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52647733 No.52647733 [Reply] [Original]

why does he trigger the neets so badly?

>> No.52647757

Who tf is that? Why would he interest me? What is this shit? Why is OP a faggot?

>> No.52647759

>If you work less, then 100 hours lower, your tone, when talking to me, is too high

>> No.52647765

> working 100 hours per week just to be a poorfag

>> No.52647766

Bragging about working obscene hours is the ultimate cope. Efficiency is the name of the game. You can have both free time and high pay if you’re not an idiot.

>> No.52647784

>obedient slave
>trigger the neets
Everybody laughed at this wagie not seething at him

>> No.52647795

>I'm a slave and proud of it
people are so weird

>> No.52647816

>Able-bodied normiebrain white dude telling people how easy it is to fit into society and receive the actual spoils of one's labor without being exploited
He's as bad as the oatmilk chai latte project management shorties.

>> No.52647970
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>> No.52648789
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Triggered? Hell, I’m grateful for the wagies! Imagine them all, billions of them, competing with one another to provide all the shit I need for as little money as possible. If this guy didn’t work 100 hours a week, Mr Shekelburg would have to hire TWO wagies at double the cost, making my tendies that much more expensive. Mr 100-hour Work Weeks, I salute you!

>> No.52648808

I bet he lowers his voice when talking to his landlord

>> No.52648813

>wagie wants respect


traders are the alpha males, not some beta cuck competing for Bossberg from 9 to 5 and then competing for sluts from 5 to 9

>> No.52648838

>i am wasting my best years toiling, you must respect that

>> No.52649049

>nah sorry im working [today/tonight]
>oh no i gotta just pop to the yard
>yeah no worries be there just after i finish my shift
>no can do buddy im working
>yeah sure! oh no wait i gotta work
>yes (but actually ghosts you)

>> No.52649064

Why is he triggered by neets so bady?

>> No.52649114

His kike boss doesnt lower his tone when he scold him.

>> No.52649163

>be me
>wake up at 2 PM
>the most laborious thing I've done since then is to turn on my PC to shitpost on /biz/
Yeah, I'm definitely going to lower my tone when I talk to him, sure.

>> No.52649170

Because he is getting shafted.
Not only that, but he should be getting the ultimate reward, instead he is getting the worst of both worlds.
Neet invests no effort an gets nothing in return.
Some random pleb invests like 5x8 or 6 times 10 hours and gets the same as him.
Some trust fund kid invests like 5 times 4 hours in some comfy office and gets much much more reward.

>> No.52649318


>> No.52649440

Because it's not if you're working hard, it's who you're working for.

>> No.52649470

i bet hes a raging alcoholic

>> No.52649476

Have you met oil niggers like this guy? Work retarded hours for a year if they are lucky then oopsie a wee downturn gonna have to let you go. They of course blew all their cash living hood rich in fuck ass west Texas so they come work retail and brag about their days on the oilfields and how much they are gonna make when things turn around. Drug addicts wagies with bad backs, I do NOT envy.

>> No.52649507

>wagie making $20 an hour
>makes $800 for first 40 hours
>makes $1800 for next 60 hours
>$2600 a week
>2 weeks off a year - 50 working weeks
>$130,000 a year working 100 hours a week
would any of you do this?

>> No.52649590

I used to put in 20 hour days, 6 days a week in the military. If someone working a 60 hour week has to watch their tone with this guy, this this fuccboi owes me a blowjob and $10 right now. It's his argument, not mine.
Fucking beta dipshits inventing reasons to feel big. That's the actual problem with this image. There's nothing wrong with working hard or long hours - there's something spiritually corrupt about a person who thinks this entitles them to anything other than a paycheck.

>> No.52649599

>why does he trigger the neets so badly?
he's not delusion unlike neets

>> No.52649623

Only if its some no effort job like night shift security guard in a detached office building where you never get real work.
Working a genuine 6 day week and 10 hours as electrician will wear you down in a year and ruin you..
Working as seasonal beach worker for 7 days a week and like 11 to 12 hours will destroy you after 6 months.

>> No.52649645

Is that true? I thought oil drones are getting paid first class worker salary with benefits.

>> No.52649665

If you can stay mentally sane while also being in chronic pain sure. I have done some fucked up jobs before that left me temporarily crippled but the pay was cool. The faggot in OPs picture is the typical dude at any random bar who would only talk about work. He would get too drunk and end up getting knocked out and robbed after 2 hours of bullshitting the wrong person lmao. These types are brain dead soulless losers. Im the only banging his girlfriend the 100 hours hes gone and sleeping in his bed

>> No.52649746

It doesn't last Oil and gas is notoriously feast and famine and guys like this are not the type to save for a rainy day. Even guys higher up on the totem pole arent safe. Find me a land man whos not a coke head.

>> No.52649776

But he needed that $100k King Extreme Off-On Road Leather Edition F-150 financed at 16%, why can't you understand?

Yes, while the fields are up. They make great money and benefits, while the fields are running. But oil fields go down all the time, for just about every reason imaginable. Not hitting production? Oil is already something like a ten-thousandth of a cent of profit per gallon drilled, can't afford to drill if you won't make the sales numbers, shut it down. Making too much? Gonna start an oil glut and the same scenario happens, shut it down. Was a democrat elected literally anywhere in the country at literally any level of politics? Better shut down, just in case. Is it a GOP presidents second term in office? Better shut it down. Is it Winter? Need to ease back on production.
And any time production slows, people lose their jobs in droves.

>> No.52649834

>guys like this are not the type to save for a rainy day
Yeah. I know someone who worked in oil field and got layoff and get paid in 6 figures and evaporated the money in half a month.
What do you think about the sea oil rig workers though? Are they insufferable like the guy in OP's pic?

>> No.52649860
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It's a multi-level trigger
>working 100 hours a week for one week in the christmas season to get everything done before the end of the year/meet christmas demand makes sense because you get paid bonuses/overtime
>working 100 hours a week for a year will literally kill you
>neets on 4chan seethe if you say you merely work 40 hours a week like a normalfag and that they'd rather be on welfare getting disability bux to yolo into crypto
>worklets/wfh/people who do minimal work and would like to be a neet seethe because the idea of overtime upsets and angers them

>> No.52649870

I should also mention most tiktoks are supposed to be (very crappy) jokes and these are the ones posted here. In the actual post he said that working 100 hours a week is terrible and will literally kill you, he was making fun of 'hustle' types that would seriously consider doing 100 hours a week for 52 weeks straight.

>> No.52649890

>only 10 bucks
Even after the military you still sell yourself short. You must be a bear.

>> No.52649922

>I thought oil drones are getting paid first class worker salary with benefits
They are, when there's work. When there's no work because the price of oil tanked they get laid off by the thousands, and it's not like their skills are transferable to much else.

>> No.52649930

I'm just trying to fair and honest here. I'd like to think I've got $100 of dick, but I know the truth.

>> No.52649931

>if you wagesalve less than 100hours a week,lower your tone when talking to my npc wage box

>> No.52649978

If you're working 9 to 5 you're already wasting all your day, might as well max it out

>> No.52649991

The wagie pictured is making at least double that hourly wage in an oil patch, and probably gets mass amounts of double time and per diem. I know dumb spics making $150k in the oil fields. When I say dumb spic, I mean dumb spic.
Some of you poorfags will spend your younger days collecting internet tokens hoping to making $1m from $100. You will never amount to anything. Your anonymous posting on this Mongolian basketweaving forum is the ultimate form of cope. You’re poor and lazy just like your parents were and your kids will be.

>> No.52650029
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It's a flex because he knows he's losing. The real winner in life is the person that makes it the farthest with the least amount of effort. This dude will probably make it but he's gonna blow out his knees and his back, so he loses. Conversely, neets will live to old age but will never come within a million miles of making it, so they also lose. The guy that's winning is the MBA that works maybe a week a year that's still pulling in millions.

>> No.52650065

Construction and oil are boom and bust. Could be 3 years at $150k then 2 years of unemployment. They lay off 10-25% of their workforce on downturns. Just don’t be at the bottom. That’s everything in life. Don’t be the worst at what you do or you’re the first to go. The ones that are let go are usually crackhead helper types that were only hired because it was a boom cycle. They are laid off on the bust cycle and replaced during the next boom.
Making a million dollars in the trades is unironically easier than trading kike currency on some kike exchange

>> No.52650073

I'm central TX and I know some legitimately retarded knuckle dragging ex-con types driving hundred thousand dollar pickups pulling three hundred thousand dollar fifth wheels with a 50k Harley hanging off the back to their next shitty pipeline site out in the west. Pretty wild to consider.

>> No.52650082

>of making it,
making what? by the time you will 'make it' the great reset will move to another currency after a ww3.Dollar is about to die ,good luck accumulating

>> No.52650105

The perfect goyim

>> No.52650126

Generally the same attitude. Different schedule and pay for offshore oil rigs. There is more money in offshore because you work more hours but you get more days off. 7 days on, 7 days off with a 16/8 schedule isn’t uncommon. Sometimes 14 on, 14 off schedules. Offshore tends to save money because they don’t drive a lifted diesel dually across the patch every day. They’re off shore on a rig so no daily driving. Same general attitude though. They work hard and make good money so they are indeed very cocky about it.

>> No.52650156

If he takes that money and sticks it in land he's going to be landed gentry if society resets. I don't know what title they'll give to you living in your mother's basement but I'm guessing he'll be doing better than you even in that scenario.
Hyper consumerists. Every one of them will be broke six months into the next oil bust. Happens every time. Good news is I'm gonna get a cheap RV out of it.

>> No.52650562

>I don't know what title they'll give to you
They will call me "the land taker" . I will use my guns to take that dudes land.

>> No.52651910
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It's even worse because in their off time all they talk about is work. It's their whole existence. Just the job. Their past present, future, hobbies interests, what they spend money on all comes back to waging.

I feel sorry for them

>> No.52651926


>> No.52651930

my man you're posting cartoon frogs you have no ground to stand on

>> No.52653297

because neets are retards who think vegetating in their gamer chairs while masturbating to blacked midget porn makes them superior

>> No.52653347

>would any of you do this?
I don't work for promissory notes that cannot be redeemed for gold or silver coin - why do you? Instead, invest $100 in a printer and print your own promissory notes to tender payment (per UCC 3-603). Learn the rules of the game if you want to win at it.

>> No.52653365

>Worship my voluntary slavery, goy
How many hours per week does he spend in service to Jesus the Christ, the King of Kings?

>> No.52653378

>You found a way to avoid being farmed for labor by jews and the synagogue of satan at large? Hah...retard. I just clocked 120 hours.

Thanks for your comment.

>> No.52653383

Looks like he is on an oil and gas rig as a driller (he is too clean to be a roughneck)
Means he is on 200k a year working 6 months of the year.
Probably has a house or 2 houses by now and will be spending his mid 40s onwards fishing and sinking piss with thw boys doing woodwork in his fuck off huge man shed. Yep what a fucking idiot

>> No.52653405

Why would anyone even be taking to him. Not much of a role model.

>> No.52653466


Looks like an oil rig, jobs like that are usually 2 weeks on 1 off, stuff like that. So you're working 12 hour shifts 24x7, but then you can get weeks off at a time. Not a bad gig I suppose for some people, but anyway point is I doubt this dude is working 100+ hour weeks 24x7x365.

>> No.52653475

>da joooooooooooooz

>> No.52653517

>da joooooooooooooz

Every time.

>> No.52653531
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Wew these riggers always gave me funny "hell you doing here college boy" looks when I was on site (I'm a geophysicist) to consult with field engineers then fuck back to office doing well logs and interpreting seismics. Don't wanna shittalk them necessary since I respected their work and on-hands expertise, but the respect was often not two-sided.

And when RIGS CLOSED they blow away the 200k they earned by buying whatever shitbox their dream is, plus hookers, drugs and drinks. Meanwhile I just get a different prospective field's data to look however many thousand miles away, or do some tectonic modelling, hydrology, whatever.

>> No.52653560

The ignorance of trading ALL of the hours of the best years of your life, while also assuming he's going to piss it away on a truck he doesn't need (he just needs ta a drive to the job site, you don't need a 70k truck to drive to an oil field) and beer on the weekend instead of investing.

>> No.52653619

Oh yeah and the fact that that no neck faggot will lower his tone to anyone wearing a suit on a job site.

>> No.52653697


>> No.52653844

In the year that I worked in O&G (2014-2015) I saw the staff shrink by 70% before I got laid off with the next 20%.

>> No.52655173

Here's a kek dicklet. Worth infinite.

>> No.52655724

spends all his money on a Dodge truck
with an 6" lift and massive tires and a boat, dirtbike, or ATV, maybe all three
still lives at home.