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52644434 No.52644434 [Reply] [Original]

Ability to proxy stake your asets to a liquidity pool, rather than deposit them. In this regard, a pool would be a network of staked accounts that would be used as liquidity to faciliate swaps, lending, etc.

This would be self-custody in its truest form.

Is this possible, and if so, on which chain?

>> No.52644555
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>Ability to proxy stake your asets to a liquidity pool
sounds like liquid staking
>rather than deposit them.
what do you mean? like using it as collateral?
>that would be used as liquidity to faciliate swaps, lending
so liquid staking and using the yield bearing asset as collateral?

>> No.52644579

Imagine providing ETH and USDT to a ETH/USDT pool on Univ3 without these assets leaving your wallet. Come to think of it though, IL would be a problem.

>> No.52644609

>without these assets leaving your wallet.
you would always have to interact with a smart contract tho so your funds can be used as collateral.
>Come to think of it though, IL would be a problem.
actually Trader Joe solved this, they made a new AMM that uses price bins with adjustable ranges. reduces slippage and IL. check out the whitepaper its actually really good.

>> No.52644625

>check out the whitepaper its actually really good.
I'll give it a read, thanks

>> No.52644721
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also yeti finance could be interesting for you.
it allows to deposit yield bearing assets like (sAVAX (liquid staking avax) or sJOE (staked JOE) as collateral and use it to get a 140% smart contract backed stablecoin (YUSD), that stablecoin can be used to get additional yield, like on curve, platypus, trader joe etc. or can be swapped into other tokens and gambled with.
all these smart contracts are also audited and have been working very fine so far (thanks to chainlink oracles and good code).

also if you want staking with really low risk without your coins actually leaving your wallet then AVAX staking/delegating is pretty good. APY is around 8 - 12% but the coins are always in your control, they never leave your wallet.

>> No.52644753

Here's a novel AMM that might interest you
whitepaper: https://www.swaap.finance/whitepaper.pdf
In essence, token balanced instead of value balanced

>> No.52644799

Sounds like you want a checking account with interest minus the bank.

>> No.52645036

yeti is the way to go
via looping you can get comfy APRs through AAVE or Benqi

you can also deposit sAVAX in Benqi and use that as collateral on moremoney

that means you get ~15% APY on AVAX and can borrow against this