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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.76 MB, 4980x2801, 1 BMW M3 xDrive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52634548 No.52634548 [Reply] [Original]

>"depreciating asset"
>you can go anywhere
>allows you to live in a cheaper area
>you can just sell it if you need the money
>always a market for it, sells fast

maybe it didn't make sense in the scorching hot golden bull run where you could literally throw money at anything and make a return but an expensive car doesn't seem like that bad of a buy these days

>> No.52634581

car prices keep going up because of the fucked supply situation where you have to wait 6 months to a year for a new car, you could be buying the "top" just like with housing. not to mention gas and maintenance prices

all in all cars aren't for poorfags, as simple as that

>> No.52634587

>"depreciating asset"
yes, it is.
>you can go anywhere
provided it's a well-maintained, paved surface and you have the licensing, registration, inspection, insurance, and permission to do so.
>allows you to live in a cheaper area
at the expense of commuting time. typically a poorfag delusion.
>you can just sell it if you need the money
true, but it's a depreciating asset. if it somehow appreciates you pay capital gains because it's a capital asset.
>always a market for it, sells fast
true for shitboxes. less true for fancy or exotic cars.

>> No.52634741

cars might become an appreciating asset now under global eat the bugs and own nothing communism. places like europe and california are making laws and talking about completely banning gas cars within a decade. imagine the auto market in cuba but globally

>> No.52634898

I know someone who has been waiting longer than a year for a small electric car.

>> No.52634995

A car is okay to own if you need one as long as it's a cheap vehicle. Owning pic related is unironically nightmare fuel.

>> No.52635020

Except housing will always come back long term, your car depreciates with every single year that goes by. Our house we bought in 2010 that was built in 1970 tripled in price when we sold in 2022 despite it being 10 years older.

A car that's even 5 years older will lose more value than you'll gain.

>> No.52635062

How can housing only go up if demand in developed nations only goes down ? Nigger take. Even importing an entire army of Ngubus doesn't guarantee there is going to be more demand because those Ngubus are broke and/or want to live in communal housing. It also reduces demand in the third world (where credit is also usually expensive).

>> No.52635067

Did they fuck up my laundry?

>> No.52635194

The fuck are you talking about? Real estate is arguably the safest possible investment you can make and has only gone up long term.

Demand for housing isn't going down long term, people need a place to live.

>> No.52635252

Expensive cars have always been maintenance black holes and it became a lot worse in the last two decades, before that it usually was just electronic gremlins after that the entire drivetrain became extremely expensive unreliable shitfests
Just look at how well luxury cars hold value

>> No.52635299

Insurance, gas and repairs will eat 20% of your pay and you get to share ether road with increasingly retarded immigrants, women and senile boomers who drive slow in the passing lane. only worth it if where you work is an unwalkable suburban wasteland.

>> No.52636360

forgot the most important point
>makes the poors seethe

>> No.52636378

You don't pay capital gains on cars if you're paying taxes on them
>t. raised up with a used car dealer.

>> No.52636541

People aren't having kids you braindead monkey. Not in the first world anyway, and third worlders don't own shit.

>> No.52636649

Only niggers spend a lot on cars and they love german cars. Sand niggers love white BMWs

>> No.52636664

Car looks like shit. Arabs love BMWs for some reason.

>> No.52637136

I really wanted to buy a nice car at the peak of the bullrun, but I didnt since I thought if I kept that money, I'd make more gains. Turns out I would be much better now if I had done it. I'm down like 95% since December
/Biz/ was like ''you can't spend more than 1.43522203% of your net worth on a car!!! Y-you just c-cant!!!''
Of course its my fault for holding from the top until now though.
The car price would probably go down like what? 20% maybe? Most of the coins I held are down more than 90% kek

>> No.52637389

ive had the same experience, anything extravagant i've bought i got use out of and was able to sell –but all my "smart investments" were shit, i literally bought index funds at the top of the market

>> No.52637411

Right now is the worst time to buy a car though. Prices coming down hard and rates are already elevated.

>> No.52637415

leasing a car is the smart play
fuck owning these pieces of shit

>> No.52637431

>desperate hoomer immediately defends his decision to buy the top of the housing market

>> No.52637542

>you will own nothing and be happy

>> No.52637651

There's nothing wrong with buying a car as long as you understand it's not an investment. Too many people put their ego into what kind of car they drive and overspend on shit they don't need. I'm looking at you suburban F-150 owners and fucking BMW sports car drivers. You're going to the drive-thru at McDonalds, calm the fuck down.

>> No.52637657

>>"depreciating asset"
Well it is if you buy brand new.

The previous M3 model for example is still an amazing car, some would argue even better than this chink crap and it costs less than half.
And the best thing is, the older M3 is already practically bottomed in price.

>> No.52637672

With inflation being what it is right now, cars don't really depreciate anymore.

>> No.52638561
File: 147 KB, 1280x720, Dacia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the /biz/ car

>> No.52638650
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>housing will always come back long term
Yeah, if you bought the top of Japan's housing bubble 30 years ago you'd only be down 25% today! Great investment, line only goes up!

>> No.52638689
File: 189 KB, 1200x800, 1200x-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's the 1992 roadmaster station wagon with white detailing and wood immation vinyl siding.

>> No.52638695

@OP the newer cars are prone to get repaired all the time..
if you guys want something cheap and reliable (in the sense of repairs and other costs), its the best to get a pre-2005 diesel motored car from preferably a good german manufacturer

>> No.52638722

maintenance, insurance, gas

>> No.52638861

Housing is a function of maintenance, credit, law and order, location, utility etc
It doesn't just go up there are entire countries that get wiped out and the real value goes down. Don't just look at the USD value. I will grant you that they are printing lots of money and increasing immigration like crazy, but that actually accelerates all the things that are a threat to housing, namely the destruction of the country.

>> No.52639048

can't wait to see BMW x holoride in the future.

>> No.52639147
File: 101 KB, 1000x667, hearse_Jag_E-type-5-1000x667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's the E-Type hearse.
Roomier, and spares you shitloads in rentals everytime someone you know dies.

>> No.52639184

>"depreciating asset"
>you can go anywhere
>allows you to live in a cheaper area
>you can just sell it if you need the money
>always a market for it, sells fast

>> No.52640278

>just get a 20 year old car bro, it'll be more reliable
uhh anon..

>> No.52640336

Even mainstream outlets, whose only purpose is to keep the normies from getting too scared, are calling for cars to dump next year.
Of course they don't seem like a bad buy after they hold value or increase in value for 2+ years.
But, at wholesale they're losing a percent a week in value since august, but banks won't budge and let them sell below their reserve. We have a slow-motion collapse in progress that will make it to retail at some point after dealers have to face the music.
Flooring costs don't seem like anything when the cars are going up in value day by day, but when it flips, good luck. I say this as someone who's looking to buy an LC500 after things settle down, I can understand the appeal of a nice car.

>> No.52640397

ive had my entire life on pause for 6 months due to this thinking and im starting to believe that none of it is ever coming down. i need to get a car and a place to live but im trying so hard not to get hosed that i just end up doing nothing

>> No.52640438

It obviously depends what kind of car you want as far as what's happening and when. I've watched higher-end luxury cars come down by 10-20% or more in the past couple months, and dealers are behaving way less like shitbags with the mandatory add-ons.
Why would it cause your life to grind to a halt? What are you looking to buy? Genuine questions.
If you don't have ANY car at all then obviously you probably need to get into something, as long as you make a decent income.

>> No.52640455
File: 663 KB, 1919x1080, 7465BD51-B521-48AB-B2AA-F0FC5142CB8C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I contemplated selling 2 cars and using that to buy a car I’ve wanted a while. Then I saw how inflated prices are and that interest rates are ridiculously high and decided it’s not worth it at all.

>> No.52640472

>How can housing only go up if demand in developed nations only goes down ?


>Thread where people are claiming cars are worth more than houses

Braindead board.

>> No.52640477

sold crypto in May 2021 and bought a 911, can sell it for a 10k profit if i wanted to. ez money

>> No.52640505

i moved back in with my parents 6 months ago to wait for the housing market to cool off before finding another place, that did not happen. i make 120k so ive been able to save quite a bit but im so hellbent on not getting fucked that ive just been sitting on my ass doing nothing. i own nothing so buying a nice car would at least make me feel good about waging for a brief moment, otherwise im just not seeing the point

>> No.52640525

that's a nice car, anon. i hope your dream comes true one day.

>> No.52640541

everytime I use public transport I get absolutely shafted by delays and cancelations.
a car significantly improves your life quality.

>> No.52640579

i looked at my spending since 2015 and ive burned through 65k on public transportation, over 100k if i include uber

>> No.52640630

I see. Yeah, these things take time and I understand how that makes it different. I didn't expect that you legitimately moved back home and dumped everything. This stuff isn't worth pausing your life over, but it is likely going to be worth holding off on an upgrade (that is my situation). Depending on the car, you probably make enough money such that you could afford the impending losses. As you can see my opinion changes with your circumstances, and you make a decent income. My $0.02 would be, just don't way overbuy and screw yourself out of being able to save for a house.
If things are still upside down near you my advice is to expand your search to out of state listings and email around to try and negotiate the best out the door pricing on the car you want. This will help to limit depreciation if your local market is screwed up. Then you fly out and drive the thing home. If I were to buy one of the models I'm looking at today, I'd save significant money doing this.

>> No.52640662
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>breaks down

>> No.52640694

lmao, it will take 50 years for that to haven an effect on the population size, you dumb retard.

>> No.52640789

A car is an extremely valuable asset in a 2nd to 3rd world country like the United States. Buying brand new is the mistake, because car manufacturers don’t sell cars, they sell loans. Don’t be the guy who borrowed money to have a shiny car, be the guy who buys the car off of the guy who bought the shiny car, a couple years down the road when that guys debt starts to bury him.

>> No.52640937

>3rd world country like the united states
stopped reading there

>> No.52640971

Did you really just type that out, do a green text thing, and type a caption just to tell me you stopped reading? Of course you read my full comment.

>> No.52640989

You just made me feel so much better about my life.

>> No.52641172
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start reading here

>> No.52641533

If you're really looking at a car as a room that moves then qn expensive one is wrong.
Get a Honda Civic or a supercab truck. Though the difference is about $50,000 so, ya know...

>> No.52641561

normie trash like m3s falls off a cliff. a lot of supercars hold value well. you can’t buy any of them without paying over msrp even if 5 years old and 20k mi. especially the v10s and v12s which won’t exist anymore

>> No.52641564

how the fuck you spend 10k a year on public transport
even NYC's monthly pass is like 1000 a year

>> No.52641680
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trust me there’s nothing like it. ive owned all the garbage. buy one used and open exhaust up and enjoy the good life. if it ever gets boring (it doesnt) ship to ams for stage 2 twin turbo

>> No.52641684

idk i have to go back and look at it again

>> No.52641706

Nobody will own a car in next 5 years once AutoPilot is out of beta. Everyone will just set their Tesla's to run in Taxi mode which means entire road will be full of distributed ride sharing taxis. Will be super cheap to get from place to place and very safe with all autopilot cars.

>> No.52641757

Transmission in new automatic cars break after a few years.

>> No.52641822
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i hope it s satire