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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52657959 No.52657959 [Reply] [Original]

Why is bear market biz so shitty this time around? When will the pajeets and tourists leave and the big brain anons return?

>> No.52657978

When the scammers and foreigners leave until then I'll continue to make this place unbearable for everyone involved.
Already killed off 4-5 paid for advertised rugpulls that have been posted here.

Give it a few more months it's already insufferable to post here and causing mental health problems with anons.

>> No.52657982

we need an AI to troll these shill threads, especially the DIST fags.

>> No.52657988

mental illness

>> No.52657993

>When will the pajeets and tourists leave and the big brain anons return?
After the normies capitulate. They havent yet and yes, sub10k btc is written

>> No.52657997
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>> No.52658007

don't post the sad froggie or you'll make me feel sorry for you

>> No.52658037

I literally pay pajeets and normies/tourists to just make up shitty stuff.

Like unsucessful shitcoin, and shill random stuff they find on Coinmarketcap.

Im going to make it until /biz/ is just full of them and nobody else.

>> No.52658047
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>> No.52658054
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big brain anon reporting in, I'm still here.

>> No.52658299

Nah, he's based as fuck.
Can't handle it? You must be a newfag.

>> No.52658367

do you really want like 50 fucking doggyniggerfartpregnantobama inu threads at once again? moving at 10000 posts per minute?

>> No.52658408

Last time we had link to entertain us and jog our noggins a bit. But then link turned out to be a huge disappointment and this time we have, what? ICP? A bunch of wef iso tokens? Feels like crypto just isn't that fun right now. Hoping it's some calm before the storm again. Wish I wasn't such a brainlet and could realistically audit code myself so I could really see what's going on under the hood and which projects to focus on. Been doing some basic solidity lessons for that reason. But yeah, just feels boring as fuck and the memes are super stale. Been getting into shooting a bit to get outside and learn a semi-practical skill as well. Will definitely hunt next season, maybe bird hunting in spring too.

>> No.52658581

nice blogpost faggot

>> No.52659329


>> No.52660131
File: 196 KB, 1200x1800, gyudon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone who invested last two years lost money and is angry/resentful. Also most people who don't have lots of money to play with right now aren't swinging any big profits. It's just a more toxic than normal environment in these circumstances, not sure why that surprises you. I see a "I lost my entire life savings of $xxx,xxx this year" thread every day here as of late

>> No.52660149

>After the normies capitulate. They havent yet and yes, sub10k btc is written
you are the normie, sub 10k won't happen retard.

>> No.52660156

> Why is bear market biz so shitty this time around?
the board got better once bottom was reached. Take your own conclusions

>> No.52660557

It isn’t much different anon. Don’t be like a boomer who forgets how things used to be and underestimates the new generation. I’m an old timer from 2017.

It really was pretty similar back then. Maybe less active at times. Which was less fun. 2018/2019 really were dull times for crypto.

>> No.52660625

Good posters lost everything this bear market, they are financially ruined. This months crash was the final nail in the coffin for many here.
They are completely demoralized and now may have to start waging to recover their losses.
Imagine getting justed at the bottom of the bear market right before the Golden Bullrun.

tldr; they stopped coming here, it's ogre

>> No.52660634

why didnt they just hold, they dont HAVE to sell yknow. Most things recover except obvious pump n dump meme coins