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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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52635863 No.52635863 [Reply] [Original]

Who are the validators? I'm all for optimism and all but you need non colluding validators. I can't find any information on the Arbitrum ones, you guys probably have some info since you're all following link closely and I think they are somewhat close?

>> No.52635948

Arbitrum's value is arbitrarily held up by abritrum's abysmal arbitrage admission that is admittedly awful.

>> No.52635966

Validators? Like, in plural form? Two more weeks.

>> No.52635985

are you saying there is no validators? You know this would be devestating for them if this was true and made public

>> No.52636011
File: 367 KB, 1954x2048, 12303178-D71B-44DF-9199-E4656808FFF3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s a rumour it may be Cardano and Band who’ll be doing the validating.

>> No.52636057
File: 145 KB, 1583x956, 1667057308845943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop asking questions goy.

you will buy our new L2 meme coins and we will dump on you.

>> No.52636122

I'm not asking for super secret IP stuff. Knowing the validators is the minimum anyone could and even should ask of an optimism layer 2

>> No.52636220


>> No.52636602

Bump. I want answers

>> No.52636876

They said in couple of interviews that they are running the centralized validator for now on aws

>> No.52637021

If this is true then it can't be trusted, who the hell is putting their assets in this?

>> No.52637061


>> No.52637133

This is a lie
He's referring to the sequencer which is currently centralized but will use FSS when launched

>> No.52637193

Ah ok. If you know this is a lie it means you know there are multiple validators?

>> No.52637243


>> No.52637329

Did you read my link above?
Or just listen to ed felten trufflecon 2020

>> No.52637387

The fact that a repo was created does not mean any node is running it. Is the library even finished? Do you have evidence of link nodes running it? Maybe you know something I don't. Also something not shown on market.link. Surely it would be a good thing for link, why would they hide this?

>> No.52637632
File: 206 KB, 1661x967, arbitrannies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To whom it may concern:
This stupid fucking linkpool, arbitrum and chainlink logo is not some magical path to my wallet
I'm not interested in your shitcoin and tossing word salad at me with a Linkpool/Arbitrum/Chainlink meme isn't going to convince me to invest.
I'm not interested in your meme token and tossing word salad at me and telling me not to miss out (trying to prey on FOMO, what a piece of shit) isn't going to convince me to buy your heavy bags.
Posting these stupid fucking faggot memes is not a free pass. It doesn't make your bullshit cool and hip, it makes you a manipulative faggot who took a meme and tried to capitalize on it
Very few coins have actual practical uses, and most of those practical uses are buying drugs. Most of it is a thinly veiled pump and dump scheme weakly propelled by globohomo memes.
I'm putting my fucking foot down. You stinky linkie fucking pajeets, turks, finns and russians are getting called out.
Stop pushing Schwabs fucking retarded agenda for your grift.

>> No.52637882

I have ed felten saying they have a partnership with chainlink where nodes are validators
Do you even read my posts?

>> No.52637893

absolutely agreed

>> No.52637909

Lol no look again you linked a github repo, retard

>> No.52637936

What else did I say stupid?

>> No.52637950

so far every major rug has had a jew involved and also involved with chainlink. bancor, celcius, ftx anf then there is arbitrum. im not even touching it when a kike is a founder

>> No.52637995

I don't understand how you can be so wrong and yet so arrogant. You said
>Did you read my link above?
And I did, and argued that it did not prove any node is running it. Now you're saying listen to Ed. I don't care what Ed or any other arbitrum person said, this is crypto I am looking for onchain proof. Looks like you don't have any so fuck off

>> No.52638025

Also, from what I remember (and looks like the other retard is trying to recycle this again) they tried to play the we're totally working with link but nothing ever materialised like bancor did. Very sus indeed

>> No.52639110

How is nexo paying 10% yield?