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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 213 KB, 1080x721, Screenshot_20221127_225742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52642773 No.52642773 [Reply] [Original]

>You can copyright stripes

We need to abolish all copyright laws, this is getting ridiculous.

>> No.52642795

adidas should go suck a dick

>> No.52642811

>We need to abolish all copyright laws, this is getting ridiculous.
Thank you
It’s become a huge industry for lawyers who can use obscure patents to stop other companies from producing something they don’t
If s company isn’t using the tech, they shouldn’t be allowed to keep the patent

>> No.52642879
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>> No.52642930

Only valid if adidas can prove the stripes / brand identity is the driving force behind the sales. F21 will probably spend more on the lawsuit than they make on the design and end up discontinuing them

>> No.52642952

Is this common pattern for them? I would understand the down the leg stripe one but that?

>> No.52644329


>> No.52644413
File: 100 KB, 810x810, me copy your ip you die.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adidas is being a cunt in this case since they're known for diagonal stripes.

Saying we should abolish all copyright is retarded.

>> No.52644418

If they do have a case, it's because forever 21 chose to put their name exactly where adidas put theirs. That seems odd.

>> No.52644432

I will volunteer for having my dick sucked by Germans

>> No.52644445

We would be better off abolishing intellectual property laws
They just hold society back so lawyers can make more money

>> No.52644451

IP represents something like half of all US exports.

>> No.52644528

It’s also used to stop new entries to the market
Those exports would still exist without ip laws. People wouldn’t stop buying things. No one is suddenly going to switch to knock off movies because anyone can make a Mickey Mouse movie
IP laws are anti free market

>> No.52644537

>It’s also used to stop new entries to the market
Just make something different then

>> No.52644546

Seems like Adidas has been going downhill ever since they took Yeezys off their stores.

>> No.52644559

Patent laws are often used to stop even similar products
It’s gotten to the point now where big companies have IP portfolios used to sue competitors
IP laws just keep lawyers wealthy

>> No.52644560

They have never been able to top their original uniforms.

>> No.52644566


>> No.52644567
File: 70 KB, 415x739, bPlSg37L7QR7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s mostly any “sports” brand. I don’t think Nike is selling shit to healthy people no more lmao

>> No.52644615

Que voulez-vous dire, cette femme est une Française moyenne, complètement normale.

>> No.52644624

I don’t speak frog, but seeing the length of the response I assume you have Sheboon Fever

>> No.52644676
File: 265 KB, 1024x887, 1662769043589455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just google translate you retarded kunt.
Brand clothes have always been bought by literal niggers, pic related.

>> No.52644689
File: 1.60 MB, 320x251, hmm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you wouldnt mind it then if i rip off your idea and profit at your expense?

>> No.52644787

That’s called a free market
Best product at the best price should win
Not whoever can hold onto a monopoly the longest

>> No.52645342

he gets it