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File: 61 KB, 800x600, wfhchads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52637818 No.52637818 [Reply] [Original]

>If we don't have to show up to the office or in-person functions to do our jobs, what's stopping the boss from outsourcing the jobs to call-centre pajeets for 1% of the cost?
>If we no longer have interactions with staff at the workplace, what's stopping women with better social skills and charm, who actually are on-site, from securing promotions and benefits at our expense?
>If we no longer have to live in the HUSTLE AND BUSTLE of the big city to keep our careers, what's stopping the tsunami of money, liberals and immigrants from flooding into our rural towns and localities?

>> No.52637885

keep waging slave

>> No.52637912

WFH saves shitlods of money and improves lives
it is the greatest innovation of this century

>> No.52637920
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kek, hit a nerve on-perm wagie?

>> No.52637945
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>be WFH chad
>wake up at 10AM
>have some breakfast, sit on computer and watch youtube videos
>maybe get some work done
>attend zoom meeting
>go to the gym while everyone else is at the office
>cook myself a delicious meal and return to my desk

>> No.52637968

and if you have work, you do it
WFH improves your quality of live tremendously

>> No.52637979

Let me forecast your next 6 months with the coming recession
>get put on PIP due to low productivity
>laid off with 2 weeks severance. your job goes to hyderabad
>unable to get another job since tech implosion.

you honestly think your co-workers don't understand that you're a lazy shit? i have lots of people on my team like you and believe me it's obvious even by looking at commits i can tell when somebody is slacking off.

>> No.52637988

seethe more slave

>> No.52638006

Nope, I just got a promotion and a raise. They love me here.

>> No.52638009

Literally everyone in my company works from home, we have no office to speak of. It's all of 12 people too, I don't think we'll be outsourcing work to "Mike" in Mumbai any time soon. I complete all work that gets assigned to me, seethe more.

>> No.52638014


>> No.52638021

Slave? I have been working in tech for over 10 years. I have a 80% savings rate and a mid 7 figure portfolio in VTI & VXUS. I could retire whenever I want. Only things holding me back are that I know I would be bored and that I genuinely enjoy coding unlike modern spergs who suck at it and just came in for money. Most annoying thing though is having to carry lazy shits like >>52637945 through my projects.

>> No.52638034

you vill spend your years slaving slave

>> No.52638065
File: 36 KB, 474x311, wfhchad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Supporting diversity and work from home, are one and the same!
>White men need to stay home, and let shitskins take their jobs, dominate their cultural and economic centres, and force white males into a permenant underclass in the countries that their ancestors built!

>> No.52638201
File: 24 KB, 626x490, 1627752377483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no way anyone actually opposes the new WFH lifestyle shift unless they are the following:

A.) A boomer complaining about younger generations actually caring about life outside of work while they slaved their whole lives, in a sour grapes scenario.

B.) Middle-management where their job is effectively pointless now that they can't walk around and poke wagies with a stick to pretend they're doing something.

C.) Retail slaves, also sour grapes that they're too dumb to get a career that can be WFH.

Prove me wrong. WFH has improved my life tremendously because I get back the 3 hour total commute each day to and from the office, I'm able to be with my family throughout the day, I'm able to help take care of the house and keep it looking nice, and if the work day is slow, I'm no longer just fucking wasting away at my desk waiting for the clock to hit 5pm--I can do other shit.

>> No.52638287

>C.) Retail slaves, also sour grapes that they're too dumb to get a career that can be WFH
I think OP is this. Just butthurt.

>> No.52638328

>If we don't have to show up to the office or in-person functions to do our jobs, what's stopping the boss from outsourcing the jobs to call-centre pajeets for 1% of the cost?
I am literally (yes, literal) >100x more valuable than the pajeet

>> No.52638343

I [office worker] tell.my boss about my [work from home] slacker coworkers whenever I can until they're asked to get back to the office :)

>> No.52638357
File: 858 KB, 534x697, 1668622871097703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am literally (yes, literal) >100x more valuable than the pajeet

>> No.52638387

Being able to fuck my wife when I get stressed out has made me more productive. Your move corpo cock sucker.

>> No.52638411

>If we no longer have to live in the HUSTLE AND BUSTLE of the big city to keep our careers, what's stopping the tsunami of money, liberals and immigrants from flooding into our rural towns and localities?

That's happening anyways just because cities are getting too expensive to live in for all but the very highest salaries

>> No.52638437

You're describing two forces that will continue with or without me working from home - globalization and feminism.

Only some sort of monumental revolution would stop those two.

>> No.52638453

Would've happened already. The out sourcing craze is over. All the pajeets worth a damn are sucked up by faang slave codersany, if you're secondary, govt or small business, sorry you can't tap the pajeets unless you want bottom basement plane crashes.

And that is nothing of all the other countries competing to enslave I dias youth.

>> No.52638461

>If we don't have to show up to the office or in-person functions to do our jobs, what's stopping the boss from outsourcing the jobs to call-centre pajeets for 1% of the cost?
my skills are highly specialized and in demand, and cannot be replicated by a pajeet that barely speaks english
>If we no longer have interactions with staff at the workplace, what's stopping women with better social skills and charm, who actually are on-site, from securing promotions and benefits at our expense?
women do not have the ability to do my job regardless of their 'charm'
>If we no longer have to live in the HUSTLE AND BUSTLE of the big city to keep our careers, what's stopping the tsunami of money, liberals and immigrants from flooding into our rural towns and localities?
this is happening anyway with non stop immigration.

>> No.52638462

Didn't read nigga you sound gay lmao

>> No.52638504
File: 95 KB, 400x600, 47si8n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my skills are HIGHLY SPECIALIZED and in demand!
>There's no way one of the billions of pajeets or chinks could replace me! Right?
>Surely they won't get a fake degree from a diploma mill, or use the politics of the women and shitskins in HR to secure the job above me!.. Right? WFHsisters?

>> No.52638533

again woman
WFH is cheaper for both parties
that makes is more efficient, you remove practically all friction

>> No.52638575
File: 667 KB, 1000x1105, 1669229240859364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care what you say, never going to want to return to the office

I can smoke weed at home
I don't have a commute
I don't have to deal with small talk
I don't have to take a shower or even really dress
I don't have to lift anything
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but...it's just...I'm not going back haha!

OP is a faggot

>> No.52638586

>outsourcing the jobs to call-centre pajeets for 1% of the cost
Yes, what could possibly go wrong?