years and 11 months old cause they look in their late twenties at least.

>> No.52679545

why do you have this saved?

>> No.52679581


Lol what a dork fucking freak. Very 4chan mentality.

>> No.52679616

Real Estate is retarded. You basically just bought a REIT on 4x margin and think that multiplier makes you “outperform” a bear market

Might as well just buy stocks or crypto on 4x leverage and get rich that way too

I swear housefags are the dumbest bunch of vipers that ever lived

>> No.52679684

>These RE threads are always the most heated on this board.
You should check out the US versus Euro plug design pseudo-generals that appear on DIY. They're... "involved". Almost as good as bricks versus timber.

>> No.52679705

are you dumb? even though you're leverage in RE you're never going to get margin called. In the worst case it can go down 50% one year if there's a crash, but you're not going to get kicked out of your home, it will just go back up to the level it was in the next 3 years. Also RE interest rates are among the lowest, it's been basically free money

>> No.52679713

>You basically just bought a REIT on 4x margin and think that multiplier....
Whoa whoa whoa... allow me to stop you there. Some of us just buy the freehold outright.

But in terms of willful mortgage holders, yes. They're disgusting and deserve the raping that's on the way when those interest rates go up shortly.

>> No.52680222
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You are worse than an XRP / Stinky Linkie / CROmosexual combined.

I know...
hate the game,
not the player.

>> No.52680249

you know how i know you're a liberal reddit poster?

>> No.52680531

he's a kike blackpiller that's why. or he's stalking that cunt. either one is sad

>> No.52680572

>Crooked toes and flat feet

Even if I could, I wouldn't buy

>> No.52681186

the only way to justify having these retards as realtors is for them to be responsible for opening the lock for stangers(potential buyers)
the point im getting at here is that buying the house entitles you at least one fuck from these whores

>> No.52681384


>> No.52681417
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>> No.52681435

Zoomers believe that the wall is at 23.

>> No.52682774

>Zoomers believe that the wall is at 23.
Realistically, yeah. If they haven't already been bred, they should be soon. "Starting families" at 45 isn't a great idea for girls. Even the NHS says the same thing; if they're 35 and would like children they should try sooner rather than later, if they're 40 they should start right away. Because the success rate goes way down from there.

>t. Millenial

>> No.52682779

>>The blocks that are profit I hold debt free, earning rent
trying to understand this business. how do you earn rent from these blocks of land?

>> No.52683172
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>> No.52683214

Real estate investment takes time to mature, it is not for kids kek, I buy most of my real estate properties with crypto, and I get cashback

>> No.52683243

where are there pees pees at?

>> No.52683486
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Learn basic math housefags. Price up is better than price down. Bitcoin price go up more than house.

>> No.52683849

Not if you flip almost immediately or use it as rent, BTC is not bad though
I get 1.5% paying through Utrust, I think that's the best RN, coinbase used to be good but I don't trust it that much again

>> No.52684070

>women exist
>biz triggered into writing a dossier of butthurt
It's like clockwork. How do I profit from this?

>> No.52684114

why do 18-19 like to refer to themselves as "teenagers". When I was 18 not that long ago no one did that, is it just growing infantalization

>> No.52684231

I have an idea and I feel like it's already being done but not for the benefit of the people. What if you could invest / park your money in a "pool of rental property." Your money being there helps the landlords manage and buy more rental properties and every month you get paid a percentage of the rent equal to how much you have staked. It would be a way for the little man to invest in real estate. I have a feeling that banks are already doing this with peoples' money, but aren't paying us.

>> No.52684267

yeah bro let me just buy some property real quick on my cracked phone

>> No.52684510

Guarantee the one on the right has a complex about being tall.

I hate nepotism babies.

>> No.52684561

This is delusion and often leads men into situations where they catalyze a series of events that destroy what little semblance of a life they had, either through physical or social violence.

Don't write confidence checks that your clout ass can't cash.

>> No.52684578

>Dating an Orange.

>> No.52684672

i am a real estate appraiser and land use entitlement professional/consultant. would love to help if you think my skills are relevant. email is 5594ironmask@ proton.me

>> No.52686089

Yes my plan is similar. Buy vacation property with crypto, rent it out, use $ to buy more crypto.

>> No.52686458

If you want to invest in real estate you pretty much have to buy in cash to be profitable if you don't have banker friends to bail you out when you fail. Most people here are zoomers putting 70-80% of their paychecks into rent while living with their parents. Considering you can buy 0.00000001th of a bitcoin and you cannot do the same with a house it's extremely obvious why the people here are all in on crypto. It's their only way out.

>> No.52686461

We're living in the middle of a pendulum swing. The glory Europeans enjoyed during the colonial age was unparalleled, and now we have to see the opposite end of fortune.

>> No.52686525

>If you want to invest in real estate you pretty much have to buy in cash to be profitable
Uh no? You will not find a single serious CRE shop that doesn't use debt financing in most if not all of their deals.

>> No.52686661

Talking about as an independent. If rates go up too much and you're locked in debt as a normal person you'll get raped by the banks. What is 2008. Also note that prices are SIGNIFICANTLY worse when you consider how much the price has risen. Doesn't happen on the institutional scale in a meaningful way AFAIK. Like do you really think the zoomers over here could both get into the debt needed to buy and rent out a house and maintain enough cash flow in addition to other living expenses to pay it off while also factoring in any possible rate bumps that will eventually happen? Like what is a zoomed supposed to do here I'm asking genuinely.