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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52635613 No.52635613 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder this board is compromised with corrupt janitors.
They are pushing the Discreet scam to get personal information and hack any browser wallets you might have.

The moderators of this website are literally involved in criminal activity stealing people's money, shilling their scams, looking the other way.

This board went from 0 pajeet shill threads for weeks to now dedicated general threads about three different .exe type "tokens"
Discreet client has two trojans and a keylogger.
God knows what these other have.

The fact the catalog still has these scams is proof enough, if glowies actually cared about people this shit would have ended ages ago but they are as bad as the corrupt mods who allow this shit.

This is a meta thread so pruning it over your bullshit scams is proof as well.

This board is fucking gay the janitors are gay, the spammers and scammers are somehow gayer than the faggot janitors.