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52668199 No.52668199 [Reply] [Original]

Fat Americans can't fit in movie theater seats. Could I profit from opening a theater catering to obese people? I could make more money from food sales too. Any ideas?


>> No.52668206

Weird. Most theaters near me all have those dream loungers now

>> No.52668267
File: 618 KB, 667x540, hornyhorse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being too fat to fit in a normal seat
>it's the fault of the theatre, they should change the seats!

The absolute state of the USA!

>> No.52668280
File: 36 KB, 519x481, 414BCE72-30C2-42A8-8152-7B2B48BFD17D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is this actually the case?

Most theater seats have been upgraded long afo

>> No.52668353

>The heckin’ fat folk y’all

>> No.52668370

simple charge them double. Fat fucks are sinners anyway.

>> No.52668388
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Have they tried not being fat?

>> No.52668399

>seat too small
>not ass too fat
funny, the contrast between the goyim being treated so delicately in irrelevant matters, but sucked dry otherwise

>> No.52668877
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i want to leave if i make it bros
where can i move with cheap whores, low taxes/government regulations and good internet?

>> No.52668906

Czech Republic

>> No.52668911

fat people should be euthanized

>> No.52669679


>> No.52669843

>fat folk
Nu language starting to sound like some fantasy Narnia shit. Rat folk and fat folk mingling with humans

>> No.52669857
File: 130 KB, 650x613, wide seats obese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to roll these bad boys out

>> No.52669911
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>> No.52669982

Don't forget to embed air extractors in the seats otherwise they'll asphyxiate each others.

>> No.52670342

How do they deal with flights again? Do airlines make you buy two seats?

>> No.52670475


>> No.52670504

anon, plz.
some enterprising soul should open a mobility scooter drive-in.

>> No.52670548

airlines sometimes let you book another free, if obvious fat cunt, or price heavily (ha) reduced. It mostly works on the shame principle tho - when you too fat, you shouldnt fly, you fat fuck. But if you do, nothing anyone can do about it, inclusive the poor cunt next to (or on top of) you.

>> No.52670589

the heckin fatterinos can’t fittily dittily into a movie theater chair

>> No.52671217

If you asked these fatsos what their favorite movie is, what response would you get?

>> No.52671258

anon you don't want to move to a place with low regulations you want to open you business in one country and then move to another. Go somewhere like costa rica and thailand where they have territorial tax and open your company in someplace business friendly.

>> No.52671334

Marvel something something something. Followed by blade trinity and either zoro or ghost busters but not both.

>> No.52671356

What is Mashable? Some sort of fat advocacy group? Utterly sickening.

>> No.52671888
File: 61 KB, 718x1170, 2E2B38C2-EB09-4A79-8544-2FA43CA88C1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be sucked dry so bad bros, it hurts.

>> No.52672267

I just realized how absurd it keeps getting

>> No.52672291

>Could I profit from opening a theater catering to obese people?
No, no one goes to see movies anymore.
Movies were a fad.

>> No.52672339

wonder if movie theaters will be shamed into installing wide seats to cater to "plus sized" individuals or whatever pc term they use for fat nowadays.

>> No.52672448
File: 109 KB, 1080x1075, 1620257449100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatchu mean?

>> No.52673978


>> No.52674134

Still not big enough for the fat fucking waste of space americans

>> No.52674144
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>> No.52674153

No American theaters have seats like that lmao, all double seat electronic reclining chairs. I bet you actually couldn’t find one like this if you tried. Stay seething europoors