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File: 161 KB, 1308x918, fvbgf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52653676 No.52653676 [Reply] [Original]

New BTC rainbow chart

>> No.52653689


>> No.52653703

holy cope lol

if we're lucky (if) Bitcoin will barely reach 100k after the 2024 halving, they'll manage to change the chart once again

>> No.52653704


So 10k is coming. lol haaha

>> No.52653715


The original rainbow had it going to 500k. LMFAO lol. Now its only at max of 200k.

>> No.52653732

They're taking the piss, if you can't see this is a joke/mockery you're autistic. Get checked.

>> No.52653750

how does one do log charts when it suddenly drops to 0?

>> No.52653779

It’s such a joke they deleted the other one, right?

>> No.52653801

yes? are you retarded. this board is legitimately 70 IQ or something i can't believe im breathing in the same air as you inbreds

>> No.52653803

why would they not fit the top off the rainbow to the recent top? Is it because it would cause the rainbow to slope downwards?

>> No.52653863

>After a brutal 2022 in the crypto industry it was just no longer valid
>Just no longer valid

Nuke it all to hell. Check em

>> No.52654281
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>> No.52656484

>y-you weren't supposed to take the chart we shilled relentlessly seriously!!!
>you're the retard!!!

This level of cope is unrecorded

>> No.52656517

The rainbow chart is wrong unless the 69k peak hits the top of the chart

>> No.52657835

Rainbows hit the ground at both ends. NGMI

>> No.52657930

that chart has been bended so many times... who ever thinks its fine, is dumb.

btw its a dome!
3.5k eo next year

>> No.52658175
File: 46 KB, 393x705, Srsly Guise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Facts frfr

This shit doesn't fit the last peak, how the fuck does this count as a forecast if the latest data is the thing of least fit. Plus they got this bogus unlimited growth curve still going on like they didn't catch on to 2016 being a new inflection point. Anyone else remember their original parabolic garbage being wrong too? Gahdam it's getting retarded.


>> No.52658214
File: 1.70 MB, 1080x658, Renoir paysage bords de seine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The chart should show BTC above the red bubble line in a couple of very specific points in its early days. A true chart would also show the current price below the fire sale line.

>t. hodling

>> No.52658236
File: 219 KB, 1440x479, rainbow-bitcoin-carts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they change the rainbow chart after every bullrun/bear market newfags. the first one looked like pic related. you really dont think it was that easy to sell the top and buy the bottom back then do you?

>> No.52659080

This one still doesn't account for decreasing volatility, so it still sucks.

>> No.52660897

>linear chart
Mark of the newcoiner

>> No.52660935

Fucking lol.

>> No.52660942

Rainbowsisters... we're back!

>> No.52660943

woman or nigger?
anyway it's not a "joke". ask the people veiwing the website a couple months from now if they know it is a "joke" or not.

>> No.52660984
File: 95 KB, 748x494, rainbow_to_the_ACK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They redrew the rainbow.

They had to.

>> No.52661014
File: 119 KB, 888x410, proxy-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally looks like a real rainbow

>> No.52661017
File: 108 KB, 1652x933, 1669365499799260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder why they didn't draw the rest of the rainbow.

>> No.52661187

actually its still 500k

>> No.52661283


>> No.52661302
File: 167 KB, 1440x260, Screenshot_20221121-125632_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52661329

I like the part where the price goes back in time, is this what "correction" means?

>> No.52661575

>some retard refits his log graph to the data and people act like its any indication for the future

TA really is a horoscope for men.

>> No.52662381

Ok retard. Plan B's new chart every 2 weeks is a joke too, right?