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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5263468 No.5263468 [Reply] [Original]

On our way to $800. Wakey Wakey. There will be more high level B - Cashies running from The Feds and Interpol into the Safety of Monero today and tonight. With The Hounds of The Baskervilles at thier collective asses, they will not care what they pay for it.

>> No.5263500
File: 162 KB, 906x569, VICTOR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In b4 low IQ mouth breather fud. If I want any shit out of you I will squeeze your head. SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP.

>> No.5263514

People keep repeating this thing about bcashers cashing out to Monero, but what actually happened? Why are they cashing out?

>> No.5263557

Locked and loaded. Iyatollah of Rock and Rolla. Lets go Boyos.

>> No.5263655

I think they're talking about Ver's scheme to cash out his BCash to XMR so he can buy some more firecrackers and sparklers without Uncle Sam knowing.

>> No.5263711
File: 223 KB, 631x703, MERCOP10101010101100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, the first financier of the B - Cash "Flippening" crossed the wrong people, and got hung upside down by his balls for it. that is a pretty nasty multi day method of castration. About one day in, they usually beg for an ending. Now, High level Bcahies have pissed off the Mobsters and Banksters in places like Chicago, as well as Old Family CME Traders who have tentacles to The Ends of The Earth. They want blood, and they will have it.

>> No.5263825

>tfw going back up

>> No.5264684

>tfw too late to accumulate more ;_;
what the fuck man 370 eurobucks for 1xmr
i have barely 0.2

>> No.5264739

Monero is too slow. Pump it then dump it for XVG