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52643449 No.52643449 [Reply] [Original]

Can the Chinese economy grow now that he is about to get murdered?

>> No.52643469

two more weeks

>> No.52643488

entire chinese economy is being USA's slave

>> No.52643559

>china on track to overtaking the US
>slowly opening up
>Xi takes over
>everything goes to shit
Whats with autocracies having shit leaders? His predecessor was willing to use tanks. Why is he so spineless yet at the same time barks so fucking loud?

>> No.52643601

when was the last time a color revolution succeeded anywhere beyond some complete shithole like libya?

globohomo has been trying to destabilize china for decades
read about Xi's life then compare that to the background of your average western leadership class eunuch
chinks aren't having it anymore

no. its not. huge parts of the world are breaking free. the empire is over and its thrasing right now, trying to take everyone down with it.

did you know that rich roman fags still thought they had an empire decades after it had ceased to exist because their stores of wine were still ample?

>> No.52643634

Fuck off faggot. Call it whatever you want, the people are justified in being pissed over the insane lockdowns there. You're still wearing a mask, aren't you?

>> No.52643647

>Can the Chinese economy grow
on paper? yes. it's very good at that. actually, not as good as growing on paper as, say, Europe (kek) is at actually growing. come to think of it, every chinese investment etf has done shit, forever, and is projected to do worse moving forward, forever

>> No.52643651

the lockdowns have nothing to do with covid zero or whatever you fags are calling it

its a cover for counter color revolution action

>> No.52643671

Any lockdowns are evil. You're not denying they exist. So you can get fucked too.

>> No.52643676
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>its b-been a cover for counter color revolution action the whole time!

>> No.52643695

do you know anything about confucian societies and how they work?

do you know anything about U.S led color revolutions and how they work?

or is the whole world just an extension of anglo-land to you?

>> No.52643701

>do you know anything about confucian societies and how they work?
If they support lockdowns they're full of shit and should be destroyed.
>do you know anything about U.S led color revolutions and how they work?
I do and I don't give a fuck, I just want people like you dead.

>> No.52643706

>is the whole world just an extension of anglo-land to you
the world is an American colony

>> No.52643707

ur glowing faggot
find some new memes to recycle

>> No.52643711

Good little slave

>> No.52643716
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This, every country in the world belongs to America.

>> No.52643734

its changing. hence the global thrashing.
the western leadership class is just too shit to keep the empire going.

no one supports lockdowns idiot
i'm trying to get to a clearer understanding of why its happening. meanwhile your telling me its all about freedom and democracy. which roughly translated to LGBT, fast food and pornhub in this day and age.

>> No.52643754
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>no one supports lockdowns idiot
You were until now.
>it's a confucian society thing!!!
lmao, you big fat pussy.
>meanwhile your telling me its all about freedom and democracy. which roughly translated to LGBT, fast food and pornhub in this day and age.
It's about not being locked in your home and not having the government tell you when you can go outside. Not being forced to wear a mask. You approve of all of that if it's China doing it.

>> No.52643764

literally cant get fucking goatherders in line
how is that redeployment to somalia working out? al shabab falling inline? or do we need to deploy more female marines?

>> No.52643774

I just wanted to post Bandit Keith, I don't give a fuck. Stop changing the subject from how you're a fucking pussy that's okay with China's lockdowns.

>> No.52643789

I think I broke his script lmao

>> No.52643795

no idiot
read what i said again
i'm not the progressive advocating for lockdowns that seems to exist inside your head.

u are transposing what happened in the western world in march 2020 unto china in november 2022 because the media is reporting it that way

its called thinking by association and midwits do it

>> No.52643800

I can see what my friends in China are showing me bud, lying isn't going to get you anywhere.

>> No.52643818

describe your friends
income level
what their parents do
where they study
where they own property

your answer is right there

>> No.52643848
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One thing that's funny to me is shills like you can't stop posting. You must have a set amount of time you have to keep doing this or something. You'll keep giving me (you)s for hours if I make you do it.

>> No.52643849


You might be retarded. On the surface level we all can agree that lockdowns impinge upon personal freedoms and are bad. The guy you’re replying to is trying to say that the Chinese government is using lockdowns to suppress a potential revolution. If you’re too dumb to participate in discourse shut the fuck up

>> No.52643851

how many times has China been finished this year? 100?

>> No.52643856

Unless you have info from people in high places, he's probably not going away

>> No.52643863

If you actually believe that you're as dumb as they come. And even if your insane idea is the reality, the lockdowns would still be bad.

>> No.52643865

Fuck china. but if ur in china, ur fucked

>> No.52643886


he sees working class and lower-middle class people in the west protesting arbitrary covid lockdowns, brought on by an oligarchic government in 2020

and transposes it to...

pro-western/paid elements of the chinese professional class protesting autocratic lockdowns in 2022, while china is literally decoupling from the west

thinks its all the same
midwittery at its finest

>> No.52643891


>thread about Chinese revolution
>someone’s posits that the current extreme lockdown measures in China play into the political unrest
>lockdowns getting worse ever since the CCP club meeting
>you enter the thread and spam LOCKDOWNS BAD

I hope you’re just underage. People are embarrassed for you

>> No.52643906
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Lockdowns are bad, and the extreme lockdowns in China are contributing to unrest. If the lockdowns are some brilliant chess move to prevent unrest and supress revolutionary sentiment, they're backfiring.

You're a bunch of cocksuckers, bring in as many shills into the thread as you want. Won't change that.

>> No.52643913
File: 507 KB, 1599x627, a thread died for this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my thread now btw

>> No.52643915


I’d take any sources you have on Confucian society. On every level of culture and society they are inherently different than the west. Following the money usually works but I don’t understand their philosophy enough to really grasp it beyond chinabad

>> No.52643938
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>On every level of culture and society they are inherently different than the west.
Nah, people are people no matter where you go. Moral relativism is bullshit, and China's government is evil.
>but America!
America being evil or not is irrelevant.

>> No.52643946

its not a brilliant chess move
its what one would EXPECT from a civilization state like china

you think its a brilliant chess move because you cant fathom human being who dont think like you do

the east has its own form of universalism and it isnt what we have in the west.

>> No.52643955

>to participate in discourse
>I’d take any sources you have on Confucian society
We're on /biz/. If you actually want to learn something about China this isn't how you do it lmao
>you think its a brilliant chess move because you cant fathom human being who dont think like you do
Reading comprehension shill, I don't think that.

>> No.52643973


He posted a pepe rendition of the double slit experiment but couldn’t tell you what that experiment is or what the implications are kek

>> No.52643972
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I'll keep this up until I get bored or go to bed. Messing with shills is always fun.

>> No.52643979

Lee Kuan Yew, former president or PM of singapore had the best anecdotes when it came to describing what he called "asian societal values". because he was educated in the west and fluent in english he could communicate these ideas in a way that made sense.

pick up
Conversations with Lee Kuan Yew: Citizen Singapore: How to Build a Nation

great place to start

>> No.52643981


Thank you

>> No.52643984

They always use kek too.
Bad place to start, Lee Kuan Yew tongues my anus.

>> No.52643988
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>> No.52644000

You literally have to keep replying to my posts, no matter how pointless I make them. So get to it, chop chop. Earn your pay.

>> No.52644007
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>> No.52644012


>> No.52644029
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I win

>> No.52644135
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This is my understanding too. If you look at other dictatorships with very strict COVID policies at the beginning of the crisis like Thailand, those countries barely care about COVID anymore. I've talked with people that came back from China last week, and they confirmed that the current policies are indeed insane, since only a few cases in a city are enough to lockdown a city. What's interesting is that according to them, visas to leave China are also much harder to get than before. I believe this is a result of the increasing tensions between the West and China/Russia.

We're living in interesting and dangerous times.

>> No.52644179

The US is still wearing masks in every area of the country that matters you dumbass Trumpist.

>> No.52644198

They're not forced to do it though. Can't help it if some morons insist on doing it still.

>> No.52644211

And wearing masks isn't the same as lockdowns obviously. Forcing any of it is evil, but lockdowns are worse.

>> No.52644263

Even in California less than 10% of people are wearing a mask
It’s pretty much only Asians and soi boys that I see wearing a mask.
If that’s the case Xi is playing right into the deep states hands with tighter lockdowns

>> No.52644287

No we're not Fagifornia retard

>> No.52644350

>mask bad
The NPC meme and anti-mask psyop on 4chan comes from the government because masks make facial recognition and surveillance more difficult.
Don't bother replying to my post.
You will never be intelligent enough to understand the significance or implications of modern surveillance and its consequences. It's pointless to discuss it with you.

>> No.52644400
File: 73 KB, 427x400, BA3BCF3C-5731-43DF-A32C-44F59AF36552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glowies must love that all these criminals are wearing masks while robbing places
Keeps you guys in business

>> No.52644422

Forcing masks is bad and you're retarded for supporting it, yes. I agree it's pointless to discuss it with you.

>> No.52644443

Your iPhone has a setting to let you unlock it with a mask on, by detecting other parts of your face. I know this is bait but for the gullible out there, masks are just a mild setback to facial recognition.
These half-baked arguments are the worst attempt to "out-conspiracy the conspiracy theorist" I've ever seen.
Someone made it on the front page of r*ddit a few years ago with one of these 'gotchas' about vaccines (to the tune of "I told him the actual conspiracy is from china to kill off the anti vaxxers - then he took the shot right away!") and it just refuses to bloody fucking die.
Respectfully, fuck off

>> No.52644554

Once chyna becomes a US puppet Russia will have no choice but to back down permanently and Ukraine will forever be in our debt repaying us the billions in natural sources 100x the value of money we gave to them

>> No.52644586

It's just another kind of well poisoning.

>The whole world gets fucked
>But at least America number 1
So this is the power of murrican foreign policies. Implessive.

>> No.52644626
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can i respectfully point out the elephant in the room?
>what’s with all the reddit spacing in this thread?

>> No.52644727

Looks like it's mostly one guy, who is probably from reddit.

>> No.52644734
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>> No.52644767

Ukraine 2014

>> No.52644849

Unironically yes
If it wasn't for the US being "good" the world would have been taken over by us by now

>> No.52645890

In germany we still have forced masks yes glowie.

>> No.52647726

Why are Americans like this?

>> No.52647772

I didn't say that just that Winnie the Poohs days are numbered.

>> No.52647798

why would we want them to collapse?
They are using their people as slaves to make things for us, Biden should print out another few trillion and hand it out so Americans can spend the free money on something some Ching Chang worked 12 hour shifts to create before killing himself.

>> No.52647954
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you have it backwards.
everyone wearing masks for the past 2 years gave excellent training data for the cameras.