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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52653948 No.52653948 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you guys want to go outside and get a real, actual job?

>> No.52654009

you're legally allowed to kill people who invade your home. out there, outside, you're the rat.

>> No.52654019

because it's easier to stay here inside and not have to deal with the outside world, while making more money that I would by working out there at a "real job" you fucking kike cuck.

>> No.52654026

how about no

>> No.52654038

The jew has managed to find a way to exploit all forms for real work so that only he benefits

>> No.52654041

it's not 1985 anymore.

>> No.52654051

Sit on a stinking, packed train to get to work. Walk into the office and get a sullen muttered 'hello' from reception. Sit in a strip lit smelly room near people who couldn't care less about you, making small talk.

>> No.52655836

I already have one. I'm actually just greedy and want to not have a job. I just want to play disc golf and garden and grow old with my wife.

>> No.52655857
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I spent the last 15 years grinding in the corporate world, and while I have money, it's not worth it. Find contentment within. This is financial advice.

>> No.52655858

the covenant was broken

>> No.52655868
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they broke the contract

>> No.52656008
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I used to work in a factory. I hated every single day of my life while I was there. I hated the night shifts, I hated how no matter how much I tried the bosses didn't care. I hated how the inmigrants were as lazy as possible and got all the promotions while I worked my ass off every single day, even on holidays, sundays and overtime. I liked the people and all my co-workers were funny and sociable, specially the old ladies though.
Every single day I wished to God I had an accident during the 1 hours conmute that gave me a lession serious enough to be able to get a few days off.
In my insane desperation I searched for a way to get rich fast or just to get enough money to quit and live a simple life. That's when I saw it, a project named "Pancake swap" that offered me over 150 APY and all I had to do was invest in ther 3 dollars CAKE token and just stake it, not even lock it. I was new to crypto then so I just fell for it. I maxed out all my credit cards and put all of my savings on it. Before I knew it I was making many times more than my wage money while my investment did a 10x. I cashed out some, bought a house in a rural area, derisked and started farming stables in other platforms. I miss my coworkers sometimes but I sure as hell don't miss my job and I'll try as long as possible to never get another one.

>> No.52656147

when did you buy-in and at what price. thank you.