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52665401 No.52665401 [Reply] [Original]

>XRP will be delisted from Coinbase on Dec. 5th
>One day before the dawn of Chainlink Staking
Huh, it's almost as if Chainlink is SWIFT's interoperability solution and everyone knows it - and many people have known it from simply reading publicly available information over the past five years. Really makes you think, huh?

>> No.52665443

you and link deserve it each other

>> No.52665485

Kek, Dec 5, is the due date that the SEC and XRP have to submit redacted documents to go public

>> No.52665566

seethe at me when it is the most prominent NA exchange delisting them, okay!
the redaction is as follows [xrp token and network not needed]

>> No.52666058

No shit? Hadn't heard this. I feel like there were other important things happening on D5, can't quite recall..

>> No.52666103

So they file an amicus brief and then decide to pull xrp? Weird...

>> No.52666117

XRP is not going to the MOOOOOOOOOOON! after all

>> No.52666173

omg ripple bros wagmi!

>> No.52666187
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XRP is the standard. Non-XRP holders on suicide watch :D

>> No.52666277
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why is /biz/ quiet about this?

>> No.52666310


That makes me think these are the only "assets" I want to own.

>> No.52666353

>Coinbase cited "low usage" as a reason for delisting the four coins
Keep shaking the normies off before the BOOM!
Fuck the normies

>> No.52666388

its bullshit because how else will I be able to sell my XRP in the USA

>> No.52666903

Most likely there will be airdrops to those wallets and they want to keep the funds without people reee'ing about how it's theirs.
Flimsly excuse but it was THE WALLET that held the tokens got the airdrop.
That is CBs wallet.
Cope and seethe.

>> No.52666926

sheep and a newfag, excellent combination goy

>> No.52666929

flare is supposed to drop soon
even though it was supposed to drop last year
maybe something big is about to happen

>> No.52666931

You won't be able to. You have to leave the US to enjoy the fine benefits of xrp as a retail investor. There will be no relisting

>> No.52667037

imagine if coinbase desrisks by delisting everything they added since 2017 and going back to their original btc and ltc

>> No.52667085

>de risk by not taking trading fees
Or you could just run a legitimate business.
Unreal how making millions a day in fees isn't enough for these digusting fucks.

>> No.52667206

I can choose to get a dual citizenship due to ancestory but the only benefits I see having is the ability to open bank accounts in the EU and cryptos.

>> No.52667241

Are (((they))) getting ready to flip the switch and wanted to leave the goys behind by delisting from goybase?

>> No.52667401

it has always been on the timeline

>> No.52667423
File: 68 KB, 644x800, F651C2DB-6AE8-4D41-B54F-2FB9D52D462E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coinbase sides with ripple and files for amicus brief

>> No.52667538

who uses goybase wallet?

>> No.52667785

Swap to litecoin then sell on goybase

>> No.52667923

High IQ take, imagine thinking goybase wants the best for everyone who holds XRP to take all liquidity from the exchange by massively selling in profit when XRP pumps. They won´t allow you to do that, of course, they want want you to sell them your xrp por cryptopeanuts just a few days before you become a millionaire

>> No.52667976

holy shit why are xrp holders so delusional?

>> No.52668007

Man I remember a time when XRP babies were bullied off this board. I wish they’d stayed in twitter and r*ddit and died there. I hate this borrowed and astroturf campaign.

>> No.52668026

XLM and XRP are the top 2 ISO20022

>> No.52668156

That's not how it works. I pay in XRP.

>> No.52668166

Because they are the chosen ones

>> No.52668200

It's worthless so they're free to shitpost. Just enjoy the show.

>> No.52668390
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Nigger are you retarded? like no really, you cherry picked XRP from an article that also listed stellar and bitcoin cash from being delisted from a shitty wallet no one uses?
Are you the dumbest ape on /biz anon? Really I am serious.
Coinbase is supporting ripple in the lawsuit, ripple hired Obama's treasury secretary this year as an executive and has more top tier banks in it's pocket than any other protocol.
I bet you actually wonder why you are poor too, have you ever thought that you are fucking nigger grade stupid kid?
Number one no one uses coinbase wallet, like nobody. Fucking Kucoin wallet has more active users. When coinbase shut down their NFT project did NFT's go under?
Fucking kill yourself for real you dumb faggot, this is probably the dumbest FUD yet. For once cuckbase told you the truth, nobody uses their wallet, and especially for buying those coins.
One thing for sure, OP is a tranny and a nigger.

>> No.52668425

Broke wagies like you faggots have gotten to pathetic for words at this point. You are so broke you can't afford to buy a small bag and take 10 to 1 odds?
Top fucking kek, you faggots so deserve not to make it and work wage jobs. Seriously do not fucking complain, you are born losers.

>> No.52668435

oh no the XRP defense force has arrived!

I would buy tons of XRP bags…

But I bought ETH in 2015…

so I’m just not going to buy a scam lol

>> No.52668446


(Although admittedly there was a nice little trade pre merge with ETC but of course the bag should have been dumped)

>> No.52668523

> Delists XRP, unable to buy, sell, or trade
> Low use

You know damn well that the reason XRP is low use on goybase is because you literally CAN'T. They know damn well how many bagholders there are and that once the settlement goes through it'll 100x. You think they have the liquidity to pay out a bunch of schizos who have been bagholding for 8 years?

>> No.52668539

oh man this guy is seething

>> No.52668656

Don't forget to put the link to your suicide stream in the inevitable /xsg/ - XRP Suicide General pinned thread coming soon.

>> No.52668713

Well said

>> No.52669380

>spoonfeeding the imbeciles
Just don't

>> No.52669669
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Good point anon

>> No.52669907

Holy shit this is huge. XRP and STELLAR. the financial system of the future... shit coinbase going down. haha

>> No.52670070
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This literally sums up the whole XRP bag holder.

>> No.52670165

Hmm theres alot of plays on this. I have a strange feeling in gut, hopefully gas.
1> XRP is reassessed as illegal sec and going down
2> XRP is no longer being traded on exchanges but reassessed as a security via settlement or bank interchange token only
3> Coinbase does not have enough of this asset and needs it to locked off for more time.

3 is possible seeing as its other assets and we have FTX and other exchanges going to the crapper. 1 or 2 are ok for me because it does not prevent holders from suing either Ripple or the SEC.

>> No.52672003

If u haven’t escrowed away 1000 Xrp for unlock at 2030 then u ain’t a real schizo

>> No.52672152

Literally sums up every single linkcel kek

>> No.52672428

>swift use stinky linky
>xrp replace swift
>"link marines" en hero soon after
lol lmao
reminder muttmerica cant buy xrp

>> No.52673692

literally bullish you wouldn't believe what occurs behind the scenes

>> No.52673752
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Switch flip confirmed for Dec 5th

>> No.52674606

stupid animal ass eater

>> No.52674632
File: 1.14 MB, 1194x1168, 1668829448644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you had 5 years

>> No.52674754

this is worse for COIN stock than anything. all those shitcoins will be fine. to me, it looks like coinbase is downgrading their exchange to Kucoin, Kraken or Gemini-tier lol. They just shutdown coinbase pro and forced its account holders to use advanced trading on COIN kek. they're broke af. even robinhood still supports all that shit including BSV lmao. glad i left that coinbase shithole months ago

>> No.52674769

>itt: tards can't see the word "wallet" and don't know Coinbase delisted xrp ages ago

>> No.52674771

Robinhood doesn't even have real coins

>> No.52674776

you neglected all the rest they removed, and why

>> No.52674825

Robinhood is the ADA of crypto exchanges. they're slow, cautious and steady. things will evolve and change and Robinhood is one of the few exchanges that seem to not jump the gun on crypto like SBF and Coinbase